
"Back off and let your mother go up"! Who doesn't want such a "brash mother"

author:Commentary on books

Last month, the most envied mother on the whole network was Gu Yan, because her child was Gu Ailing;

The most envied child on the whole network this month is Zhao Yunxi's little friend, because her mother is Wang Yaping.

"Back off and let your mother go up"! Who doesn't want such a "brash mother"

Last month everyone was saying "how to give birth to a child like Gu Ailing";

This month, I began to think about what kind of reincarnation luck can have someone like Wang Yaping as a mother.

"My mom lives on twinkling stars, my mom her journey is the sea of stars, my mom went to space to pick stars for me."

Her mother was the first female astronaut in China to go to the space station, and her journey was the sea of stars.

She did not revolve around her husband and children, her eyes were in front of the vast universe, for her own career, she could leave her children in outer space for half a year.

She is so good that she is the pride of the child, and strong enough that the child can rest assured that she can be attached, she is beautiful and kind, almost the most perfect mother in the world.

"Back off and let your mother go up"! Who doesn't want such a "brash mother"

Shuangwen's ideal mother shines into reality.


In "Xiao Min Family", Li Ping, played by Qin Hailu, is Jiajia's mother, she is shrewd and strong in her career, has outstanding ability, is at ease, and spares no effort in her life to exchange the wealth she earns for her daughter's happiness.

The rich mother never loses her daughter materially. The way she treats her daughter well is through "material temptation."

Give her a limited edition toy today, tomorrow block her at the school gate to take her to a shopping trip, the way to comfort her daughter is to take her to buy a bag, after all, "cure all diseases";

"Back off and let your mother go up"! Who doesn't want such a "brash mother"

How can the bag that just arrived be considered a new bag, after all, my mother said: "New, always next week.".

When her daughter went shopping, she never let her save, but told her daughter to "buy more and brush harder";

"Back off and let your mother go up"! Who doesn't want such a "brash mother"

From time to time, he "invited his daughter to a meal and gave a gift", and said with great reason: "Is there any other reason for this?" ”

I can only say this - Mom, do you still have a long-lost daughter, you think about it again!

"Back off and let your mother go up"! Who doesn't want such a "brash mother"

In the TV series, there should be a few more such arrogant mothers. With such a domineering mother, who is still rare and what domineering president?

After all, I am already a small social animal that has been beaten by society.

The domineering president will only give you KPIs that you can't complete, assign unfinished work, and give you a pie that can't be finished.

How could I betray the proletariat and turn to the capitalists!

Overbearing President Wen, more and more unable to substitute! [Tear Run]


I would like to say that now that the hegemonic president literature has declined, it is time for the hegemonic mother literature to rise.

As women of various career types enter marriage and have children, it is necessary for female shuangwen to start a new round of genre revolution.

I will briefly list some cool article titles with relatively large market potential:

"Inner Volume Age: Full Grade Old Mother Takes Me To Fight Back"

"Door-knocking Mommy! 18th birthday gift only gives one gram of moon soil"

"Mommy from the Stars"

"Entering the company and finding that the COO turned out to be my mother"

"The Domineering Female President and Her Scrappy Cub"

"Programmer Mom, the biggest bug I've ever written is me"

"The mentor's mother actually delayed me!" 》

"Big Star Mom and Her Black Pink Daughter"

"The chairman of the listed company only promised her, and her little ancestor ignored her"

"A exploded, my mother took me to do things again"

"Belly Black Mother Taught Me to Raid the Yi People"

"Back Off, Let Your Mother Go Up"

"Back off and let your mother go up"! Who doesn't want such a "brash mother"

Our writing is also limited, we can only throw bricks and lead jade, I hope that the wives can consider the small social animals waiting to be fed, and produce more grain.

I'll write a few shallow story synopsis below.


"Entering the company and finding that the COO is actually my mother"

Synopsis: Little A's parents divorced from childhood, and she holds a grudge against her mother and is reluctant to contact her mother.

Xiao A worked hard and worked hard, and after graduation, he entered a company with the top industry in this major, starting from the grassroots level.

