
In 1972, three Tsinghua students mysteriously disappeared while climbing a mountain, leaving behind three pairs of chopsticks with a mysterious meaning

author:Brain hole fun history

On the afternoon of July 21, 1971, the mountaineering club of Tsinghua University in Taiwan was discussing the next mountain they wanted to conquer, in addition to a mountain friend from National Taiwan University, they are all climbers who love mountaineering to challenge themselves and exercise themselves, and there are not many climbers who have climbed, although they still call themselves amateur climbers, but they have no gap with those professional mountaineers, so the mountain they want to challenge must be steep and difficult to climb.

In fact, there are many beautiful peaks in Taiwan Province, the most widely known is Alishan, but those dangerous peaks, we are few people know, but in the understanding of these climbers, there is a mountain that many of them want to conquer, that is, Qilai Mountain.

Qilai Mountain is a highest altitude of 3559 meters high mountain, in its north to see this mountain, it is greeted by a strange black, and in the local population, it is a mountain difficult and dangerous peak, if not to prepare for the master, this Qilai Mountain can be quite easy to lose a small life, so Qilai Mountain also has another name - black Chilai.

Qilai Mountain is steep, but for these Tsinghua University students who are equally excellent in knowledge and health, Qilai Mountain has become their consensus.

After the final decision to climb the mountain was Mount Chi lai, a person also made sufficient preparations, looked at the weather at that time, saw that it was already a typhoon crossing, and took a body of mountaineering equipment, which could play their useful role to the fullest when on the mountain. In short, a person has done all the preparations he can think of, and everything is ready only to owe the East Wind.

In 1972, three Tsinghua students mysteriously disappeared while climbing a mountain, leaving behind three pairs of chopsticks with a mysterious meaning

But there was no east wind, but there was another sudden typhoon.

On 22 July, the crowd had set out for Songxuelou, where they were ready to begin their journey to Mount Chi lai, when a very important news was being sent, when the crowd suddenly lost their previous caution, skimmed through their ears, stopped greeting the meaning of the message, and decided to go up the mountain as planned the next day.

The news sent from the meteorological broadcast station in Songxuelou was about another typhoon, another moderate typhoon "Nading", which they did not pay attention to, and the sudden arrival of this typhoon would teach this group of college students who were not prepared for this a blood lesson.

On July 23, when Taiwan's Tsinghua Mountaineering Club and the classmate from National Taiwan University climbed the mountain, they were in trouble — at that time, Qilai Mountain was not a mountain that many people had climbed, and the government had not done any protective measures or guidance there, and one person just spent a day and a night looking for a way on the mountain, and the last one was too much physical exertion, which was one of the reasons why they failed to survive the disaster later.

On July 24, after a day of travel, a group of people finally climbed the Ridge of Chi lai (at 3440M of Mount Chi Lai) in the afternoon, and they were celebrating one by one, but they did not know that danger was coming.

In 1972, three Tsinghua students mysteriously disappeared while climbing a mountain, leaving behind three pairs of chopsticks with a mysterious meaning

Low clouds, some depression, but the weather should be not bad, there is no storm coming, the crowd can only feel some dull air, and can not feel the typhoon that is not close.

At night, the climate suddenly changed, the typhoon that was not said to be late was finally coming, and the people who climbed the mountain saw that the wind suddenly became stronger at this time, and they knew that it was not good, but the body was too tired, if they did not rest for a while, it was difficult to have the physical strength to continue climbing.

On July 25, in the early hours of the morning, the sky was no longer just wind, wind and rain, rain and wet people's clothes and carry-ons, they dragged the rain and their belongings one by one to move forward. Before they could continue their retreat, at 7 o'clock, they learned through meteorological reports that the typhoon was about to make landfall, and the leader led them in an emergency retreat.

The retreat was long and arduous, and at about 1:30 p.m., the crowd slowly emerged from the primeval forest and reached the saddles of Mount Chilai and Mount Hehuan. In fact, according to the normal situation, it is already safe to walk to this position, because the distance from the Songxue Building is only two or three hours, but at this time they are exhausted, the weather is even more stormy and rainy, their forward speed at this time is much slower than normal, and the physical exertion is also doubling.

After the double blow of nature and physical strength, finally, the three people in the team were exhausted, could no longer move forward, and left their short lives in the Qilai Mountain forever, and there were 4 people, one of them ran to the Songxue Building for help, one person fell only 50 meters away from the Songxue Building, and one person was not far from the Songxue Building, but his physical strength did not support him to climb the slope, he also finally fell, and the last person, with the help of the search and rescue personnel called by the person who called for help, was successfully rescued, so far, The original 7-person climbing team was in this Chilai Mountain, and only two people survived. 7 college students climbed the mountain and finally only two people were left in the harsh environment, which was in the 1971 era, college students can be said to be very rare, at this time, immediately attracted the attention of the relevant departments, the relevant departments finally decided to build some shelters in various parts of The Qilai Mountain for the use of later people who came to climb the mountain, and put 5 photos of people in vault No. 1 as a memorial and a wake-up call for climbers.

In 1972, three Tsinghua students mysteriously disappeared while climbing a mountain, leaving behind three pairs of chopsticks with a mysterious meaning

Strange to say, these five photos later had a story, saying that after this incident, some people continued to come to The Hill of Chi lai mountain, they just happened to encounter rain that time, they stayed in the shelter with the photo, and that night, at the same time, some young people lived in, they did not speak, they took care of themselves, and then hurriedly went to sleep, and the next morning, they left without any movement, and when the mountaineers who lived in the shelter were strange, One of the climbers looked at the five pictures on the wall and he was startled.

