
Continuous optimization of the business environment to build a high-quality development of the "strong magnetic field" "Baodi speed" is refined in this way!

author:Internet Information Xiqing

  In April, the grass and trees sprout, and the spring is getting stronger. Walking into the Beijing-Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City in Baodi District, high-rise buildings and green plants shine together, and the spring colors of the garden make people look forward to it.

  "Unexpectedly, in just over an hour, the staff sent me all the templates for the documents, and guided us from filling in to filing, saving us a lot of time and effort." Located in Beijing-Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City Foster (Tianjin) Electric Technology Co., Ltd., in the process of joint completion of acceptance related documents, for the process is not familiar, the company's head Song Liwei first thought of the science and technology city industry service department, and immediately dialed the phone, the problem was solved, warm and efficient service made Song Liwei very moved.

  Behind the praise of the enterprise, Baodi District insists on optimizing the business environment as a vivid epitome of seizing the major opportunities for the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and promoting the "number one project" of high-quality economic development.

  Nesting leads to phoenix perching, flowers bloom and butterflies come. In the past three years, Baodi District has introduced 876 projects in the direction of Beijing and Hebei, with a total investment of 54.3 billion yuan. In the first quarter of 2022, 45 projects were signed, with a total investment of 14.34 billion yuan.

  Not long ago, Baodi District issued the "Twelve Measures to Optimize the Business Environment", iteratively upgrading to create a "version 3.0" of the business environment, and using the policy of continuous "evolution" to meet the needs of diversified enterprises.

  Deepen the reform of "one system and three modernizations"

  It is more convenient for enterprises to do things

  At the construction site of MCC's Hydraulic Technology Production and R&D Base project, pile foundation construction is underway. Since the construction of this key project of "taking the land and starting construction", the work of site leveling, auxiliary equipment, and internal road hardening has been completed since the construction on March 15, and it is expected to be completed and put into operation in March next year.

  "In early March, the land was obtained, and the construction permit for the construction project was obtained in only 8 working days, and the enterprise really felt the 'Baodi speed', and we must accelerate the construction of the pace and contribute to the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei as soon as possible." Song Dawei, the head of the enterprise, said happily.

  As one of the key projects in Baodi District, MCC Mike (Tianjin) Hydraulic Technology Co., Ltd. mainly focuses on the overall solution of hydraulic system, manufacturing and selling hydraulic system, lubrication system, electronic control system, hydraulic cylinder, small and medium-sized hydraulic machinery, etc.

  "We hope to start construction in the first quarter." After learning the needs of enterprises, the Baodi District Government Service Office coordinated with the Baodi Branch of the Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, the District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee and other relevant units on the same day to tailor an exclusive landing plan for the enterprise according to the "Baodi District "Land Acquisition and Construction" Approval Service Plan".

  The Baodi Branch of the Municipal Bureau of Planning and Resources reviewed the project plan and issued a letter of opinion during the land listing and publicity period to provide a basis for the enterprise to carry out the preliminary work of drawing review; the Baodi District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee guided the specific preparation of the construction site before the project started in detail.

  In order to make enterprises satisfied in Baodi, develop in Baodi, and rooted in Baodi, in 2021, Baodi District will take the reform of "decentralization and management of services" as the main line, formulate a three-year action plan to optimize the business environment, implement a seal management approval, implement "Internet of Things + government services", and explore the implementation of "land acquisition and start approval". At present, a total of 26 licensing matters have been cancelled, 534 application materials have been reduced, 58 matters have been reduced, 513 matters have been reduced in the time limit for handling, and 296 administrative licensing matters have been electronically signed, accounting for 99.7% of the "online handling" matters, 99.73% of the "one-time handling" matters, and 96.13% of the "immediate handling". At the same time, the city's first comprehensive acceptance reform, 654 items to achieve "a window without difference in comprehensive acceptance", set up a "can not do things reflect the window", so that the masses of enterprises can not do things have a place to find, someone to manage, someone to help.

  Be a good "shop small two"

  Let the pro-Qing relationship be built faster

  Similarly, the land acquisition procedures of Bosen Commercial Vehicle Systems (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., located in the Beijing-Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City, are also full of twists and turns.

  Bosson Commercial Vehicle Systems (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. mainly produces and sells integrated catalytic exhaust gas purification equipment for the automotive industry, and supplies automotive exhaust gas purification systems and automotive muffler systems for BMW Brilliance Automobile Co., Ltd. and Beijing Benz-Daimler Chrysler Automobile Co., Ltd. in China.

  In July last year, Bosen Commercial Vehicle Systems (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. officially settled in Beijing-Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City. At the end of the year, Beijing Benz put forward the need to increase production capacity, which meant that the plant had to expand its area.

  "According to the order demand at that time, the new land acquisition procedures must be completed in February this year. This is equivalent to going through the original process again. The relevant staff of Bosen Commercial Vehicle System (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. said.

  Understanding the urgent needs of enterprises, Wang Hao, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Beijing-Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City, immediately established a "21 to 1" WeChat group. There were 22 people in the group, one of whom was a staff member of The Bosson Company, and the other 21 were staff members of the relevant departments who helped the company with the procedures for land removal.

