
The heart always wants, but the body is very honest, what to do?

author:Peking Union And Dr. Wang Hai

There is a fan private message consultation.

He was 10 years old, and the married life had always been harmonious.

Sometimes, at night, the lover is a little "afraid" of him.

But in recent years, at most, it has been once a week.

Don't look at him and his lover are almost 60 years old, but everyone actually has ideas, but in recent months, they are often weak.

So, he wanted to ask if this was due to low testosterone levels caused by menopause, and whether it was necessary to supplement testosterone?

Obviously, this condition may be erectile dysfunction and does not quite fit the symptoms of testosterone deficiency.

The heart always wants, but the body is very honest, what to do?

Because menopausal menopause, in addition to erection difficulties, will also be accompanied by xìng desire loss, easy fatigue, low mood, inattention and other problems.

Moreover, even if the testosterone level is too low, it should be used scientifically under the guidance of a professional doctor.

In addition, male netizens over the age of 45 can also self-test themselves by answering the following questions to see if they have the problem of low testosterone!

1. Is there a long-term decrease in xìng?

2. Is there a long-term erection difficulty?

The heart always wants, but the body is very honest, what to do?

3. Is there a significant decrease in physical fitness?

4. Is there a decrease in physical strength and/or endurance?

5. Is the height reduced?

6. Is the joie de vivre reduced?

7. Is there a long-term situation of sadness and/or bad temper?

8. Is there a significant decline in sports and athletic ability?

9. Do you like to doze off after eating?

10. Have you not performed well recently?

The heart always wants, but the body is very honest, what to do?

If the answer to the first 2 or any of the 3 questions is "yes", it means that there may be a low testosterone level, and it is necessary to see a doctor in time.