
Officially confirmed, didi and Lenovo events have concluded

author:Circle talk about technology

Officially confirmed, Didi, Lenovo incident has a conclusion!

Mention didi and Lenovo these two companies, presumably everyone is not unfamiliar, one monopoly of the domestic online car market, and the other is the domestic PC computer sales crown, even if put in the international market also has a foothold, these two companies have also been regarded as industry benchmarks before, and now it is a bit of the same disease.

Officially confirmed, didi and Lenovo events have concluded

After Lenovo's failure to list on the science and technology innovation board, many previous rumors have also been confirmed, under the repeated revelations of Sima Nan, many problems in Lenovo have also been made public, and problems such as scientific and technological attributes, excessive salaries of executives, and loss of state-owned assets have also been publicly complained about by the public.

In the whole process, Lenovo did not publicly respond to anything, which also shows that these problems do exist, and there are many examples of words and losses, so in such a time period, Lenovo's choice of silence may be the best choice, but this obviously cannot cover up the truth of the facts.

Officially confirmed, didi and Lenovo events have concluded

Lenovo's problems

After Liu Chuanzhi retired, Yang Yuanqing took over Lenovo, which also made Yang Yuanqing's previous behavior be carefully pickpocketed, and the most difficult thing to accept was that in an interview with foreign media, he mentioned that Lenovo was not a Chinese company, perhaps to express that Lenovo is an international enterprise.

But as an executive of a company, mistakes in language expression will definitely arouse public suspicion!

Before Lenovo voted on 5G, Lenovo voted part of the vote for Qualcomm, not Huawei, if the previous slip of the tongue can still fool the past, then as a Chinese company, this time it is a bit impossible to say it!

Officially confirmed, didi and Lenovo events have concluded

Lenovo was led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but the reason for the failure of listing on the science and technology innovation board is that it does not have scientific and technological attributes, as a state-owned enterprise, it has been privatized step by step, resulting in the loss of state-owned assets and the emergence of sky-high salaries, which is obviously the most difficult place for Chinese people to accept.

"Big and mediocre" is the dilemma of Chinese enterprises, there is no participation in the independent research and development of technology, the core technology needs to be highly dependent on Europe and the United States, which also lays many hidden dangers for Chinese manufacturing, and does not play a fundamental role in the development of mainland science and technology.

Lenovo results

At present, the state has put forward corresponding requirements for a number of illegal operations of Lenovo!

For Lenovo's failure to disclose periodic reports, interim reports, and the failure to disclose the equity pledge of subsidiaries in the relevant offering prospectuses and periodic reports, etc., it was ordered to rectify by the relevant departments!

Officially confirmed, didi and Lenovo events have concluded

In this way, you can effectively view the actual operation of Lenovo, including the preparation of some scientific research projects, Lenovo grew up with the endorsement of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but it went against the original intention and went to the route of trade, industry and technology.

All the associations that give priority to interests, and Huawei, which grew up in the same period, has a world of difference, has the top resource allocation, but has not assumed enough social responsibility, which is the reason why the Chinese people reject it.

The results of Didi followed

Going public in the United States without telling, didi also paid a heavy price, facing joint review by multiple departments, and indeed was found to have illegally collected users' personal information, which also led to more than two dozen of its APPS facing takedown penalties!

Officially confirmed, didi and Lenovo events have concluded

Up to now, its APP has not resumed operation, which has also led to the inability to obtain new users, a sharp decline in market share, and Didi's reputation in the domestic market has dropped to the freezing point!

Recently, Didi held an extraordinary shareholders' meeting, and officially announced that it would be delisted from the New York Stock Exchange.

Officially confirmed, didi and Lenovo events have concluded

Such a practice can be said to cut off the source of the cause of the incident, as long as there is no so-called security risk problem, Didi's resumption of operation is still very likely, and the delisting of the New York Stock Exchange is only the first step, whether it can restore the previous market position, but also depends on how Didi adjusts the direction of operation in the future.

Lenovo is already working on it

After the delisting of the Didi New York Stock Exchange, it was a good way to win back a city, and during this period of time Lenovo was not idle at all, in order to eliminate the concerns of the outside world, Lenovo officially opened the post-Yang Yuanqing era.

According to many previous news, there have been a number of confirmed, in the next five years Lenovo will invest more than 100 billion research and development funds, for semiconductors, edge computing, meta-universe and other technologies research and development, the recruitment of talents will be expanded to 15,000, and most of them are R & D personnel.

Officially confirmed, didi and Lenovo events have concluded

Questioned about the high salaries of executives, Yang Yuanqing also took out his own 80 million yuan bonus to subsidize grass-roots personnel.

Didi and Lenovo, two companies that seem to have no connection on the surface, but through the analysis of the actual operators, we can find that Liu Qing of Didi is the daughter of Liu Chuanzhi, presumably Didi can grow so fast, but also got a lot of help from the Liu Chuanzhi family.

Didi chose to delist on the New York Stock Exchange under the key node of Lenovo, and perhaps there is really any connection, which is a bit of a "abandonment of the shuai to protect the car" feeling.

Officially confirmed, didi and Lenovo events have concluded

People's Daily once stated: "There is no era of Ma Yun, only Ma Yun in the era, instead of sitting on Lenovo, it is better to rise up Huawei!" ”

Just a few words completely expressed the official attitude, in this piece of land in China, enterprises do not have a "big and not falling" situation, enterprises should shoulder the social responsibility they should have, will get the support of the state and the people, and then look at how Didi and Lenovo do, what do you think about this?