
How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

author:Lao Bai Research Room

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Republic, exercises organized by a certain army brigade of the Western Theater Army are being carried out urgently.

During the reconnaissance of the enemy by a Red Fighter, suddenly the alarm lights on the instrument began to flash, and the pilot immediately reported to the tower, and the commander of the tower immediately decided to ask the fighter to return. At this moment, the aircraft maintenance team in charge of the exercise support received an order from the tower to request support.

Everyone's eyes were on the fighter plane, which could lose control at any time, and fortunately the anomaly of the generator did not affect the landing. After the fighter stopped, only to see a neat figure quickly board the fighter for maintenance, in less than 4 minutes, all the equipment and instruments returned to normal, and the fighter took off smoothly again!

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

However, in just half a day, this red fighter, which had just completed repairs, carried out a point-and-hole strike on the "enemy" and successfully completed the combat task. After the battle, the Red Pilot sincerely praised "Special Number One, really remarkable!" ”

The incident quickly attracted the attention of the leaders and soldiers who were present, "Who is the special number one?" ”

Rui Yinchao - "Special No. 1" is his exercise code name. At this moment, Rui Yinchao, who had just completed the exercise support task, was quickly walking to the tarmac to inspect and maintain the warhawk that had just returned home.

"Three feet off the ground, people's lives are at stake"

As a pilot, he always kept this sentence in mind. The boring maintenance inspections were carried out day after day, but Rui Yinchao knew that it was precisely because of the persistence of himself and his comrades in charge day after day that each warhawk could exert the best combat performance in the air.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

In his 30-year military career, he has ensured the safety of more than 2,000 flights in the daily field support, and he has participated in dangerous and heavy tasks with the aircraft 19 times during the exercise and disaster relief, and more than 500 troubleshooting.

In the military region, the veteran Rui Yinchao was affectionately called "Teacher Rui" by the soldiers, but he never relaxed his requirements for himself for a moment and insisted on high standards in his work.

One day in mid-April 2013, all the Warhawks returned home in an orderly manner after completing their daily training, and due to some minor problems encountered during the training, it was almost 9 p.m. by the time all the planes returned to the tarmac.

Rui Yinchao, who was in charge of the field maintenance on the tarmac, still insisted on asking each pilot about the fuselage condition according to the usual practice. At this time, one of the pilots told Rui Yinchao that the fighter he was flying had some small faults, considering that the time was relatively late, it was recommended that Rui Yinchao repair it the next day.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

Rui Yinchao immediately decided to take his comrades-in-arms to overhaul, and his comrades-in-arms advised him that even if there was such a coincidence that there was an accident the next day, he was not in a hurry. Rui Yinchao did not heed the advice, and told his comrades-in-arms:

"The failure doesn't stay overnight, what if you have to go to war tonight?"

So they struggled all night to solve the aircraft failure. Unexpectedly, the next day, a huge earthquake struck, and the plane that had been repaired overnight was organized as a leading rescue plane to fly to the disaster area.

It was precisely because of Rui Yinchao's persistence that a flight accident was avoided and the rescue operation of the troops to the earthquake-stricken area was smoother.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

In 2002, when the newly introduced helicopter needed to be assembled and tested in Tibet, Rui Yinchao was assigned to participate in the assembly of the new imported fighter. At the assembly site, foreign experts put forward various installation requirements for this first-time aircraft maintenance soldier, tail braces, antennas, indicator lights... Rui Yinchao installed one by one according to the instructions of experts, and the commissioning was successful.

Such professionalism and hands-on ability made the experts on the scene praise and surprised. This pilot not only understands mechanics, but also knows radio.

Being proficient in one abroad can already be called an expert, so that all of them are extremely rare, even more than many senior experts. His skillful and exquisite skills have impressed foreign experts.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

Such a technology was exchanged for Rui Yinchao's hard work day and night, and even Rui Yinchao, who had strict requirements for himself, once had some "recognition of death" in the eyes of his comrades-in-arms. Rui Yinchao himself recalled that when he was a recruit, he once went out on business, and he heard that something had happened when he first entered the camp.

It was a safety accident caused by a mechanical failure, and the families of the victims were deeply saddened and heartbroken.

