
The impact of five luck and six qi on human health

author:Dr. Peng Xin, ACM Physician

[This article is: Dr. Peng lectures on the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic" series - essence - 447.] (More exciting content is constantly being updated...) )】

"Emperor: What is victory? Qi Bo Yue: Spring wins long summer, long summer wins winter, winter wins summer, summer wins autumn, autumn wins spring, the so-called victory of the five elements, each with its own life. Emperor: How do you know its victory? Qi Bo Yue: Seek it to the end, and return to the first spring. If it does not come, this is too much, then the thin will not win, and the victory will be won by the multiplication, the fate is adulterous, there is no distinction between evil and stalking, and the work cannot be forbidden; if it is not enough, it will be victorious and vain, and the disease that is born will not be overcome, and the fate will be forced. The so-called seekers, when the qi arrives, so does it. Wait for the time, the qi can be with the period, the time is lost, the five rules are not divided, the evil is endogenous, and the work cannot be forbidden. ——" The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic• Six Sections of Tibetan Elephant Theory

(Continued) Just now I took everyone through it from beginning to end, and everyone was very clear. Next, I will take you to each key word again. Let's first talk about what is too much and what is not enough. Too much and too little usually refers to the five luck and six qi too much and not enough, that is, the five luck too late, we know that too much refers to being born and more, and not being too late refers to the decline and inadequacy. Five luck has ten days to dry, five times two, isn't it ten? In the ten days of dryness, each has yin and yang, the yang stem is more than enough, and the yin stem is insufficient. Methyl ethylene propyl butyl heptyl heptyl heptyl nonyl, the so-called singular number is what we call the odd number. Methyl propylene heptano, which is five yang stems, the main luck is more than enough, for too much. Ethyl butyl hexylxine is five yin stems, the main luck is insufficient, it is not enough.

For example, for example, the combination of the five fortunes and six qi, which is separated by five chemical combinations, is not quite the same as the four pillars we call. The normal compatibility of the four pillars is the Eastern A Yi wood, then the southern propylene fire, the central pentahexyl soil, the western Gengxin jin, and the northern non-decyl water, which is in accordance with the normal ten days of dry five elements to return to him to belong to the gold wood water and fire earth. Our five luck and six qi are very special, five luck and six qi are A hexylated soil, A is one, and then add a five, that is the sixth, the sixth is not the self? Therefore, it is said that the A-hexylation is combined with the soil transport, so it is said that the A-hexylation is combined with the soil. If it is the analogy of the same as the soil transport, every year of the six jia, that is, the year of the six jia, that is, the year of the six jia, that is, the year of the six jia, that is, the year of the six jia, the year of the six is too much soil luck. Every six years of self-esteem, such as self-esteem, 己卯, 己 ugly, 己海, 己酉, 己未, these six years are the years of bad luck.

Like what we call the ugly year and the year before we are, we are more familiar with it, which coincides with the year of our Common Era. At the end of this year, it is nine, ninety-nine, eighty-nine, seventy-nine. For example, seven or nine years is the year of the sheep, the year of the sheep is exactly the year of the sheep, the year of birth in the year of seven or nine years is the sheep, and so on. Let's take an example, so if you are born in the same year, according to the five lucks and six qi of the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, it is insufficient soil luck. Insufficient soil transport is the weakness of the spleen and stomach. A person born in the first year, he is the soil transport foot, the soil transport foot of the spleen and stomach is relatively strong, but it should be noted that he has a chemical combination, when he is strong, it is easy to stagnate, he will not dredge, easy to bloat. In his own years, he is insufficient, he is vain, it is different. Therefore, we also need to be specifically subdivided clinically, and it cannot be said that a person born in his own year must be weak in the spleen and stomach, and he also has the adjustment of the day after tomorrow. As I have just said, it is the consummation of the five elements of man's qi, and if he returns to his innate nature, the earth's fortunes will be restored again. That is what the ancients said, the five elements are complete again, and the perfection of the five elements is not beyond the three realms and five elements? He is not constrained.

We see that many of these statements in ancient China are examples, what jumps out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements, what does this mean? It refers to the physical and mental state of this person, he is very harmonious, after he is very harmonious, he is not subject to the so-called too much constraint, he does not have these acquired problems, he can do his best to live a hundred years, according to the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic". He is not affected by external influences. Normal people he has some too much and not enough, gold, wood, water, fire and earth more or less, this time he is easily disturbed by the outside world, after a disturbance, he is prone to disease, so we have to use this materia medica of heaven and earth, these plants it has the deviation of the five elements of qi, but it returns to the innate qi purity, so it is said to use the qi of these plants to reverse the qi of the body. In fact, Chinese medicine is such a very simple truth, if it comes down to summing up, it is such a thing.

Many people have more divine acupuncture, and acupuncture is more profound. Acupuncture is to adjust the acupuncture points of the body, dredge the qi and blood, and then adjust too much or not, too much to unblock your dredging, so that you can unobstruct, it will not be too much. Not enough to make up for you. Like acupuncture techniques, burning mountain fires, through the cold, is not one needle too much, one needle is not enough? One is a fire and the other is a warm supplement. This is the method of acupuncture. In fact, its core methodology is to coordinate the inadequacies and surpluses of the body. At the same time, there is more to weaken it, and less to supplement or strengthen it. In this way, this person has a balance again, which is the core methodology of Chinese medicine, and its basic idea of treatment. There is more profound content, and we will not expand on it today's time limit.

We look further back, "each with the qi to kill its own dirt", the meaning of this name has just been said, that is, to use this qi, spring, long summer and other four times of the name to name the body's internal organs. What I have just talked about is the explanation in Zhang Zhicong's "Su Qing Ji Xie". Let's share with you the explanation in Zhang Jiebin's "Class Classic". The explanation in the "Class Classic" is that spring should be wood, wood should win the soil, long summer should be soil, earth should be water, and so on. "Not only is this the victory of the four hours, but so is the five organs of man, such as the liver should be victorious over the spleen, the spleen should be victorious over the soil and the kidneys, the kidneys should be victorious over the heart by water, the heart should be victorious over the lungs by fire, and the lungs should be gold and the liver, so it is said that the qi should kill its organs." Actually, this is a meaning. (To be continued)

This article is: Dr. Peng lectures on the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic" series - the essence of the four hundred and forty-seven. (More exciting content is constantly being updated...) )

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