
If the elderly want to be in good health, they must get up in the morning and must "three don'ts"

author:Xiangcun Shenghe

The first step to a healthy life should start with getting up every morning. Getting up in the morning is an important time for human body functions to recover from sleep, and this period of time is the most critical time for our body. It is not only related to the mood of the day, but also related to the health of various organs of our body. There are "three don'ts" when we get up in the morning, and we must remember it, especially the elderly.

First, do not get up violently:

In the morning, after a night of rest, the body is still in a state of chaos, and at this time the body is half asleep and half awake. When people sleep, the heartbeat will slow down, the same blood flow rate in the body will also slow down, if you get up at this time, the blood in the body suddenly flows back, it is easy to cause physical discomfort, especially for the elderly who have underlying diseases, the harm is greater. Therefore, after waking up in the morning, you must first open your eyes and lie flat on the bed for two or three minutes, so that the blood in your body can be circulated before you can get up and dress.

If the elderly want to be in good health, they must get up in the morning and must "three don'ts"

Second, do not hold back the bowel movements:

Between 5:00 and 7:00 in the morning, is the most active time for the body's large intestine peristalsis, at this time, the large intestine absorbs the nutrients of yesterday's food, excess residue and waste are ready to be discharged, therefore, normal people will have a defecation intention after getting up in the morning, at this time, we must defecate as soon as possible in time, so that both the large intestine and liver are reduced, but also the bladder stress reduction. If the stool is not strong at this time, we can drink a cup of warm boiled water first, which will help moisten the intestines and smoothly drain the stool.

If the elderly want to be in good health, they must get up in the morning and must "three don'ts"

Third, do not pay attention to breakfast:

Some people do not pay attention to breakfast, rush to get some biscuits at home or buy a bun on the road, buy a cup of soy milk while eating and hurrying, which is very harmful to the body. In the morning, yesterday the nutrients in the body have been digested and absorbed, the stomach is empty, if the breakfast is not good, not only the stomach will be uncomfortable but also damage to other internal organs. Moreover, if the breakfast is not good, it will affect the work efficiency of the whole morning, and the gain is not worth the loss. Therefore, breakfast must be half an hour after getting up, sitting at the table to eat safely, and the food should be rich, and all kinds of nutrition are properly matched, only in this way, there is enough nutrition to support a full day of work and study.

If the elderly want to be in good health, they must get up in the morning and must "three don'ts"

In short, the elderly should pay more attention to the living habits of getting up early due to the decline of physical functions, and the above "three don'ts" are the most basic requirements after getting up in the morning, so everyone must do it.