
The Russian Royal Family: Killing the Prince – The Tragic Ivan the Terrible

author:Wang clan said king affairs

Note: This article can be read separately, or you can read the previous two articles to understand the previous situation in more detail:

The Russian Royal Family: The Historical Rurik Dynasty – The Great War of The Heirs (Part I)

The Russian Royal Family: The Historical Rurik Dynasty – The Great War of The Heirs (Part 2)

First, the Grand Duke remarried

In 1480, Ivan III, Grand Duke of Moscow, finally defeated the Golden Horde, which had oppressed them for more than two centuries, successfully got rid of the stinky scumbag, and became the king of Europe. At that time, the rich people of Western Europe were very disdainful of the Rus' broken settlement in the coarse cloth skirt, and after this battle, everyone suddenly looked back, and it turned out that Grand Duke Yi stood in the light of the lights, becoming white and rich, glowing! What makes him more brilliant in history are his wife and son.

Grand Duke Yi has been married twice before and after, the original wife is the princess Maria of another small principality, the ancient medical technology is poor, and the woman who gives birth to a child is really a ghost door. This Maria had bad luck, and when she reached the fourth level, she was directly taken away by the ghost, leaving four baby children without a wife.

Now there is a criticism of the saying, middle-aged greasy male three happy events: promotion to fortune and death of his wife, just caught up by Grand Duke Yi. When Maria died, her husband's position in Rose was unmatched, and she soon had luck again. In 1473, Grand Duke Yi remarried and married Sophia, the last princess of the Byzantine Empire.

Although the Byzantine Empire at that time had perished, its status and status were incomparably noble, and the birthplace of the Orthodox Church was also leveraged in religious influence. Whoever married a Byzantine princess became legally the legitimate heir to the byzantine Empire's legacy.

Sophia this girl is really blind and blind, and the young princes who propose marriage are endless, and their faces are like gold and jade than Pan An, and she has a crush on the bald middle-aged widower in Moscow, and she has given birth to eight children.

The Russian Royal Family: Killing the Prince – The Tragic Ivan the Terrible

(Grand Duke Yi and Princess Sophia in the film and television drama)

The Duke of Yi married a beautiful woman, the people and wealth, the heart blossomed, the Principality of Moscow became the legal heir of the Roman Empire, has always regarded itself as the heir of Rome, and the double-headed eagle emblem of the Byzantine Empire has become the national emblem of Russia.

The Russian Royal Family: Killing the Prince – The Tragic Ivan the Terrible

(Coat of arms of Russia)

(Tip: The original Roman Empire was Christian, but it was later split into Eastern and Western Rome, and Christianity was also divided.) Western Rome inherited Catholicism, and Eastern Rome believed that it could represent Rome and was Orthodox, so it was also called Orthodoxy, and it was very disdainful of Western Rome. Christians also honored Eastern Rome, which was Byzantium. )

Second, the vicious stepmother

In his later years, Grand Duke Ilyan made Ivan, the son of his deceased wife Maria, the heir, and suddenly one day Ivan fell ill. Stepmother Sophia asked a doctor from Byzantium to treat him, and the result became more and more serious, and he died in just two months.

Rumors spread that Sophia had murdered her stepson in order to bring her eldest son Vasily to the throne. The queen mother is poisonous, the queen mother is bad, the queen mother is not a person... At this point, Sophia jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it, and the yellow mud was not.

Grand Duke Yi also thought that his son died strangely, but he had no choice, he couldn't find evidence, and he couldn't kill his wife, right? Grand Duke I was unable to deal with the nobles, but only benefited the doctor who died to treat Ivan's illness, and made Ivan's young son Timmy the heir.

Sophia was really not calm, launched a conspiracy to usurp the throne, engaged in half a day, it turned out that the yellow mud on your body was really, you were indeed a vicious stepmother. After the plot was revealed, Sophia and her son Vasily were exiled by Grand Duke I.