"With the huge wealth of the state in one hand and the precious lives of comrades-in-arms in the other, the mission of the aircraft maintenance soldiers is higher than the sky, and the responsibility is as heavy as a mountain!"

At that moment, Rui Yinchao deeply realized the weight of his responsibilities. Always polish the technology, strive for excellence, foolproof, and never cause any harm to comrades-in-arms because of their own faults. Such Rui Yinchao slowly sharpened himself into a needle in the hearts of his comrades-in-arms.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

Engaged in aircraft maintenance work is bitter and tired, and unlike the pilots of the scenery, those who do aircraft maintenance at many important moments in the promotion and promotion will suffer more losses.

Rui Yinchao, who has been working so the aircraft, has been doing it for 30 years, who could have imagined that even if it was so arduous, his road to joining the army was still full of twists and turns, and how much did he cry when he had a junior high school education to become a technical master?

  • From the logistics cooker to the aircraft maintenance soldier, the military road is full of twists and turns

Rui Yinchao was born in 1970 in Guannan County, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, and his father, Xiaofu Ji'an, who ran a small restaurant, gave him a preset life arrangement for his son to inherit his father's business.

But what his father didn't know was that Rui Yinchao had longed for the blue sky since he was a child, and after seeing the fighter plane soaring in the sky on TV, Rui Yinchao was determined to become an air force soldier fighting in the long sky.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

When Rui Yinchao was 16 years old, he signed up for the army for the first time, but he did not pass the medical examination due to the harvest of crops; the next year, he was fully prepared to register, but he did not recruit soldiers in the local area that year, so the plan was delayed again.

In the third year, Rui Yinchao finally passed the conscription screening to come to the army and was still the air force unit he dreamed of. Fate made a little joke with him at this time, and Rui Yinchao, who had hoped to fly a plane since childhood, was assigned to the logistics department and became a cook.

Rui Yinchao left the stove at home and came to the stove of the army, he never complained to the leader about grievances but chose to stick to it. Doing a good job of logistical support for comrades-in-arms is also protecting everyone's blue sky dream.

Rui Yinchao, who wants to be strong, will not easily give up his dream since he was a child, what can he do to get closer to the plane?

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

Rui Yinchao worked hard during the day to do a good job in logistics support, and put down the stir-fry spoon at night to pick up the book. He went to borrow and learn all kinds of aviation materials to improve his technical level, and he wanted to realize his original dream by mastering excellent professional knowledge, and he was getting closer and closer to the plane during the night study.

Finally, after a long period of hard work and application, Rui Yinchao finally waited for an opportunity, when a new recruit was reluctant because of the hardships of the aircraft maintenance work, so after careful inspection by the leadership, he was approved for his transfer to a new post - the aircraft maintenance soldier.

The daily routine of the aircraft crew is very mechanical and boring, but it is extremely important, and they need to carry out daily maintenance of the fighters every day and eliminate the faults in time to escort the pilots. This time he finally came to the side of the plane, and he would enter a whole new unknown territory.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan
"1 year standing, 2 years to watch, 3 years to circle, 4 years to stumble, 5 years to play."

This sentence is a smooth sentence that vividly shows the technical complexity and difficulty of the aircraft maintenance work.

After really becoming a maintenance soldier, Rui Yinchao made difficulties in the face of advanced mathematics, electrical engineering, aviation principles and various circuit mechanical diagrams that the aircraft maintenance needed to learn, and deeply realized that his junior high school education and cultural level were seriously insufficient.

It took a while to touch the wings of the plane, so did you just give up? Touch your nose and go back to the big spoon?

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

Rui Yinchao's master encouraged him, this knowledge is a bit profound, but things are man-made, willing to work hard will definitely be able to do it. Rui Yinchao borrowed high school textbooks from his classmates in his hometown, and in two years, he had to rely on self-study and completed the entire high school curriculum.

During this period, he was sent to participate in the modification of a certain model, and the person responsible for the modification was a foreign expert. He could not understand the foreign language, the circuit could not be understood, and others persuaded him to send an interpreter to discuss with the experts. Rui Yinchao said

"You wait slowly, I'll go first."