No matter what the results of the mountaineering club's affairs are, and later because of the absurd things that happened to the people of the mountaineering club, it is said that what the relevant departments do should still be effective and can effectively reduce the occurrence of such things, but as far as what happened later, the Tsinghua Mountaineering Society seems to have opened a wave of times, a wave of mountain disasters in this weird black Qilai Mountain.

In 1972, a year after the Tsinghua Mountaineering Club encountered a mountain disaster, during this year, many people from the Tsinghua University Mountaineering Club climbed up The Qilai Mountain to pay tribute to their dead seniors, and in August, several students who did not go to pay tribute to the students but had the same ideas as those who had died before also set foot on the road of Qilai Mountain.

It was a small group of three people, led by Qiu Gao, a college student who was about to enlist in the military, who was from the political science department of Tunghai University and usually loved mountaineering. He was going to have a smooth sailing, at this time he wanted to complete a goal, that is, to climb the Qilai Mountain, although many people have reached the top, but it does not affect his determination to climb the mountain, for this reason, he called two friends of Fu Jen University - that is, his junior high school alumni, although the intersection is not deep, but the three also have some common points and common topics, so they called them.

In 1972, three Tsinghua students mysteriously disappeared while climbing a mountain, leaving behind three pairs of chopsticks with a mysterious meaning

All three belong to the type with strong learning ability and good health, and they have climbed a lot of mountains before they want to climb Chilai Mountain, so they are confident about climbing Chilai Mountain.

On August 18, they submitted their application to the Athletic Association Mountaineering Association, along with a road map of unusual routes, and their every move demonstrated their determination to conquer the mountain.

On August 22, the three marched from Taichung to Mount Chi Lai, and the 23rd was the last time they were witnessed in the crowd, and the exact time they stayed in the world.

Mountaineering is indeed a time-consuming and laborious sport, often before climbing the mountain is not a problem for several days, but on September 4, more than ten days after the three people climbed the mountain, the three people have disappeared into the society for ten days, and at this time, gradually attracted the attention of the families of the three climbers and relevant departments.

Under the transfer of relevant departments, on September 5, the news of these three people finally came to an end.

A man named Zhou Yanwang said on the other end of the phone that he had found some small items in the Qilai Mountains on August 28, which were a notebook, some clothing and shelter, some food, and hiking equipment. They were scattered there, very eye-catching.

In 1972, three Tsinghua students mysteriously disappeared while climbing a mountain, leaving behind three pairs of chopsticks with a mysterious meaning

It is reasonable to say that when climbing in the mountains, these items will not be discarded, because these are basic tools, many times can be used, but why he left it here, Zhou Yanwang is very strange, and at the same time there are some not very good guesses, but he does not dare to think much, picked up a drop object to take away.

Just when Zhou Yanwang thought that he had found the corresponding things of the mountain accident personnel, the relevant departments also sent a message, these items are not owned by those three people, but someone else, so that the matter of the disappearance of the three people has once again fallen into difficulty, but one thing is almost certain, for such a long time, the three people who disappeared are almost fierce.

The time has passed 8 days, September 12, the relevant departments finally found the three people's belongings, and the location of the discovery is still the seat belt area, which shows that the three people may be rescued by the local indigenous people, which greatly increases the confidence of the search and rescue people.

On September 13, after dozens of days of searching, the search and rescue personnel still did not succeed in searching and rescue, but experienced various dangers, at this time, they had to wonder whether the three people had been killed, and whether the reason for the death was that something was chasing them, because the items that fell on the ground were not like the three people themselves, but were dropped in the escape.

On September 25, after all kinds of events, the ever-expanding search and rescue team finally found a suspicious suspicion between the north peak of Qilai Mountain and the third Qilai Mountain Villa, where the search and rescue team smelled a fishy smell, and they suspected that this was the S body of the three people.

The three people were eventually killed, but the process of the three people's deaths was still strange.

In 1972, three Tsinghua students mysteriously disappeared while climbing a mountain, leaving behind three pairs of chopsticks with a mysterious meaning
In 1972, three Tsinghua students mysteriously disappeared while climbing a mountain, leaving behind three pairs of chopsticks with a mysterious meaning

Although the process of finding the three people was extremely difficult, the search and rescue team has been finding objects and footprints left by the three people on the way. Some of the used spoons and chopsticks were placed on the ground by the three people, and the spoons seemed to be dropped in the chase, and the chopsticks were specially inserted into the ground with three pairs.

The meaning of three pairs of chopsticks is explained by the locals, saying that it is the meaning of asking for help, but an incident that happened after that made this matter more colorful.

Nine years after the QiuGao incident, when a climber went up the mountain to take a picture, after taking a solo photo of himself, he finally found a dwarf behind his location in the photo, and the dwarf, according to the mother of the Qiu Gao incident, was her son, and the dwarf was wearing her son's coat.

Although this statement is somewhat mysterious, this matter may still be a coincidence, and it can only be said that the "no result" of the Qiu Gao incident after the relevant departments encountered two consecutive mountain disasters for college students has frustrated the Taiwan government, the police, and the mountaineering community that have invested a lot of search manpower and material resources. Therefore, after this incident, public opinion began to call on the government to establish a complete mountain disaster search and rescue system to avoid the recurrence of the lack of budget, temporary teaming, and the slowness of learning about the mountain disaster in the Qiugao incident, which caused more regrets.

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