In 1498, Grand Duke Yi held a coronation ceremony for his grandson Jimi, which completely broke the thoughts of his son Vasily, who actually colluded with his vicious neighbor Lithuania to force the palace (this shit-stirring stick, everywhere he is).

In 1502, Grand Duke I was forced to make Vasily his heir and imprisoned Timmy and his mother, after which Grand Duke I was depressed. In 1505, Grand Duke Yi died in a grudge at the age of 65. Vasily officially succeeded to the throne, known historically as Vasily III.

Iii. The Birth of the Tsar

However, Vasily III did not disappoint his father, and during his reign, he made great achievements in battle, annexing more small principalities in the surrounding areas and expanding the territory step by step. In 1505, when Vasily succeeded him as Grand Duke (Grand Duke of Vasiliev), the Muscovite principality was only 430,000 square kilometers. By the time of his death in 1533, the territory of the Principality had expanded to 2.8 million square kilometers, making it the most extensive country in Europe and largely unified.

The Russian Royal Family: Killing the Prince – The Tragic Ivan the Terrible

(Russia, 1462-1533)

However, Grand Duke Wa also has a difficult secret, his wife is a big beauty he has chosen thousands of times, married for 20 years but has not had children, ploughed the land for 20 years, the grain has not been harvested, and Grand Duke Wa has hurt his brain for this. I don't know if Sophia, the spicy mother-in-law, will point out mulberry every day, saying that the daughter-in-law is a hen who does not lay eggs.

The beauty of the wife is beautiful, but it is not useful in the middle. Seeing that he was about to die, Grand Duke Wa had to divorce and marry another Mongolian woman, Yelena. When they got married, Grand Duke Wa was nearly half a hundred years old, so the first task was to make a baby, and he had to build a baby with a handle.

After five years of hard work, he finally gave birth to an heir, Ivan IV, at the age of 55, so that when he kicked his legs, his son was only three years old.

At that time, according to the doctrine, the grand duke was not allowed to divorce, so strictly speaking, the second marriage of the grand duke was invalid. When he was in power, no one dared to talk about it, and as soon as he kicked his legs, someone immediately jumped out, and it was the two younger brothers of Grand Duke Wa who were looking for trouble.

In 1533, the three-year-old Ivan IV succeeded to the throne, and the second wife of grand duke Va, Empress Yelena, was regent. In order to fight for power and profit, the two younger brothers of Grand Duke Wa began to fight with their sister-in-law, and Yelena made a high move, first taking care of the two disobedient uncles, suppressing the opposing nobles, and temporarily stabilizing the situation.

The Russian Royal Family: Killing the Prince – The Tragic Ivan the Terrible

(Empress Elena, mother of Ivan IV)

Unfortunately, when Ivan was eight years old, his mother, Empress Yelena, was suddenly poisoned, and the government was in chaos. East Slavs are also strange, killing people like to use poison, the previous several grand dukes were poisoned by people, why not like our martial arts novels wrote, with silver hairpins to try food is not poisonous?

At a young age, Ivan IV, his parents died, in the face of a group of unscrupulous nobles, his weak soul was deeply hurt, and when he became an adult, he turned into a hundred steels around his fingers, and developed a grumpy and irritable personality.

At the age of seventeen, Ivan held a grand coronation ceremony, from grand duke to emperor, the unified Duchy of Rus was renamed the Russian Empire, and the first tsar of the Russian Empire was born.

(Tip: Sha means Caesar in Russian, and Caesar is the Rus' name for The Roman Emperor.) Chinese translated it with the word emperor and became the tsar. )

Fourth, the challenge of the Tsar

Remember the Golden Horde of the previous article? The powerful khanate was fraught with internal contradictions, and externally it was broken up by Timur and split into several small khanates. Later, his strength was weak, and he was no longer able to continue to be the suzerainty, so he divorced Rus and lived his own life. But you scumbag has been playing with people for more than two hundred years, can the Tsar spare you?

