
Ren Suxi: "Dear Child" plays me as if I really experienced a fertility

author:Beijing News

"Dear Child" starring Ren Suxi and Qin Hao is being broadcast, and the whole drama begins with a long shot of Fang Yinuo (played by Ren Suxi) removing makeup in the mirror, the camera shakes to the pregnant belly, and then shakes back to Fang Yinuo in the mirror, which shows the realism of the pregnant woman's state to impress the audience. A few days ago, Ren Suxi said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Beijing News that when he first watched the replay, he also felt a great impact. "Because the special effects of the whole stomach are very real, coupled with me being a very thin person, this physiological impact will indeed be there." Ren Suxi admitted that although "Dear Child" is a mother's story, what impresses her is that everyone is always growing like a child, and every life stage is a rebirth experience.

Ren Suxi: "Dear Child" plays me as if I really experienced a fertility

Ren Suxi played Fang Yinuo in "Dear Child".

Personality: Fang Yinuo's personality has some flaws

"Dear Child" tells the story of the young couple Xiao Lu and Fang Yinuo who have been married for many years and welcome Takako. On the day of delivery, Xiao Lu, who was panicked outside the delivery room, was unexpectedly absent. With the birth of their children, the new parents also began to meet various challenges after the identity conversion, a series of family conflicts occurred frequently, and the two eventually parted ways. Years later, their lives returned to peace after reorganizing their families, but their daughter Hehe was found to be suffering from leukemia at this time. From a medical point of view, the doctor advised them to have another child to save lives. As a result, several families faced difficult choices.

Ren Suxi: "Dear Child" plays me as if I really experienced a fertility

The storm of saving women pushed several families into difficult choices.

In Ren Suxi's view, Fang Yinuo's personality has some personality flaws, such as she is more true, unreasonable, and likes to set up rules and regulations, but with the development of time, she encountered very big events in her life, pushing this character to change.

In addition to Fang Yinuo, Ren Suxi also likes the mother-in-law Gao Caiping played by Li Qinqin, she believes that Gao Caiping is one of the most brilliant characters in the play, "At the beginning, everyone will feel that how this mother-in-law is like this, in the later stage, many viewers will begin to like her, this character is a very wise person, very clear in major events." ”

Ren Suxi said that each character in "Dear Child" has a life logic and a complete arc, full of fireworks and life texture, telling that even after experiencing various things, people still help and understand each other, and in the end it is a very warm story, which is very attractive to themselves. Among them, after Fang Yinuo encountered the dilemma of the child's illness, the story was less anxious, the overall atmosphere would be warmer, and everyone could see that everyone was emitting energy and supporting each other.

Performance: Although I have never had a child, I feel empathy for the difficult situation

"Dear Child" is Ren Suxi's first "complete interpretation" of the role of mother on the small screen, in the interpretation not only contains the birth process, but also the physiological embarrassment after pregnancy, the overwhelm in the face of newborns, anxiety and panic and other practical problems, many "mother" viewers said that looking at Fang Yinuo, it seems to be back to the period of their new motherhood.

In order to play a "new mother", Ren Suxi asked experienced friends around her, and she asked more carefully, such as how painful the pain of giving birth to a child can be, what kind of pain; the delivery process is not "painful roar" but "breath-holding force", grinning and sweating; a pregnant woman has just given birth to a child, and there are lateral cut wounds, how she wants to walk. In addition, Ren Suxi himself also learned some parenting skills.

After joining the group, she spent as much time as possible with the little actors to cultivate feelings, often holding them and making them as familiar with her existence as possible. "To this day, their mothers often send me videos of their children, and I feel like watching my children grow up, I miss them very much, and I miss the time when I was filming."

In the play, Fang Yinuo sat in confinement and experienced events such as sister-in-law running away, children being hospitalized, and her husband disappearing, so that her anti-stress function completely collapsed. Many viewers feel that Fang Yinuo is very real as a "new mother", and as Ren Suxi, who has not had a "mother" experience in her life, when she first got the script, she had a great feeling for this character and felt that she could play it. "Although I have never had a child, I feel very empathy for the common dilemma between people and people, and I can trust her."

In these life difficulties faced by Fang Yinuo, Ren Suxi said that the biggest common denominator between them is the illness of Fang Yinuo's daughter, "Because I grew up with patients in my family, I know very well what the illness of my loved ones means for a family, and I have a painful understanding of this prescribed situation." ”

Ren Suxi said that even if he does not have the identity experience of "mother", everyone has the perception of family affection, "I used to be a child, and I had a lot of experience with my mother, so I referred to some of the ways my mother treated me when I performed." ”

Ren Suxi: "Dear Child" plays me as if I really experienced a fertility

Fang Yinuo and his mother.


Beijing News: Some unmarried and unprepared female viewers who watch this drama may have a little "fear" of having children, how do you think about the "anxiety" of having children and raising children in the play?

Ren Suxi: I can understand everyone's anxiety about the content of the first few episodes, because Fang Yinuo was too difficult during that time, and it may be that there is a pathological condition of postpartum depression between the sister-in-law, the mother-in-law, and the husband. Every character in the play has this difficult moment, whether it is a new mother, a newlywed couple, a new love person, they are growing up later, everyone has their own difficult and lucky places, and there will always be warm people around. Accidents will always come, but trying to live will turn around.

Ren Suxi: "Dear Child" plays me as if I really experienced a fertility

The play shows the process of Fang Yinuo's growth.

Beijing News: Is there any difficulty or challenge in Interpretation for Fang Yinuo?

Ren Suxi: In the past, many movies were made smoothly, and most of the episodes like this long needed to be filmed according to the scene. For example, shoot the scene of the hospital first, all the hospital scenes will be filmed, the 1st and 30th episodes may be in the same scene, you must know the script very well, the direction of the characters is very clear, the time span of several scenes is also very large, you need to find the feeling at that time.

Beijing News: As far as your own personality is concerned, is there any similarity with Fang Yinuo?

Ren Suxi: We are all quite strong, and there are still some similarities in this regard.

Beijing News: I feel that the state of your lines in the play is particularly relaxed and natural, are there some lines added by yourself on the spot?

Ren Suxi: Because we have been running into each other for a long time in the early stage of creation, we will not change the meaning of the play, but we will express it in the context of life and change it to our own way of speaking, which is also because everyone has communicated very carefully in the early stage.

Beijing News: After performing this drama and this character, have you changed your own life or concepts?

Ren Suxi: Acting as if I really experienced a fertility, this experience is particularly rare, which makes me more aware of the difficulty of motherhood and the resilience of being a woman. It is still necessary to be optimistic that people are alive, and it is particularly important to support each other between people and people.

Beijing News reporter Liu Wei

Edited by Tong Na Proofreader Li Lijun

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