
Graduate School Experience Sticker | The new legend of the University of Science and Technology of the First World War 985: Weeping with joy, the light boat has passed through the Ten Thousand Heavy Mountains

author:Soul Porridge Shop

Have a passion, have a perseverance

The right to be gentle and tearful to the world

Graduate School Experience Sticker | The new legend of the University of Science and Technology of the First World War 985: Weeping with joy, the light boat has passed through the Ten Thousand Heavy Mountains
Graduate School Experience Sticker | The new legend of the University of Science and Technology of the First World War 985: Weeping with joy, the light boat has passed through the Ten Thousand Heavy Mountains

Write at the beginning:

You are at the crossroads of life, have you been okay lately?

I am Porridge, which is a new column of Porridge Shop for sharing experience stickers (including but not limited to graduate school), and I will invite trusted friends around me to share their stories. Failing to pass the exam is only the result, and does not prove success or failure, so there are both.

We have stories, would you like to hear them?

I hope that everyone can take every article seriously and respect every author. In many institutions, writing an experience sticker can get hundreds of yuan in writing fees, and here everyone is sharing for free! If my data is good, it will also bring you more dry goods!

Graduate School Experience Sticker | The new legend of the University of Science and Technology of the First World War 985: Weeping with joy, the light boat has passed through the Ten Thousand Heavy Mountains

The student sister shared today - Sixi, who worked with her in a provincial student organization for more than a year (is my "top boss" hhh), is very gentle, and also very good at communication ~ (excellent needless to say) When working, we basically need to dock every day, so we also know each other more ~ but because the work is online, so there is no face base at present, I hope that this epidemic has passed, I can have the opportunity to duck!

Xixi Xuejie undergraduate is a new legend of Hohai University, the First World War I ashore the University of Science and Technology of China. Xuejie said that she had enrolled in this professional class, and felt that she did not have much experience, and mainly wanted to share the public class and some pit avoidance guides ~ ~~

Graduate School Experience Sticker | The new legend of the University of Science and Technology of the First World War 985: Weeping with joy, the light boat has passed through the Ten Thousand Heavy Mountains


English (2)

Basic information:

English two 88 points, objective questions deducted about 4 points, four or six levels once, but six levels of more than four hundred points, it can be seen that my English is not very good, but the results of the examination and research are still relatively ideal, the following to share with you the experience of examination and research English.

I started my English relatively early, and when I decided to go to graduate school in March, I began to learn English, but I started to basically memorize words, so students who have the idea of going to graduate school can start English first


One word that has to be mentioned here is very important and important! My words were memorized from March until the day before the exam. At the beginning I used the word book + APP, the APP here can be based on their own preferences, but I do not recommend a hundred words to chop, a hundred words to remember the picture to the end.

From March to June, I basically put the word book over once or twice, and then memorize about 200 words on the APP every day, and when the summer vacation comes, the words may still be very strange, this time I began to use the APP to memorize, I set myself a goal of at least 800 per day, it may be difficult to start, 800 words need about 1h, but after memorizing for half a month, half an hour can pass 800 words, and the last 1000 words can be 20 minutes.

Memorizing a word does not have to be very clear about each meaning of the word and how it is written, but mainly to see the meaning of the word immediately.


Reading is arguably the most important part of the English language.

When I was preparing for the exam, I bought a full set of English I and English II, and in April and May I started the reading part of English 01-08, and only then did I start to contact reading, plus the earlier real questions had a lost difficulty, so there were still more mistakes. At that time, I was listening to Tang Chi's reading class while writing real questions, basically the progress of one set of test papers a week, but by June, the mistake was still very outrageous, so I temporarily gave up reading and continued to memorize words. In the summer, I started the English question 10 years later, and the mistake was still very outrageous.

So I gave up the real english one question. (Yes, I just retreated from the difficulty) I took English II, so I will write English II! Then I found that the difficulty of English II will be much smaller, and the thinking is different from English I, and I slowly found a little self-confidence in the process of writing English II. But there will also be some errors, and most of these errors can be found to be the same kind of error, so everyone remembers to review and know what type of error it is, such as synonymous substitution, logic problems, etc.

Small three doors and essay:

I started in October, I didn't practice it in particular, I just did the English Ii True Questions after 10 years.

Essay (lessons of blood and tears) I wanted to prepare immediately after the summer vacation, but the school I was preparing for changed three of the eight reference books in September, so I delayed it again and again, the composition was delayed until November, this time it was too late to listen to the class, so I bought an essay template, and it turned out that the template was still OK, but it !!! I did not memorize, to the examination room, but also forgot a lot of parts, remember in the examination room on the first paragraph of the big essay is very wrong, cross out a large paragraph rewritten ... ... If you can start, you must start early!

Because the professional courses change the reference book in September and the question type in December, so I have not finished writing the English two true questions to the next two times, so everyone can plan their own time, not to the end of the busy, too late.



Basic information:

78 points, objective questions about 40 points.

My politics started in August, but October to be precise.

In the summer, in August, I was listening to Xu Tao's intensive class + Xiao 1000 questions, when listening to the class, I was immersed in Xu Tao's endless lectures, and I did not fully keep up with the rhythm to complete 1000 questions (in the end, half of my 1000 questions were not written... In October, the leg sister's skills class came out, I began to talk to the leg sister's skills class, and then bought the leg sister's pamphlet, November began to memorize the pamphlet, the leg sister has a lesson with a back, on the way to the library or when eating can listen to deepen the impression.