Of the many khanates after the split, three of them were closely surrounding the Russian side, and every time the Tsar saw them, he would remember that this scumbag had hurt himself, and hatred rose from the heart, and evil turned to the side of fear. After taking stock of his belongings, he decided to challenge the once most powerful race on earth.

The Russian Royal Family: Killing the Prince – The Tragic Ivan the Terrible

(A group of small khanates after the division of the Golden Horde)

From 1545 to 1552, the Tsar fought against the Kazan Khanate four times in seven years, the first three of which were lost to only the flower pants, and the last crusade, the other side defected, directly leading to the destruction of the Kazan Khanate.

The Kazan Khanate was breached, the Russians slaughtered the city in a frenzy, and all the adult men were killed. Blood stained the Volga Red, corpses piled up in the streets and alleys, it was truly a purgatory on earth, and it was terrible. Although the women and children saved their lives, their belongings were plundered and they were enslaved. The scars of this memory are sealed in the old paper pile of history.

After the fall of the Kazan Khanate, it was incorporated into the territory of Russia, and the Tsar launched a fierce attack on the widows and grandchildren of the Golden Horde. Most of the territory of the former suzerainty, the Golden Horde, was in the pockets, and the Mongol Golden Horde was facing collapse. If Temujin had known about the underground, it was estimated that he would have survived from the coffin.

During the reign of Tsar Ivan (1533-1584), the territory of Russia expanded from 2.8 million square kilometers to 5.4 million square kilometers. In addition, he opened schools and built a large number of buildings, and the Kremlin, where Putin now works, was built during his term.

The Russian Royal Family: Killing the Prince – The Tragic Ivan the Terrible

(Russia, 1533-1598)

The Russian Royal Family: Killing the Prince – The Tragic Ivan the Terrible

(Aerial view of the Kremlin)

Fifth, affectionate and brutal

At the beginning of 1547, at the age of 17, Ivan IV took the throne, crowned tsar, and the selection of an empress for the empire became a major event, and Moscow sent a beauty pageant notice to the provinces. A group of the most beautiful maidens were sent to Moscow, and anastasia was one of the girls from the Romanov family.

One by one, these beauties appeared before the Tsar, and if the Tsar liked it, he would give one side of the embroidered gold handkerchief to the other. When the beautiful and gentle Anna walked past the Tsar's side, the smart eyes and the shy smile made the Tsar's heart instantly fill the sky, and the girl's delicate jade hand woven a gentle net, gradually melting the cold atrium.

In 1547, Anna became the first empress of the Russian Empire. The young empress was gentle and dignified, knowledgeable, and the husband and wife were very affectionate, and the tsar's irritable heart began to settle down. In the thirteen years they lived together, the Tsar had achieved great political achievements and was famous in history.

Queen Anna gave birth to four boys and two daughters, only two sons survived, and when she passed the ghost gate for the sixth time, she was also taken away by the ghost. The Tsar was so distraught that he even knelt on the ground and prayed, "I would rather give up the country in exchange for the life of the empress." In 1560, Anna left the Tsar, who loved her dearly, forever.

The Russian Royal Family: Killing the Prince – The Tragic Ivan the Terrible

(Queen Anastasia)

Anna's death reopened the cold valve in the Tsar's heart, and he became more manic, tyrannical and moody, and from this year on he killed people like a numb. Take turns pouring poisoned wine into the whole family of the unfounded prince, and then admiring the tragic situation of their slow death. The palace maid next to her screamed in fright, and the Tsar thought that she had ruined her good mood and was stripped naked and executed by him. On one occasion, the Tsar inexplicably suspected that the imperial doctor might have dispensed poison and roasted people alive. The brutal torture of the black bear eating the living was also carried out, and when he saw the black bear eating and licking his paws, the Tsar laughed happily.

The deeds of the Tsar are difficult to describe, so he was also known as the "Thunder Emperor" by posterity. The cruelty of the Thunder Emperor eventually fell back to his own family.