He faced his own shortcomings and chased them with all his might. In a year and a half, I used two bilingual dictionaries, translated aircraft maintenance manuals myself, knew the helicopter's large and small components and systems, and could even communicate with experts in foreign languages.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

After that, he obtained two correspondence diplomas through self-study. During this time, Rui Yinchao did not relax his professional requirements, he got up an hour early every morning to memorize the basic definitions, instrument principles, and technical parameters; every day at noon, he practiced drawing various circuits and schematic diagrams; and practiced tools to touch the machine every night.

Such hard study day after day, more than a foot thick of special professional materials, by him turned into a ragged mess, the contents of the book he is familiar with, but also with a variety of colors marked with his own learning insights.

Ten years of grinding a sword, such perseverance has created Rui Yin's super high judgment ability, as long as the aircraft fails, he can basically judge where the problem is as long as he sees and hears.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

Once, Rui Yinchao's aircraft maintenance squadron accompanied the military in the exercise, the auxiliary power device of the long plane suddenly could not be started, at this time less than 10 hours from the start of the exercise, the cause of this failure is thousands of clues, it is difficult to judge, everyone is confused for a while. Rui Yinchao said

"Light the fire, let me hear it."

After launching, he carefully judged:

"This is the ignition nozzle is not fully ignited, it should be a bad contact between the spring and the wire."

Soon according to Rui Yinchao,the fault was ruled out. Rui Yinchao, a bold artist, participated in the highland test flight of the new model in 2000. After the test flight, various experts from Luhang Gathered in Beijing to participate in the finalization meeting of the new aircraft.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

Among the uniform general officers, the only soldier, Rui Yinchao, put forward 3 suggestions for improvement, and after careful analysis and discussion, the experts adopted his suggestions, and the final aircraft were improved according to these three suggestions.

  • Ten years to sharpen a sword, why not serve at the end of the period, where to go?

The all-rounder's career came to an end in 2005. Because Rui Yinchao had already served to the maximum service period stipulated by the state, he was already a non-commissioned officer at that time, and his unit did not have a senior non-commissioned officer system. At this point, the skilled Rui Yinchao must obey the arrangements of the army and retire.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

Before leaving, Rui Yinchao was concerned about the grace of the army for many years of cultivation of him. Carefully, he recorded the troubleshooting and method experience encountered during maintenance every time he passed on the maintenance. He summarized and recorded 37 business notes, nearly 300,000 words. These handwritten compilations of helicopter failures are categorized by starting, fuel, power, engine monitoring, and more.

Nearly 400 fault principles and maintenance methods are listed in pictures and texts. Rui Yinchao hopes that the valuable experience he has exchanged with sweat can be passed on, which can benefit the recruits, help the comrades-in-arms improve their capabilities, and improve the combat effectiveness of the troops.

The leader of the troops was very touched to receive this painstaking work note, and immediately arranged for Rui Yinchao to participate in the compilation of the "Helicopter Fault Analysis Manual Ad Hoc Fascicle", which summarized more than ten methods of eliminating obstacles in actual combat, and also became the original material for the first special professional fault analysis of land aviation.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

This manual was promoted to the whole army, and it was precisely because of these cases compiled by Rui Yinchao that the time for Lu Aviation to train a qualified ad hoc aircraft maintenance personnel was shortened by half.

On the other hand, the local airlines heard that Rui Yinchao was about to retire and immediately threw an olive branch, from an annual salary of 200,000 with a house and a car, to an annual salary of 350,000, to even a 400,000 annual salary in the back. At the same time, the leaders of the troops did not give up. In order to retain this ad hoc expert, two thematic meetings were held to discuss.

Organizationally, rui yinchao changed the organization, and specially approved him to become the first five-term non-commissioned officer; in order to let him stay longer, he was awarded the first class of sergeant major by exception. At that time, Rui Yinchao's family situation was more difficult, and his father and sister were hospitalized and owed high debts.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

Because of his perennial stay in the army, his wife, who was separated from the two places, was under pressure to take her daughter and divorce him. In the face of the high salaries of outside enterprises and the retention of troops, how will Rui Yinchao choose?

Sacrificing the small family and taking care of everyone, Rui Yinchao firmly chose to stay in the army, the army reformed for him, and he dedicated his life to the army. In order to repay the troops who broke the rules and retained him, Rui Yinchao continued to improve his technology, and 4 technological innovation achievements were qualitatively listed by the Ministry of Land and Navigation, and after years of actual combat polishing, he cast a first-class "soldier expert".

