
Does moisture have something to do with hair oil? After reading these five points, you will know

author:Pharmacist Lin online antidote

Humid climate can easily lead to moisture in the body, what is moisture? How does moisture manifest itself? What diseases is easy to cause by moisture? How should people with heavy humidity maintain their health?

Does moisture have something to do with hair oil? After reading these five points, you will know

Moisture invades, "inside and out" pinch

Traditional medicine believes: "A thousand colds are easy to remove, and a wet is difficult to go." In addition to the "wetness" in the environment, some bad habits in life can also attract moisture.

"Wet" is one of the six kinds of external diseases in Chinese medicine, wind, cold, summer, wetness, dryness and fire, and it is the most difficult to entangle. Moisture never fights alone, always "committing crimes" with other evils:

Cold into cold and wet, let people cold through the bone; in the case of heat for damp and hot, stuffy breathless, can not sweat; in the face of wind into rheumatism, become a chronic disease that is difficult to get rid of...

Does moisture have something to do with hair oil? After reading these five points, you will know

Moisture is extraterrimal and intrinsically wet:

External humidity is mostly caused by external moisture invading the human body such as humid climate, wading rain, and humid living environment. In addition, moisture can also cause the head to emit oil, according to experts, the external environment, spleen and stomach function and mood and other factors, can lead to the aggravation of moisture in the body, so that the head emits oil. If you are plagued by oil on your head for a long time, you must seek medical treatment in time, remove moisture in the body, and develop good living habits in life in order to say goodbye to greasy.

Does moisture have something to do with hair oil? After reading these five points, you will know

Internal wetness is due to the weakness of the spleen and stomach, water wet stop gathering caused, in layman's terms, is to eat too much cold, greasy food, resulting in spleen and stomach imbalance, difficult to digest reasonably caused, will lead to chest tightness, nausea, less urine and loose stool, puffy face swelling, simply speaking, internal dampness will lead to digestive system failure and limb puffiness.

Therefore, to prevent the invasion of moisture, the human body must reject the external moisture from the outside of the body, and also need to prevent the wetness from being endogenous.

People with heavy humidity have 3 manifestations

Chinese medicine says that "wet is as heavy as a wrap", the body is heavy with moisture, and it feels wrapped up, as if wearing a semi-dry dress. Wherever the moisture goes, there will be different physical manifestations.

On the surface of the body, there can be drowsiness around the body, sore and heavy limbs, etc.;

Further invasion of the joint, the joint is sore, heavy, unfavorable movement, and the sore is fixed;

Violation of the head, which may appear heavy as a wrap in the head;

Stagnation in the chest and abdomen, manifested by chest tightness and stomach distension, short urine and so on;

If you go down wet, you may have symptoms such as lower extremity edema and diarrhea.

Does moisture have something to do with hair oil? After reading these five points, you will know

How do I know if I have moisture in my body? It can be judged from the following three aspects.

1. The state at which you got up

When you wake up in the morning, you are sleepy, and you feel that there is something wrapped around your head, or you feel that there is something wrapped around your body, and this feeling of being wrapped is the body's feeling of moisture.

The calves are sore and heavy, which is also a typical feature of moisture in the body.

2. Stool

What kind of big is normal? "Khaki, cylindrical; banana shape, very unobstructed". The stool is normal, one or two pieces of tissue can be wiped clean, but people with wetness in the body need 4 to 5 sheets to wipe clean.

The stool is thin, sticky, and not formed, which may be a sign of moisture in the body.

3. Tongue moss

The healthy tongue is reddish and moist, and there is a thin layer of white tongue on the tongue surface.

If the tongue is white and thick and looks slippery and wet, it may be cold and wet in the body; if the tongue is rough or thick, yellow and greasy, it means that there is damp heat in the body.

Does moisture have something to do with hair oil? After reading these five points, you will know

How to maintain moisture?

The so-called disease should be prevented, and prevention should be maintained. Doing a good job in daily health care can well prevent moisture and alleviate the symptoms of wet disease.

1 People with a phlegm wet constitution should eat less cold drinks in summer and blow less air conditioning to avoid further damage to the yang; in winter, they can bask in the sun or sunbathe; and avoid going out as much as possible in rainy weather.

2 People with a humid and hot constitution should avoid the heat in the summer, eat more hot and moist foods such as coix seeds, loofahs, and red beans, and eat less greasy and thick and spicy foods; try to avoid living in hot and humid places for a long time.

3 Humidity try to avoid staying up late to prevent aggravated phlegm wetness; more outdoor exercises, such as long-distance running, mountaineering and ball games and other sports activities, more sweating can spread wet evil.

Does moisture have something to do with hair oil? After reading these five points, you will know

Two medicinal diets to remove dampness are recommended

Kapok tangerine peel porridge

Kapok 30g, tangerine peel 10g, japonica rice 100g, honey to taste. Kapok and tangerine peel are fried to remove the residue to extract the juice, cooked together with japonica rice to form a porridge, and finally add honey.

Chicken winter melon coix soup

10g of ginseng, minced; 20g of coix kernels, soaked in advance for 4h; 300g of chicken, cut into pieces, blanched in water; 500g of winter melon, peeled and cut into pieces; green onion and ginger to taste. First stew the chicken, coix seeds, green onion and ginger, then add ginseng and winter melon, and cook over low heat.