In fact, by November I was still deeply worried about my politics, because the fast-moving people had memorized it several times, and I was still in the beginning stage, but I consoled myself that the important part of politics was the multiple choice question, and the big question was xiao si who was the last to memorize.

So in November, I bought the simulation questions of the mainstream teachers on the market, Xiao Sixiao Eight, Xu Liu, Leg Four, Meter Three Meters Six, etc., began to write the simulation questions of the teachers, only to write multiple choice questions, only to start wrong is still very outrageous, but everyone writes simulation questions do not have to struggle with the correct rate, to know what is this answer to this topic, and it is recommended that you can write the simulation questions several times, and some current political topics can be directly memorized.

At that time, I also bought a small program for political multiple choice questions, used my free time to brush the questions, and finally the mainstream teacher's simulation questions were basically done more than 3 times. It can be said that my political scores are all based on these simulation questions.

Political subjective questions I am directly memorized by Xiao Si in December, although this year many people say that Xiao Si overturned, but basically the content is covered, flexible application on the examination room is good, subjective questions everyone's score will not be too bad, how much can be written, the volume must not be too empty too much.

Graduate School Experience Sticker | The new legend of the University of Science and Technology of the First World War 985: Weeping with joy, the light boat has passed through the Ten Thousand Heavy Mountains



Q: Going home to study in the summer?

A: For people with poor self-control, I recommend it! absolute! Don't go home to learn, because I just go home to learn, at home is very disturbing, and like me self-control is not very good people, often at home, resulting in summer vacation basically no progress, so if you can learn in school or recommend school, or find a study room, learning efficiency will be much better.

Q: How many hours a day do you study?

A: In fact, when you study, you don't need to dwell on the time you learn, the key is to look at the efficiency, the same task others may complete in 2 hours, and you need 4 hours, so that you spend more time than others. In March to June, my effective learning time is about 4h, not to mention the summer, the school library opens at 7:30, closes at 10:30, and after returning to school in September, it is basically from the library to stay in the library, and the effective learning time is more than 8h every day, and the later period is more than 10h.

Q: Do I need to plan?

A: Required !!! There is no mention of professional courses here because I have registered for professional courses, and the plan is to follow the institution, so basically I don't need to plan by myself, but I have no planning for public classes at all, so the later learning is a bit collapsed, here it is recommended that students learn to have their own plans, not too late.

Q: Do I need to register for a shift?

A: The class needs to look at its own needs, the class I reported at that time was a full class, because the institution was very targeted for the school I was examining, but only the whole class, so I made up my mind to apply for this class, but there are advantages and disadvantages to the class, many people learn together that everyone is an opponent and teammate, and the later mock exam ranking, so that everyone also has pressure, will also promote their own promotion, but the whole class is not tailored according to everyone, so it may be necessary to adapt to this class, the early stage will slowly put themselves on the right track, But following the agency in the later stage will slightly disrupt its own rhythm. Everyone still needs to do it according to their own needs.

Q: What should I do with anxiety?

A: The school I applied for changed three of the eight reference books in mid-September, and changed the question type in December. Among them, the books I memorized several times during the summer vacation were replaced in September, which means that by September I am faced with eight new books, the school I applied for attaches great importance to reference books, and officially began to endorse books in October, how can I not be anxious? Every day repeatedly, sometimes for ten hours a day, I have no strength to speak, and I still can't remember it after memorizing it three or four times. Listening to songs when you are anxious, going out for a walk, and eating something delicious to comfort yourself will pass. But after anxiety, you still have to learn, and you can memorize a book in the last half a day, and everything is worth it at that time.


Write at the end

Suddenly want to record a very touching little thing, the library in December suddenly did not let the stool sit in the corridor endorsement, many people go to the corridor to endorse or bring their own small stools, in addition to the dim lighting in the corridor, the echo is very large in fact.

In the winter, the temperature was very low, I sat on the stairs of the stairs to endorse, and the grandmother who cleaned the house gave me a foam board and asked me to sit on it and not get cold. I don't know why, at that time the tears could not be stopped, when I was studying for graduate school, I almost didn't have any communication with the people around me, and I returned to the dormitory at ten o'clock after memorizing the book and was tired and didn't want to talk, and the sudden greeting made me feel as if I was still being cared for.

This period of time in graduate school is both a growth and an experience.

When I was studying for graduate school, I fantasized about the scene of my admission countless times, but I also felt that I could not pass the examination.

The two days of examination and research were the coldest two days in Nanjing, always remembering the shivering at the door of the examination room at noon, suddenly felt that the examination could not be tested after the examination, and tried to reconcile with themselves, and also began to look for a job and take the exam.

When the results came out, they cried with joy, but more than that, it was calm, and the light boat had passed through the ten thousand heavy mountains.

No matter what, everyone should not give up on the way to prepare for the exam, everything will pass, and the reason for your anxiety is that you want to get it too much.

I hope that next year you can also light the boat has passed the Ten Thousand Heavy Mountains.

Edit: Porridge, the big boy who is sensitive and stubborn. Life is an open question, it has no standard answer, so don't go with the flow, just do it, you feel worth it.

Graduate School Experience Sticker | The new legend of the University of Science and Technology of the First World War 985: Weeping with joy, the light boat has passed through the Ten Thousand Heavy Mountains