After the introduction of a certain type of helicopter, the fire extinguisher exploded many times in flight, and initially only the way to replace it could be selected, which was rui Yinchao's discovery of the root cause of the failure was its design defects, and creatively gave a practical solution to make up for the technical defects of the model, which greatly amazed foreign experts.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

In a training, a helicopter No. 1 battery was not powered, it was already more than 9 o'clock at night, and the preliminary inspection of the flyer and battery were normal. The mechanics present agreed that it was a problem with the line, but thousands of lines did not know where to start. Rui Yinchao carefully checked the circuit to judge, if there is a line problem, then give priority to check whether it is a short circuit.

After some thought, Rui Yinchao directly opened the circuit board behind the left driver, where a 200 amp fuse was short-circuited and the fault was quickly lifted. Such professionalism makes him have the reputation of "King of Soldiers".

The news of Rui Yinchao's becoming a first-class sergeant major spread back to his hometown, and his father, who did not smile, raised his eyebrows and exhaled, and celebrated the honor his son received by celebrating the festival. However, in October 2005, just as he was making the final security check for a major military exercise, bad news came.

On the 5th, my father had passed away, and on the last day of his life, his father was still looking at the door, looking forward to his son's return.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

Since Gu Zhongxiao's dilemma, Rui Yinchao is full of guilt, did not see the last side of his father, and he did not see his sister in a car accident, which also became a regret in his heart. Over the years of work, Rui Yinchao has dedicated himself to the army, and his concern for his family is also very little. His wife had previously advised her to return to her hometown to work so that the family could be reunited.

But he chose to continue to dedicate himself to the motherland and serve the country. After the death of his father, Rui Yinchao quickly adjusted his state and threw himself into work, "failure does not stay overnight" is his promise, he will use his hands to escort the blue sky of the motherland, so that every comrade-in-arms can return safely.

Rui Yinchao stayed, and the comrades-in-arms were relieved, he was there, which represented safety. Once, Rui Yinchao went with the team to the snowy plateau to participate in a drill. The day before the drill, the leading helicopter generator malfunctioned.

It was already 6 p.m. that day, Rui Yinchao could not eat, and led the engine maintenance team to fight for 8 hours and repair the generator.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

The time has reached 2 a.m., and everyone who has not yet finished eating and resting is tired and tired. After the last round of testing, the comrades who did not find any other problems were ready to go back to rest.

At this moment, Rui Yin was super keen to find the problem, and there seemed to be traces of blackening on the inconspicuous fire switch under the generator that everyone had ignored. Must not miss any problem, Rui Yinchao immediately opened the fire switch.

Sure enough, after the socket was removed, the insulation of the line had been blanched by the high temperature. If the next day's exercise is short-circuited, the consequences will be unimaginable! Then he led everyone to re-modify the socket connection circuit.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

At 3 a.m., this major accident hazard that could lead to the air parking of the engine was eliminated, ensuring the smooth progress of the next day's plateau drill. Comrades in arms who have been on missions with Rui Yinchao many times said:

"Rui Yinchao is like a flight safety bolt, as long as he is there, our hearts will be solid."

In Rui Yinchao's view, the plane is like a person, the special specialty is the nerves, blood vessels, and veins on the human body, each part is a cell element, and his job is to repair and maintain these cell elements to ensure the integrity of each point.

How good is the "Soldier King" Rui Yinchao? The army changed the non-commissioned officer establishment for him and refused to work with an annual salary of 400,000 yuan

In 2019, Rui Yinchao officially retired, and he was awarded the third class merit twice in his 30-year military career, and won the "Outstanding Non-Commissioned Officer Talent Award" of the whole army. In the army, he was awarded the honorary titles of "first-class sergeant major" and "individual pacesetter of the whole army practicing the goal of strengthening the army".

In the past 30 years, Rui Yinchao has not only insisted on polishing technology himself, but also brought out more than 400 apprentices for the troops, of which 33 have become technical backbones and nearly 100 have made meritorious contributions, leaving a strong mark on the development of the mainland's aerospace industry.

Rui Yinchao's perseverance, hard work, meticulous work spirit, worthy of each of us to learn, it is precisely because of people like Rui Yinchao, making our motherland more and more powerful!


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