
The north balcony raises the moon season, choose "Pluto", which is resistant to shade and good nourishment, multi-season flowers, beautiful and fragrant

author:Flower Sounds Gardening


For horticulturists and flower lovers, the moon flower is a "good thing", it blooms diligently, the flower color is beautiful, and some will emit a rich floral fragrance, which is used to arrange balconies and courtyards. Spring is suitable for the moon season, today to take you to know a shade-resistant, suitable for the north balcony of the variety, home balcony facing north flower friends can pay attention to it.

First, the basic information of Pluto's balcony

The north balcony raises the moon season, choose "Pluto", which is resistant to shade and good nourishment, multi-season flowers, beautiful and fragrant

Pluto balcony

The moon flower is not only the traditional famous flower of the mainland, but also the "world famous flower", which has a lofty status in the field of horticulture, and there are tens of thousands of varieties alone, and the well-known pink dragon, juice balcony, peach snow mountain, etc., are all artificially cultivated hybrid moon seasons. Today to introduce this, called "Pluto Balcony", produced in the Netherlands, an excellent representative of the miniature moon season, specially designed for balcony potted ornamentation, and juice balcony, Neptune King balcony and other "sister flowers", it is more suitable for the welcome environment planting with little sunshine.

The north balcony raises the moon season, choose "Pluto", which is resistant to shade and good nourishment, multi-season flowers, beautiful and fragrant

The plant type is compact and rounded

Pluto balcony plant is not large, the height of the plant is only about 40 cm, grow to a certain height will not continue to grow, branching is very good, even if you do not top yourself will grow a large side branch, the plant type is compact and rounded, there are no thorns on the body, there are children at home do not have to worry, will not be tied, the caliber of more than 15cm pots can be raised, will not occupy too much space, suitable for planting balconies, window sills and other places with little space.

The north balcony raises the moon season, choose "Pluto", which is resistant to shade and good nourishment, multi-season flowers, beautiful and fragrant

Standard Pluto flowers

The Pluto balcony is typical of the "big flower micro moon" - the plant is not large, the flowers are not small. The flowers are completely heavy petals, the deep cup shape of the classical rose, the flower diameter is 7-9cm, the petals are layered, the flower type is elegant and exquisite, the color is a deep reddish purple, there is a unique sense of beauty and charm, the ornamental is very strong, and it also has a fragrant fragrance.

Blossom to power

Pluto's flowering ability, and juice balcony is similar, are the kind of "take life in flowering" of the main child, as long as the plant state is healthy, the conditions are suitable, all year round can bloom, of which spring and autumn flowers are the most beautiful, the flower type is the most positive, the flower color is the darkest, the summer flower flower is also very large, but affected by high temperature, the flower becomes smaller, the flower color becomes lighter, but the overall is still quite durable. In winter, there are not many flowers, and they bloom sporadically. The compound flower is also very fast, and the interval between the two waves of flowers is only about 28 days, which means that the wave of flowers will bloom after the break is completed, and it will bloom again after less than a month of rest.

The single flowering period is not short, and it can be cut as a rose

In the single flowering period, in addition to the summer flowers can only bloom for 3-4 days, spring flowers and autumn flowers can maintain more than a week of flower type, winter flowers can bloom for nearly half a month, the flowers are upright and upright, cut down can be like roses like water bottle insertion, placed in the bedroom, living room, desktop, both can be ornamental, but also smell the incense, the bottle inserted to the later stage, the flowers will become full purple, but also beautiful.

Second, the growth habit of Pluto's balcony

The north balcony raises the moon season, choose "Pluto", which is resistant to shade and good nourishment, multi-season flowers, beautiful and fragrant

Pluto's summer flowers

Pluto balcony compared to the juice balcony, lotus stars, bell goblins and other micro-moon, disease resistance is stronger, as long as the planting environment has light, ventilation is good, rarely sick, red spiders, thrips and other insect pests do not like to provoke it. Strong adaptability to the environment, all-yang, semi-shaded places can adapt, summer is not afraid of heat is not afraid of the sun, winter can also resist the low temperature of minus ten degrees, there is no requirement for vernalization, the two Guangdong areas can bloom normally.

Micro Moon Pluto Balcony Lilac Blossom Multi-Headed Large Flower Moon Flower Seedling Garden Balcony Potted Flowers ¥22.8 Purchase

3. Planting suggestions for Pluto's balcony

The north balcony raises the moon season, choose "Pluto", which is resistant to shade and good nourishment, multi-season flowers, beautiful and fragrant

Easy to take care of

Flower pots: plastic pots are better than ceramic pots, because they are more breathable, the pots do not have to be very large, small seedlings with small pots, large seedlings with large pots, and so on, the flower seedlings gradually grow and then gradually change the pots, step by step, the pots are too large and easy to cause too much water, and the monthly flowers are afraid of waterlogging and avoid wetness;

Soil: peat soil, saprophyll soil, coconut brick, perlite and other horticultural nutrient soils as good, potted best do not use vegetable garden soil, poor air permeability, poor drainage and easy to compact;

Suitable environment: terrace, south balcony, north balcony can be, although in the shade, in the north balcony can also be raised, but placed in a sunny place, the growth will be better, the blossoms are more diligent;

Watering: Follow the principle of "see dry and see wet", water the soil when it is dry, dry and water thoroughly, not dry and not watered;

Fertilization: thin fertilizer is applied diligently, the amount is less than the number of times, and the common special fertilizer for raising flowers can be used;

Summer and overwintering: heat-resistant and sun-resistant, there is no problem of "difficult summer", good cold tolerance, adult plants can be exposed in most places in the north for overwintering, and seedlings below 0 degrees are recommended to be housed for maintenance;

Other: If there is an insect infestation, it should be treated with drugs in time.

The north balcony raises the moon season, choose "Pluto", which is resistant to shade and good nourishment, multi-season flowers, beautiful and fragrant

The north balcony can also be raised

Summary: Pluto balcony is a rare purple variety in the micro-moon, is one of the purple control must be into the varieties, for the balcony flower friends is a good choice, home to raise a tree, four seasons can enjoy the flowers, in addition to the summer flowers are easier to open, almost can not find the second disadvantage, the balcony also has a location of the flower friends can try.

A variety of miniature moon seasons have Pluto Balcony ¥9.8 purchase