
The artifact of batch processing TXT files is less than 200K

author:A juju sound

The text editor that comes with Windows must be known to everyone, that is, the software that we usually use to generate and open txt files, in fact, in addition to viewing and creating text, the text editor can also perform some basic operations on text, such as line breaks, substitution characters and so on. Today's sharing is a universal TXT file batch processing gadget recommended by my love netizen jumping the wall, note that it is batch processing, the original author should be called Xiaobo, the file was released in 2015, mainly has the following functions:

  • Batch delete front and back lines: delete the first few lines of multiple text files, or the last few lines;
  • Batch delete consecutive lines: Delete consecutive lines in text files, 3 19 (then delete the contents of 3-19 lines)
  • Batch delete odd lines: Delete odd rows in a text file, 1, 3, 5, 7...
  • Batch delete even lines: Delete even rows in a text file, 2, 4, 6, 8...
  • Batch delete blank lines: Delete lines in a text file that contain only spaces or tabs or have no content
  • Batch delete duplicate lines: Duplicate lines are for a single file, after removing duplicate lines The order of the file contents maintains the order of the source file lines and is not disrupted.
  • Delete specific rows in bulk: Specific rows are custom rows, omitting input is not currently supported, and fixed numbers are supported
  • Delete rows with keywords in bulk: Delete rows with keywords, which can be one keyword, can be multiple keywords, (multiple keywords: a row contains multiple keywords)
The artifact of batch processing TXT files is less than 200K
  • Delete text in bulk: Including deleting text, replacing text, deleting numbers at the beginning of a line, and deleting how many characters at the beginning and end of a line.
    • Batch delete data (text): Deletes multiple files that contain specific text.
The artifact of batch processing TXT files is less than 200K
  • Bulk Replace Text: Replace text in batches across multiple files
  • Delete the number at the beginning of the line: Delete the number at the beginning of the line, which generally has a significant effect on the number that increments at the beginning of the line.
  • Batch delete line opening characters: Delete the line beginning to customize how many characters, a letter, a number, a Chinese character, a punctuation are all one character. If you don't know or don't want to count how many characters, you can let the program calculate.
  • Bulk deletion of end-of-line characters: Ibid.
  • Merge: Including ordinary merge, merge + data, interlaced merge, left and right merge 4 kinds.
    • Merge: Ordinary merge, that is, normal multiple text files to merge, according to the merge of lines, the last line of the first file, and the first line of the second file is not on the same line, is two consecutive lines. And so on. (Seems like nonsense)
    • Merge + Data: Add data directly when multiple files are merged, which can be multiple rows of data.
    • Merge + file name: When multiple files are merged, the file name is added directly (excluding the path, excluding the suffix name), which can be multiple lines of data.
    • Merge + Data + File Name: When multiple files are merged, add data first, and then add the file name (excluding the path, excluding the suffix name).
    • Interlaced merge: Multiple files are interlaced. If there are 3 files interlaced, the composition of the new file lines: the first line of File1 + the first line of File2 + the first line of File3 + the second line of File1 + the second line of File2 + the second line of File3 + ...
    • Left-right merge: Left-right merging is currently only supported for 2 files because the demand is not high; if you want to merge multiple files left and right, you can do multiple left-right merges.
  • Batch split, set the number of new files to split: split into a fixed number.
    • Split by line, not split one row into two!
  • Batch splitting, setting the number of lines per new file: split into multiple files.
    • Batch splitting, splitting odd and even rows: odd rows are split into one file, and even rows are split into one file.
  • Batch add text (data) to the beginning and end of the file: you can add multiple lines of text to the beginning and end of the file, and support the addition of the addition without repeating the addition, (the criterion for judging whether to add repeatedly is that a certain line is exactly the same, including symbols such as spaces).
    • Bulk add text to the beginning and end of a line: You can add text to the front or end of each line in bulk. Support for adding incrementing numbers. Incrementing numbers: That is, each line adds a different number, or line number
    • Add file names to the first line of a file in bulk: Add file names with custom include paths and include extensions.
The artifact of batch processing TXT files is less than 200K
  • Adding a folder is to directly add a folder, indicating that when adding files or adding folders, if it already exists, skip adding. Note: When you add a folder, subfolders are not added.
  • Rename: Instead of custom file names, this name is based on the first line of each file, and the first line of each file is extracted as a new file name, and the old file names can also be custom retained.
  • Restore backup file: The program produces a backup file and if the processed file is not satisfactory, it is restored to its original state.
  • Number of batch lookups: The number of input text found in batches from multiple text files, and the status column of the program will show how much was found
  • Batch transcoding: Multiple text files are batch converted into their own desired file encodings.

This magical little software is only 192K, and has now joined the offline toolkit of Kikuza, in fact, tools like more powerful VS Code can completely perform such operations, but it is difficult to imagine that a gadget of less than 200K can also let you process documents so brazenly, it is simply comfortable.

The download address of the software can be obtained in the ten-point artifact reply "universal text batch processing tool", the software's about the page has the author's official website, but it has expired, nothing to mess with, as mentioned at the beginning, software development in 2015, but the Kikuza pro-test can also run normally under Windows 10, and there is no abnormality.

For text workers or e-book stakeholders, this tool should be good, but advanced text workers may use Word as the preferred tool for word processing, but considering the size of this universal TXT file batch processing gadget, it is also very convenient to carry it everywhere with a USB stick.