  "The company hopes that the new land acquisition procedures will be completed by the end of February, and we will reverse the construction schedule, and everyone will come up with the best plan." In order to save time, communication is basically online. Wang Hao said.

  Brainstorming quickly set off in the WeChat group. In the end, efficient collaboration led to the completion of the new land acquisition procedures on schedule.

  What is even more heartwarming to enterprises is that at the same time as the land acquisition procedures are handled, the Industrial Service Department of the Beijing-Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City intervenes in advance, and once the land acquisition procedures are completed, a series of links such as land survey and environmental impact assessment in the later stage are quickly followed up.

  "In May last year, the Beijing-Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City Comprehensive Service Center was put into trial operation. Enterprises in the Science and Technology City can consult land planning, industrial and commercial registration, construction permits and other more than 60 businesses without leaving their homes. Zhang Lijian, director of the industrial service department of Science and Technology City Development Co., Ltd., said.

  In recent years, Baodi District has actively integrated into the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and full-service enterprises, and at present, the Beijing-Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City has accumulated more than 700 registered enterprises, and leading enterprises have landed one after another, and the development has entered the fast lane.

  This year, with the essence of deep ploughing for enterprises, Baodi District further "upgraded and intensified", issued the "Twelve Measures to Optimize the Business Environment", the measures are more "hard-core", more oriented, targeted and practical, and release more policy dividends.

  "The 'Twelve Articles' mainly include 12 aspects, such as creating a new ecology of government-business relations, formulating new standards for the service system, and realizing new integration of data sharing, with a total of 60 specific contents, of which 35 are 'breakthroughs' in reform and innovation in our region." Yang Lidong, secretary of the party group and director of the District Cooperation and Exchange Office, said, "The opening of the 'pro-Qing tea affair' in the district government is the first of the twelve measures, and in the 'pro-Qing tea event', the district leaders will communicate with entrepreneurs in relevant industries from time to time and seek regional development." In addition, the measures also clearly put forward the dispatch of the special class of 'promotion and package union', established a district-level leadership package alliance mechanism, and formed 15 special promotion groups to promote the completion of key tasks according to the high standards of time nodes. ”

  Not only that, Baodi District has also set up 182 enterprises in the district as business environment monitoring points, and hired 37 business environment supervisors to promote the improvement of the business environment with full coverage, multi-level and wide angle. For the monitoring points of optimizing the business environment service and the problems found by supervisors and the problems raised by enterprises, we will use the attitude of heart-to-heart, the speed of doing things immediately, and the strength of doing a good job to coordinate and solve the problems of "focus, difficulties, and blockages" of enterprises, and turn enterprise problems into "comfortable answers".

  Precise power

  Open up the pain points of enterprise work blockages

  On March 20, Chen Dongfei, the legal representative of Inner Mongolia Jiarong Landscaping Co., Ltd., came to the government service hall of Baodi District, completed the registration procedures for enterprises moving from Inner Mongolia to Baodi District of our city, and obtained a business license.

  "It's really a big help to our company, thank you so much!" Chen Dongfei said excitedly.

  The business of moving in and registering was originally common, but here in Chen Dongfei it seems to be tortuous and bumpy.

  Originally, the cross-provincial, district, and municipal enterprise registration process required the information registration systems of two provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities to be docked through the information system of the State Bureau, but due to unknown reasons, Chen Dongfei's enterprise information could not be located, which made him anxious.

  After the staff learned about the situation, they contacted the information system maintenance personnel and the staff of the Baotou Market Supervision and Administration Bureau in Inner Mongolia for many times. After doing everything possible to retrieve the "lost" enterprise information, a green channel was opened, the registration procedures of the enterprise were handled in a timely manner and the business license was issued.

  In addition to being happy and moved, Chen Dongfei sent a pennant: "I really feel the enthusiasm of Baodi and the efficiency and convenience of the business environment." ”

  Enterprises put forward an "urgent" word, and the functional departments must highlight a "fast" word.

  Holding large orders, the urgent need to put into production in the new factory, the tight time is the problem faced by many newly introduced enterprises. The functional departments of Baodi District take the initiative to dock, hold coordination meetings, sort out lists, customize services, and open up green channels for enterprises.

  "According to the characteristics of the enterprise itself, we implement inventory and project management, integrate all aspects involved in the enterprise's work, and go all out to come up with an approval plan to promote the project to be put into production as soon as possible." Liu Baoqi, secretary of the party group and director of the district government service office, said.

  According to reports, the Baodi District Government Service Office takes the improvement of the "convenience" of the work as the starting point and continues to do a good job in the accurate service of "one enterprise and one case". Taking the improvement of "satisfaction" as the starting point, the "reflection window on the failure to do things" has been set up in the service departments at all levels to ensure that the things reflected by the masses of enterprises can be "everything has landed, and every piece has an echo".

  Spring is in full bloom. Starting from the Beijing-Tianjin Zhongguancun Science and Technology City, 10 kilometers by car, is the Baodi Station of the Intercity Railway. As the Hub Of Kinmen, Keihin and the planned Tianjin-Chengcheng Intercity Railway Station, construction is in full swing. It is expected that after the opening of the city in October this year, Baodi will be officially integrated into the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan 20-minute traffic circle, at which time, this hot land will usher in greater opportunities and burst out stronger vitality.