
Will U.S. aircraft be stationed in Nansha? The Taiwan authorities threw out dangerous remarks, Hu Xijin: The flashpoint is not far away

author:Four minutes and thirty-three seconds

Since the DPP seized power in the Taiwan region, the Taiwan authorities have hurriedly turned back the clock in history, refused to recognize the "1992 Consensus" that embodies the one-China principle, and even continued to promote the process of "seeking independence through force." Wu Zhaoxie, who was included in the mainland's blacklist of "Taiwan independence" elements, was even more clamoring because he did not know the height of the sky, and the Russo-Ukrainian War made the mainland realize that it "did not dare to use force against Taiwan easily," otherwise it would face "unbearable losses."

In order to enhance the Taiwan authorities' ability to call the mainland's capital, the diehard elements of the Democratic Progressive Party, represented by Tsai Ing-wen, Su Zhenchang, Wu Chao-sup, and others, have constantly intensified their collusion with the anti-China forces in the United States.

Will U.S. aircraft be stationed in Nansha? The Taiwan authorities threw out dangerous remarks, Hu Xijin: The flashpoint is not far away

On the morning of April 15, Graham, a member of the delegation, pointed out in a meeting with Tsai Ing-wen that at the time of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the US political circles have shown "unprecedented solidarity" with the Taiwan Strait issue, and the Taiwan region has a unique advantage in the field of semiconductor manufacturing, and hopes to strengthen economic relations with the Taiwan region in the future. In addition, U.S. lawmakers have no shame in saying that the current U.S. alliance system is "unprecedentedly united and strong", and it is time to unite all Indo-Pacific partners and "make the mainland pay the price"!

Washington's actions are challenging the sensitive nerves of the mainland, and shortly after the release of 6 US lawmakers in Taiwan, another explosive news came out, and the situation on both sides of the taiwan strait suddenly changed.

Will U.S. aircraft be stationed in Nansha? The Taiwan authorities threw out dangerous remarks, Hu Xijin: The flashpoint is not far away

Quoting a number of well-known media reports on the island, the Taiwan authorities plan to extend the airport runway on Taiping Island, the largest island in the Spratly Islands, from the current 1150 meters to 1500 meters to meet the take-off and landing needs of fixed-wing fighters.

Insiders of the Taiwan authorities particularly pointed out that this plan was "agreed by the US side and decided by the security departments of the Taiwan authorities." In this way, it is almost a hint that the US military planes are preparing for the take-off and landing of Taiping Island.

The Nansha Qundao and the Taiwan area have belonged to China's territory since ancient times, and in accordance with the "one-China principle" and the three Sino-US joint communiques, the US side has withdrawn its troops from the Taiwan region since 1979, and on this basis has opened the door to normalizing exchanges with China. Against the backdrop of the continuous deterioration of Sino-US relations today, if a US military plane takes off and lands on Taiping Island, it is equivalent to the US military "stationing" in Taiwan, seriously violating the six "serious gaffes" stipulated in the "Anti-Secession Law," and the mainland side will have to use non-peaceful means to resolve the historical problems left over from the separation of the two sides of the strait.

Will U.S. aircraft be stationed in Nansha? The Taiwan authorities threw out dangerous remarks, Hu Xijin: The flashpoint is not far away

It is reported that as the most strategically important island and reef in the Nansha Islands, Taiping Island Airport can provide F-16 fighters, P-3 anti-submarine aircraft, C-130 transport aircraft and other take-offs and landings in Taiwan, basically meeting the normal "defense needs" and so on. However, seeing that the process of building islands and reefs in the South China Sea Chinese mainland accelerated, the Taiwan authorities began to incorporate the runway expansion plan into this year's work under the pretext of the so-called "military threat from the mainland." It is estimated that if a runway with a total length of 1,500 meters is completed, then all military aircraft of the Taiwan authorities can take off and land at Taiping Island Airport, in other words, the US Air Force equipped with similar aircraft types can also take off and land on Taiping Island.

Will U.S. aircraft be stationed in Nansha? The Taiwan authorities threw out dangerous remarks, Hu Xijin: The flashpoint is not far away

The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has made the US decision-making level realize that instead of taking the initiative to provoke the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which has the advantage of "crushing" in the first island chain, it is better to copy the "Russian-Ukrainian experience" and provoke the Taiwan authorities to fight a "proxy war" with the Chinese mainland, so that the US military can avoid the casualties, equipment losses, and economic consumption caused by high-intensity and large-scale wars, and can also push China into the "quagmire of war" and hinder the long-term rise and development of China's social economy.

Will U.S. aircraft be stationed in Nansha? The Taiwan authorities threw out dangerous remarks, Hu Xijin: The flashpoint is not far away

In the current Russo-Ukrainian War, in order to achieve its goal of "dragging down" Russia, the United States constantly gathered its Western allies to provide military assistance to the Zelensky government, and resolutely sent troops to directly resist the Russian attack. "Intervening but not intervening" is already the fundamental position of the United States on the Taiwan issue and the Ukraine issue. A few days ago, Mili, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that in order to prevent the PLA from reunifying Taiwan, Taiwan must strengthen its "self-defense force."

As the top military general of the US military, Milley's words can directly represent the US decision-making level, and as for the so-called "US military is about to take off and land on Taiping Island," it is highly likely that the Taiwan authorities have once again hyped up the "great internal propaganda" issue, the purpose of which is to deceive the Taiwan people into "US-Taiwan friendship" and "there is a problem in the Taiwan Strait, and the US military will send troops to Taiwan."

Will U.S. aircraft be stationed in Nansha? The Taiwan authorities threw out dangerous remarks, Hu Xijin: The flashpoint is not far away

In this regard, Hu Xijin, former editor-in-chief of the Global Times, said that he has already felt the atmosphere of mountain rain coming and the wind is about to fill the building, saying that the situation in the Taiwan Strait is about to usher in a real flashpoint, and once the flashpoint appears, then the entire cross-strait situation will usher in a fundamental change. It is believed that with the slow opening of the curtain of reunification, the Taiwan issue will eventually be comprehensively resolved.