
Immersive tourism: will it be a life-saving straw for scenic spots?

author:Yinuo Agricultural Brigade Planning
Immersive tourism: will it be a life-saving straw for scenic spots?

With the upgrading of market consumption demand, tourists pay more and more attention to the freshness, experience and interactivity of tourism, and the wind of immersive tourism is also blowing to all parts of the country, immersive tourism projects aim to create a comprehensive experience for tourists, that is, by shaping the senses and thinking, emotional experience, attracting consumers' attention, and arousing the emotional resonance or thinking identity of tourists, to find new value and living space for tourism products and services.

At the same time, affected by the epidemic and various disasters, the tourism industry has been fully impacted, the general operation of scenic spots is not ideal, after seeing the heat of the immersive tourism market, many scenic spots have launched various types of immersive tourism projects, immersive tourism projects are really the life-saving straw of scenic spots?

Immersive tourism: will it be a life-saving straw for scenic spots?

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According to the data of the "Mirage • 2021 China Immersion Industry Development White Paper", the total output value of China's immersion industry in 2020 is 6.05 billion yuan, and the number of immersion experience projects reaches 1521, including exhibition exhibitions, live entertainment, commercial real estate, cultural tourism and other forms.

The immersive application of the tourism industry is divided into two categories: First, relying on high-tech means, through the application of VR, AR, 5G, holographic projection and other technologies, so that tourists from the visual, auditory, tactile and other sensory perception of the scene experience into the tourism environment, such as "Only Henan Drama Magic City", if you want to further increase the sense of participation of tourists, it will take the story as the context, with the help of tourist dress, environmental adjustment, technical means, etc., so that tourists are both viewers and participants, such as Wuhan's "Zhiyin" As well as all kinds of immersive script killing.

The second is to expand a single tourism activity to a variety of experience activities, such as various red tourism routes such as sewing military uniforms, pancakes, stretchers and other tourism experience projects, which allow tourists to change from "bystanders" to "participants" in history.

Is immersive tourism the future? There is no doubt about this, on August 23, 2019, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Further Stimulating the Potential of Cultural and Tourism Consumption", which contains nine main tasks in the policy, three of which are closely related to the development of the immersive industry. The "Opinions" clearly proposed to "promote the integration of culture, tourism and modern technology, and develop a new generation of immersive forms and tourism consumption content". On March 25, 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission and 28 other departments issued the Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Cultivation of New Consumption, which mentioned "accelerating the digital transformation of the cultural industry and tourism industry, and actively developing new formats such as performance, digital art, and immersive experience" in the in-depth development of digital culture and tourism." ”

Immersive tourism: will it be a life-saving straw for scenic spots?

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In addition to the national policy orientation, from a variety of high-quality immersive tourism project revenue data can also reflect the market's hot, as of May 20, 2020, "Zhiyin" four years of cumulative performances of 1168 performances, the number of tourists reached more than 700,000, OTA tourist satisfaction is more than 90%. "Only Henan Drama Magic City" opened the city in early June last year, receiving a total of 23,000 tourists during the Dragon Boat Festival, with a comprehensive income of 7.13 million, and is still hot, receiving a total of 100,100 tourists during the National Day, with a total of more than 600,000 theater viewers.

Although the market is hot, it does not mean that the scenic spot can introduce passenger flow and change the current dilemma as soon as the immersive project is immersed, because the immersive project loved by tourists is not a simple sound and photoelectric, and many scenic spots are eager to launch the immersive tourism project in order to scrape this piece of market cake as soon as possible, the quality of the immersive tourism projects that are eager to launch is uneven, the most important is the following problems, one is the lack of content support or the content is not innovative, in the immersive performing arts project, the most core point is the high-quality story content, and various technologies such as sound and optoelectronics are only means In reality, many immersive projects often overemphasize the coolness of the picture, while ignoring the importance of content, immersive experience is not only passive immersion in the senses, but also active immersion in creative content; the second is the lack of characteristics, see what scenic immersive experience project is hot and follow the trend of what projects, and often lead to "water and soil dissatisfaction".

In addition, even if the immersive project launched by the scenic spot is very popular, it may not be able to make money, because this high-tech immersive project is worth a lot, if the market is not fully investigated in the early stage, calculate the input-output ratio, and rush to launch the project may make it more difficult for the troubled scenic spot.

Immersive tourism: will it be a life-saving straw for scenic spots?

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According to news reports, "Only Henan" has a total investment of nearly 6 billion yuan, although the current flow of people is endless, but it is difficult to return the cost for a long time, only from the perspective of return on investment, "Only Henan" is not a high-quality project, as Hu Baosen, chairman of Jianye Group, mentioned in a public interview: "It is true that from the perspective of investment, perhaps the birth of "Only Henan" is difficult to understand. This unique and never-before-seen "theater magic city" has nothing to do with business, fame and fortune, but only about jianye's sincerity, confidence and patience in making cultural works. It reveals the pure heart of Henan enterprises to their hometown, and the cultural consciousness of Jianye, which grew up near the Yellow River, to "inherit the Yellow River culture and tell the story of the Yellow River". ”

However, for the scenic spots in prison, survival is more important, immersive tourism projects are by no means a life-saving straw, as stated in previous articles, the survival of various scenic spots at this stage is not easy, in the process of upgrading and transformation, it is recommended to adjust on the basis of the existing stock, rather than building a variety of asset-heavy projects.

If the scenic spot really wants to share this piece of the pie, it should also be optimized and upgraded on the basis of the existing facilities to create an exclusive immersive project, in short, even if it stands on the vent, not all pigs can fly.

Immersive tourism: will it be a life-saving straw for scenic spots?
Immersive tourism: will it be a life-saving straw for scenic spots?
Immersive tourism: will it be a life-saving straw for scenic spots?
Immersive tourism: will it be a life-saving straw for scenic spots?
Immersive tourism: will it be a life-saving straw for scenic spots?

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