At the quarterly debriefing, she unexpectedly found that the new COO turned out to be her mother, whom she had not seen for many years.

She was still grumpy, but the COO mother didn't even look at it. She was angry and lost.

After a while, the welfare of her project team suddenly improved, not only the exquisite fruit cake afternoon tea, but also a variety of SPA and tourism enjoyment, all of which were only available to her project team.

Several of the core projects she worked on were very important, but they were very difficult, and she worked hard and still did not make much progress.

But the magic is that either suddenly people from other companies come to talk about cooperation and make up for the lack of resources, or suddenly a certain piece of people who have been mentioned by high people suddenly knows how to do it; or it is stuck for a long time, and suddenly it can be smoothly advanced.

Until one day, she found that it was all due to her mother's help, and the benefits were all given by her mother out of her own pocket. Her mother did not pestered her to ask her for forgiveness, but took practical actions to take care of her and help her.

She confronted her, but her mother said it was just the help that her superiors should have for their subordinates. But as she left her office, her mother said behind her, "But you've always been Mom's pride." ”

。。。。 Write it and think something is wrong...

In reality, I work hard in my profession, but no matter how hard I try, I will encounter problems that I can't solve in the workplace.

If at this time, your mother is strong enough to use her own experience and wisdom to help herself solve problems, this is really refreshing.

The small social animal did not even dare to think about the matter of lying down to win, just hoping to be less helpless when encountering difficulties.

"Back off and let your mother go up"! Who doesn't want such a "brash mother"

Let's change the title - "Belly Black Old Mother Taught Me to Raid the Favorite"

Well, the story goes something like this:

I don't know how this gene mutated, the mother is a social cow, but her daughter is an autistic girl, and she is still a single mother.

The mother single girl also has a spring of thoughts, and she is in love with the school grass handsome man of the same school, but she is inferior and shy, and does not dare to come closer.

Belly black mother shared how resourceful she won the school grass father, and then began to transform her by hand, starting from appearance, wearing makeup to get up, and gradually becoming a bright and moving girl;

And then this, and then, and finally succeeded in holding the beautiful man.

And then it's the end of the show! [Cool]

Anyway, the story is basically like this, I hope that all the wives will play well!

After all, now looking at the drama of the rich family, I have a sense of substitution is that the female partner with general ability, general family situation, general appearance, no one hurts and no one loves...


"Back off and let your mother go up"! Who doesn't want such a "brash mother"

Therefore, I need this kind of arrogant mother's cool text, after all, men may not love me, may leave me, only my mother really loves me.

The opening small social animal is still a rookie in the workplace, only promises, and survival, the beating of society is coming, but my mother is my heaven, my land, I lie flat, she can help me open up the world.

The motherly type of "who speaks a little bit of grass, repays the three Chunhui" has become obsolete, the tide mother of the new era, the text can write ppt, the martial arts can negotiate on the table, can coding, can business, can social, can make money.

She is so strong, as a little waste, I am afraid to hide behind my mother, and my mother's shoulder is reliable!

It's a mother and a baby girl!

"Back off and let your mother go up"! Who doesn't want such a "brash mother"

In the past, the image of the mother we knew was a housewife confined to the stove and the courtyard, circling around the family, an old mother who was worried about all kinds of trivialities of life, and an empty nest old man who cared about her children but did not understand anything, but wanted her children to report good news and not worry.

Even the more negative image is the shrew, the complaining woman, the humble woman, the aunt who is calculating in the vegetable market, the big mother who disturbs the people in square dancing, the eight wives of the city who love to inquire about other people's gossip, and the old sister who is old and yellow but dressed up in flowers.

They were first trapped in such a small environment as the family, and such a limited environment, and then further, ten years, ten years, decades, will warm water like a frog to shape a limited vision, the heart of the cowering, shallow thinking of the person.

The "heroic mother" style of shuangwen is actually a vision, which is to hope that mothers can also realize their ideals, live themselves, live wonderfully, live boldly, strongly, and gentlely.