
The Liangdang County Work Style Construction Work Promotion Meeting was held

author:Longnan Liangdang released

On April 18, the county's work style construction work promotion meeting was held, Guo Shengjun, secretary of the county party committee, attended the meeting and made a speech, and Wu Bing, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county governor of the government, presided over the meeting.

The Liangdang County Work Style Construction Work Promotion Meeting was held

The meeting deeply studied General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the construction of work style and the spirit of the central, provincial and municipal governments, and issued the spirit of the notice on the implementation plan for the "Ten Rectification" Activities of Discipline and Work Style in a Concentrated Manner.

The Liangdang County Work Style Construction Work Promotion Meeting was held

Guo Shengjun stressed: It is necessary to raise our standing and profoundly understand the necessity and urgency of building work style. It is necessary to grasp the building of work style from a political height, persistently carry forward the party's glorious traditions and fine work style, deepen the work style construction with the spirit of nails, and promote the comprehensive improvement of the ability of party members and cadres in the whole county and the comprehensive improvement of work style. It is necessary to grasp the building of work style in a problem-oriented manner, adhere to the main tone of strictness, grasp it for a long time, persistently grasp it, and grasp it in depth, unceasingly rectify unhealthy work style, make great efforts to "correct the four winds" and create a new style, and constantly push forward the building of work style in depth. It is necessary to grasp the building of work style according to the needs of reality, constantly strengthen the building of the party's work style, and let "thinking, daring to do, doing good, and being able to do" become the main theme of cadres taking responsibility for their work and starting their own businesses, so as to invigorate the spirit, arouse fighting spirit, establish an image, and win the hearts and minds of the people with a good work style. It is necessary to highlight the key points and solidly promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of the construction of work style. Efforts should be made to solve the problem of weak political awareness, stand in the "two overall situations," bear in mind the "great power of the country," constantly improve political judgment, enhance political understanding, and enhance political execution, be loyal to the party, have one heart with the party, stand firm, maintain concentration, and always be a person who understands politics. Efforts should be made to solve the problem of low level of ability, continuously improve the "seven abilities" and "eight major skills", and accumulate extensive knowledge, cultivate a wise mind, and exercise practical skills in order to adapt to the new era, implement new concepts, solve new problems, and create new achievements. Efforts should be made to solve the problem of insufficient responsibility, vigorously guard against formalism and bureaucracy, better base ourselves on the overall situation of development, seize development opportunities, consolidate work responsibilities, improve work style, and make every effort to promote the high-quality economic and social development of the county. Efforts should be made to solve the problem of lax discipline and rules, use strong medicine to eliminate the problems, and the determination of the brave soldiers to break their wrists, strictly enforce discipline and law, stop unhealthy tendencies and evil tendencies, and resolutely correct people and things that violate the eight central regulations and discipline and rules. It is necessary to strengthen leadership and comprehensively enhance the sense of responsibility and mission in the building of work style. It is necessary to firmly shoulder political responsibility, conscientiously perform the main responsibility, refine the objectives and tasks, establish a list of accounts, improve work measures, and promote the construction of work style to form a work pattern that runs from top to bottom, grasps and manages together, and vigorously promotes. It is necessary to give play to the exemplary role, adhere to high standards and strict requirements, take the lead in changing the style of work, changing the style of work, grasping the style of work, educating and guiding party members and cadres to consciously cultivate their hearts and practices, bring good traditions into a new journey, and carry forward good work styles in the new era. It is necessary to establish a long-term mechanism to further improve the system and regulations around the "three public" expenditures, official business receptions, local government investment attraction, and stopping catering waste, solve the problems of lagging behind the system, system violations, and non-compliance with rules, and weave a dense system "cage". It is necessary to strictly supervise and inquire about the effectiveness, incorporate the "ten rectification" activities of discipline and work style into the key matters of annual supervision and supervision and target assessment, adopt the method of "four noes and two straights" to supervise and inspect the whole process of the activities carried out by all levels and departments in the county, implement the supervision and appraisal, reward the good and punish the inferior, and promote the upsurge of rectifying the four winds and building a new trend and grasping the rectification of the excellent work style throughout the county.

Wu Bing demanded that we should raise our political standing and quickly convey the spirit of the meeting. Give full play to the leading role, take the lead in setting an example, personally practice, do a good job at the same level and lead the subordinates, effectively enhance the initiative, enthusiasm and urgency of changing the work style, and promote the construction of the county's work style to achieve solid results. It is necessary to conscientiously investigate and sort out the problems and promote the rectification work against the benchmarking table. We should put the search for problems in our own work style and the comprehensive rectification and implementation in a prominent position, and resolutely ensure that self-examination and self-correction are not profoundly not let go, the analysis of the causes of problems is not thorough, and the rectification and reform measures are not effective. It is necessary to persist in rectifying trees at the same time and ensure that the rectification work achieves practical results. Persist in rectifying the "four winds" and planting new winds at the same time, give full play to the role of punishment and vigilance in typical cases, vigorously advocate the establishment of new winds and healthy trends, promote the continuous improvement of party style and government style, and strive to create a clean and healthy political ecology.

The Liangdang County Work Style Construction Work Promotion Meeting was held

Attending the meeting were all the leaders of the four major county groups at home, the principal responsible persons of the two mutiny memorial halls, the courts, and the procuratorates, the principal responsible persons of the townships, townships, work stations, and units directly under the county government, and the members of the leading bodies of the county discipline inspection commission.


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