
How is the new Fujifilm 33/1.4 lens large and heavy compared to the old 35/1.4?

author:Renji's cloud blows

There is a video on the website that reviews Fujifilm's standard single focus lens "XF33mmF1.4 R LM WR".

How is the new Fujifilm 33/1.4 lens large and heavy compared to the old 35/1.4?

1. The XF33mmF1.4 weighs about twice as much as the XF35mmF1.4 and XF35mmF2, and it's quite long. For those with a small body, the compact XF35mmF2 will be easier to use. The structure, dimensions and design are very similar to the XF23mmF1.4. Fujifilm's latest lens doesn't have a focus clutch like earlier lenses.

How is the new Fujifilm 33/1.4 lens large and heavy compared to the old 35/1.4?

2. The autofocus system with linear motor runs fast, quiet and reliable. The XF33mmF1.4 lens is as fast as the XF35mmF2, and both achieve decent results.

3, in the movie, AF will often pause for a moment and then focus, in the AF process will leave a pause, but this is the same behavior as the XF35mmF2, is the body problem, not the lens problem.

4. Focus breathing is very gentle, and the angle of view from infinity to close will be slightly narrowed. The XF35mmF1.4 is well controlled in terms of breathing.

5. The central resolution of the long-range test has good resolution from the details of the full open aperture, which is almost the same as the result of XF35mmF2. When the XF33mmF1.4 is scaled down to F2, the resolution is slightly higher than that of the XF35mmF2.

6, MTF diagram, compared with the three lenses XF33mmF1.4 and XF33mmF2 in terms of resolution and contrast are higher than the old XF35mmF1.4, edge resolution also has a higher performance. Overall, the XF33mmF1.4 is better than the XF33mmF2 than the XF35mmF1.4.

How is the new Fujifilm 33/1.4 lens large and heavy compared to the old 35/1.4?

33/1.4 MTF plot

How is the new Fujifilm 33/1.4 lens large and heavy compared to the old 35/1.4?

33/2.0 MTF plot

How is the new Fujifilm 33/1.4 lens large and heavy compared to the old 35/1.4?


7. In the corner of the long-range reality test, the XF33mmF1.4 has a slight vignetting angle around it, but the maximum aperture is very sharp. The XF35mmF2's maximum aperture corners are significantly softer than the XF33mmF1.4. If XF33mmF1.4 is reduced to F2, the resolution of the corners will be further improved and the surrounding vignetting will be eliminated. At F2.8, the corners of the XF35mmF2 have also improved, but it is much worse than the XF33mmF1.4. XF33mmF1.4 corner resolution is much better.

8. In the portrait, XF33mmF1.4 has a larger background bokeh, softer bokeh, and less noise, but the performance of XF35mmF2 is relatively close.

9, the performance of the bokeh spot, the XF33mmF1.4 outline is weaker, but the onion circle is slightly seen near the edge of the screen. Compared to the blur spot of the XF35mmF2, the performance of the bokeh is close, but the focus breath of the XF35mmF2 is large. The vignetting of the XF35mmF2 is more pronounced, not much different from the expected XF33mmF1.4. However, the XF33mmF1.4 is 5cm closer than the XF35mmF2, so its advantage is to make it more blurry.

10. XF33mmF1.4 is the highest performance standard lens in the X series, with the largest aperture from long-range to close-up, and the full-screen is sharp. It's bigger and heavier than the old model, but it's fast autofocus, breathes less, and the lens barrel is well-made.

11, the old XF35mm F1.4 may perform better overall, but it is not dustproof and drip-proof, and the edge resolution is softer. The XF35mmF2 is inferior to the XF33mmF1.4 in terms of angular resolution and breathing, but its performance is very similar, small and lightweight, half as cheap, and it is a good choice for people who only want to reduce the angular resolution.

How is the new Fujifilm 33/1.4 lens large and heavy compared to the old 35/1.4?

Official sample of 33/1.4 lenses

The XF33mmF1.4 is like a recent Fujifilm lens, with very sharp and sharp depictions and almost no aberrations. Although the bokeh is not the best, it is quite beautiful for such a high-resolution lens.

How is the new Fujifilm 33/1.4 lens large and heavy compared to the old 35/1.4?

33/1.4 official sample

Compared with the XF35mmF2, the XF33mmF1.4 seems to not only have high brightness, but also have a great improvement in performance. The picture performance tendency is very different from the old XF35mmF1.4.