
How can my daughter grow up better? Take a look at the five important stages of raising girls

author:Hi Boy Hemp

Girl, what a beautiful word. Jia Baoyu said that the girl was made of water, and when she saw the girl, she felt refreshed.

Parents of girls at home should have had such an experience, and the way girls express their emotions and emotional response patterns are very different from boys. The daughter is the intimate little cotton jacket of the parents, not a lie.

How can my daughter grow up better? Take a look at the five important stages of raising girls

Once, when I gave birth to my son, my voice was a little loud, and my two-year-old daughter said to me, "Mom, we don't listen to him. "Although she didn't necessarily mean that, I knew she was trying to soothe my emotions. I laughed at the time, but the warmth of my heart when I laughed and laughed made me burst into tears.

How can my daughter grow up better? Take a look at the five important stages of raising girls

Although every girl is unique, all girls will take a similar journey to grow up healthy. Girls go through stages and the ages of those stages are different from those of boys. We need to know everything our daughters go through at a certain age and learn more details.

Stage 1: Security – Seeking protection from the social support system and seeking love (1 to 2 years old at birth).

A human baby is arguably the most dependent of all living things, and if he is not fed by a social support system after birth, he will soon lose his life. This strong dependence leads us to an instinct to seek the love of others. This instinct creates a sense of deprivation and fear in the child, because once he loses the love of his parents, he will face a huge existential threat.

Therefore, I instinctively feel that the people around me must love him, otherwise they will not be able to get enough care. It is not enough to eat and clothe, and machines can also feed babies, but they cannot help them develop intelligence and emotion, and such children cannot develop a sound personality.

Only when parents gently caress her, sing to her, talk to her, amuse her, and love her, can a girl be energetic in all aspects and be sure that life is beautiful. When her physical and emotional needs are responded to, she makes a basic judgment about life: we are safe and can be loved. This belief will take root in her heart and stay with her for the rest of her life.

How can my daughter grow up better? Take a look at the five important stages of raising girls

Stage 2: Exploring the World – Finding the Joy of The World (2 to 5 years old)

At this stage, the girl becomes interested in the world around her and shows more emotional needs, while also reacting quickly to the emotions of others.

Of course, all this should be based on a good sense of security established in the first phase. If the people around her are always in close relationship with her and take care of her, she can relax, play easily, and explore everything around her with interest.

"Babies often can't explore the world around them if they don't feel a solid connection to their mother. Because they are too afraid that Mom and Dad will abandon themselves."

During this period, the girl is immersed in this colorful world, watching how other people depict it, build it, enjoy it, she will also actively participate in it, and feel the enthusiasm and pleasure of doing these things with adults.

Her brain will always be transferred to the learning gear. We should tell her that life is an adventure and that all sorts of wonderful, fresh, and challenging things will add joy to her whole life.

How can my daughter grow up better? Take a look at the five important stages of raising girls

Stage 3: Interacting with People – Enjoying the Warmth of Positive Relationships (Ages 5 to 10)

Children at this stage may not get along with other children or other adults, but they are also fun. Your daughter will find that if she can think a little, give in a little, cooperate and play with others, she can have more fun.

She needs to learn from her parents that she is not the center of the universe, and that others have their own feelings and thoughts. Fortunately, girls usually have a sharper sense of this, so girls develop empathy earlier and learn to support others emotionally.

Throughout elementary school, she needed to learn a lifelong skill— valuing herself while valuing and respecting others. Again, all of this is based on good early experience, and if she gets kindness, she becomes a good person; if emotion is answered, she becomes a compassionate person; if she gets sincerity, she becomes an honest person.

Stage 4: Know Yourself – Finding Inner Identity (10 to 14 years old)

With the arrival of puberty, girls begin to have a strong sense of self and want to become an individual of their own. She is no longer a "child". It is a "little adult" who is making better preparations for his future life. During this period, she needs someone to help her recognize who she is, to strengthen her inner strength, and to find her own interests and passions.

How can my daughter grow up better? Take a look at the five important stages of raising girls

Girls gain an identity through what they do and what they believe, thus making their hearts stronger, so that girls don't become too heavy and boring like most teenage girls because they need to be recognized.

Stage 5: Step into the Adult World – Learn to Take Responsibility for Your Own Life (14-18 years old)

Your daughter will be an adult at age 18, and to take this big step, she will start preparing at 14.

A lot of the preparation is practical – like health, safety, food, money management, time management, and so on.


We need to plan and foresee the girl to become an independent, free, strong woman, and if we do well, our daughter will be able to take charge of her own life and become the only powerful person in the world.

Write at the back:

Girls develop faster than boys, especially in terms of brain capacity. While still in their mother's womb, their bodies begin to secrete estrogen, which increases the rate at which their brains develop. As soon as they are born, they develop at a level a few weeks earlier than boys.

This difference gradually increases over the first 5 or 6 years. Whether learning to speak complete sentences, controlling their fingers, or making more elaborate movements, girls are 6-12 months ahead of boys.

In kindergarten, girls also have less separation anxiety than boys.

How can my daughter grow up better? Take a look at the five important stages of raising girls

Girls enter puberty two years earlier than boys, and they mature emotionally earlier than boys, with boys' brains not maturing until around 20 years, while girls are years older.

But whether it's raising girls or boys, we don't need to distinguish between how much love we give, all we need is to support our children in different ways in the face of different gender choices and help them grow up better.