After Anna's death, The Thunder took seven more wives. Once the sea was shipwrecked as water, except for the Wushan Mountain is not a cloud. Probably because he has a deep relationship with Anna, he does not look up to the wife he marries later.

The second wife was illiterate, and not long after getting married, the more Emperor Lei looked at it, the more unpleasant he felt, and forced her to leave the family.

The third wife was poisoned less than half a month after marriage, and it was not clear who gave the hand, anyway, the Thunder Emperor did not have a trace of sadness.

The fourth wife was married for several years and could not have children, and was forced to leave the family and give her second sister a companion.

The fifth wife was the most miserable, because she did not see red on the wedding night, the Thunder Emperor thought that she was not a virgin, and directly broke her Heavenly Spirit Cover with an iron head. There is also a theory that the Thunder Emperor tied her to a carriage, and several enraged horses dragged her directly into the river and drowned. In fact, according to our current medical common sense, the probability of a virgin seeing red on the first night is not 100%, but the Thunder Emperor himself is a tyrant, who has no love for the new empress, and he cannot listen to other people's explanations, and regards human life as grass.

Little Six And Seven was also sent out of the house, and with four abolitions, the monastery was directly turned into an abandoned club.

Xiao Hachi was the luckiest, she gave birth to her son Dmitry, escaped the fate of death, but still was not liked by the Thunder Emperor, and it was already Amitabha Buddha who could live to the end of his life.

6. Kill the prince

In 1581, the late Emperor Lei killed the prince in a rage, and it is said that the manslaughter was as follows:

Emperor Lei once broke into the prince's palace due to an emergency, the prince was not in the palace, the princess only wore a thin shirt, at that time it was stipulated that women should wear no less than three pieces of clothing, and only prostitutes wore only shirts. So Emperor Lei was furious and went up and slapped his daughter-in-law several times. The crown princess was already pregnant at the time and was frightened and miscarried immediately.

The prince returned to see that his wife had been wronged and had no children, and he was very angry and went to his father to theorize. The father and son quarreled, and the Lei Emperor lost his mind for a moment, threw an iron head at the prince, and hit his temple, killing the prince on the spot.

Emperor Lei was devastated by the loss of his beloved son, and the famous Russian painter Repin also painted this story. In the picture, the tsar in black is holding a dying man in white, his expression is frightened and sad, and there is blood on the temples of the man in white.

The Russian Royal Family: Killing the Prince – The Tragic Ivan the Terrible

(Oil painting "Ivan the Terrible Kills Son")

It is said that this prince was wise and fierce, kind and generous, and deeply loved by his courtiers, and if it were not for this accidental death, he would have been a benevolent king. After the death of the crown prince, the Tsar's spirit was severely damaged, and he never became ill again. One night in 1584, after bathing, the Thunder Emperor suddenly fell to the ground and died suddenly, at the age of 53.

The Thunder Emperor killed the crown prince by mistake, and the Rurik Dynasty lost a good crown prince. In the glorious Kremlin, a touch of sunset afterglow shines, the sun is like blood, the luxurious and empty palace is printed red, the powerful dynasty is beginning to move towards the twilight of the year, and a new dynasty is waving to him not far away.

The Russian Royal Family: Killing the Prince – The Tragic Ivan the Terrible

(Late Thunder Emperor)

Links to previous articles:

The origin of the Holy People – the past and present lives of the Hashemite family

The Jordanian Royal Family: The Temptation of the Throne – Every king has a troublesome younger brother

The Royal Family of Jordan: Love the country and love the beauty - the affair of the old king

The Iraqi Royal Family: The Ups and Downs of the Sea – The Rise and Fall of the Faisal Dynasty

The Russian Royal Family: The Historical Rurik Dynasty – The Great War of The Heirs (Part I)

The Russian Royal Family: The Historical Rurik Dynasty – The Great War of The Heirs (Part 2)

The image comes from the Internet