
Eating is too ugly

author:Sissi says money information technology

Recently, the break of new stocks has been on the hot search.

Many people had a hard time winning a new share, and they wanted to rely on the new stock to return the blood, but they did not expect to paste ten thousand yuan into it.

At present, the breakout of new stocks is still concentrated in the science and technology innovation board and the ChiNext board, and most of the new stocks are also in these two sectors.

We have counted that the break rate of new stocks on the science and technology innovation board has reached 51% this year, that is, more than half of them have broken.

Eating is too ugly

The Gem is relatively better, but the proportion of breaks is not low.

Eating is too ugly

In recent times, several new stocks have not paid in the lottery. Indeed, if such a high break rate, such a high valuation, paying money is sending money.

There is also a problem, even if it is not broken, the current increase is very limited. In the past, a new stock was as few as a few thousand, as many as tens of thousands, and generally had tens of thousands of dollars. Nengzhong new stocks need to burn high incense, and it may be difficult to win one a year.

If new shares continue to be issued at such a high valuation and new shares continue to break, then there will be a phenomenon that new shares cannot be issued in the future. The reason why the current release is smooth has a lot to do with the low winning rate.

At present, the number of new people has also voted with their feet, the science and technology innovation board has broken badly, and the number of effective subscribers has also dropped significantly.

Eating is too ugly

Not winning the lottery is equivalent to a loss and I have nothing to do with it, everyone subscribes as usual.

Eating is too ugly

There are currently two problems with new stocks

1. The valuation of the issuance is too high;

2, all enterprises want to go public, queuing up for IPO companies thousands.

If the company is listed purely for the purpose of making money, it is not for the development and growth of the company. These are cancers that will cause great harm to investors and are not good for the capital market.

The holding cost of major shareholders is a few cents, a few cents, and after the listing of dozens of yuan, it has doubled dozens of times, and the speed of making money is faster than that of doing business. The last to pay is the ordinary small shareholders, which is difficult to develop in the long run.

Change your strategy

I've been changing my strategy since the breakup of the new stock last year.

Originally, there were allocation stocks specifically for playing new, and after the return on new stocks fell, it was completely unnecessary.

Now the funds are basically going to the fund fixed investment and convertible bond spread pie.

Disclaimer: The article involves that the subject is not used as an investment recommendation, the market is risky, and the investment needs to be cautious.

Public number: Xixi Dingtou original, reprint please indicate the source.