
House complete carbocrystitis board background wall with light strip design Each one wants to take home

author:Dress up with food

Space is the essence of architecture, and light gives it a soul. Nowadays, many interior designs use "light strips" to light up the space and create a visual sense of light and dark. The carbon crystallitis board background with the luminous light strip is the icing on the cake.

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In the design, the light strip is hidden on the top surface and wall to outline the contour of the space, breaking the single and dull, and the whole is more flexible and lively. Installing a light strip in the ceiling light of the room can increase the sense of top layering, and bring about a fascinating virtual and real change through the combination of light and dark. The bedroom wall light strip usually uses these two design methods: the light strip is hidden on the side of the wall skirt or line.

House complete carbocrystitis board background wall with light strip design Each one wants to take home

Through the refraction of the light, the wall is evenly illuminated, and even the main lamp is not installed to achieve the lighting effect. This design not only distinguishes between upper and lower or left and right materials, but also has privacy

House complete carbon crystallitis board adopts I-beam steel structure, hollow shape, significant sound insulation, with luminous light strip, in the case of not turning on the main light, can better maintain the quietness of the bedroom. The magic of the light strip can also create a level and three-dimensionality through the light source, and play the purpose of layout lighting by lighting up the side of the light strip. It makes bright spaces more dazzling, makes dim spaces clearer, has a magic that guides vision, and brings more changeable background wall shapes.

House complete carbocrystitis board background wall with light strip design Each one wants to take home
House complete carbocrystitis board background wall with light strip design Each one wants to take home

The luminous light strip is used as an embellishment to better set off the visual texture of the background wall. And from the durability of the carbon crystallitis board background wall, it can reach 50 years without mold and corrosion, and is resistant to scrubbing. It can be described as both beautiful and practical.

Space, like faces, also needs to be beautified and decorated. The clever lighting design is the "magic makeup technique", which brings basic lighting while also highlighting great artistic charm.