
Those who don't have friends and don't want to socialize usually have these 4 mindsets (deep good article)


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Those who don't have friends and don't want to socialize usually have these 4 mindsets (deep good article)

People are social animals and always like to be noisy and lively. Call friends to lead companions, walk together, have friends who push their hearts, and can talk about communication. Many people say that multiple friends and multiple paths can pave the way for their relationships. As a member of a social group, people often have to interact with others. Networking is an indispensable resource in our lives.

In dealing with others, if we meet someone who is better than ourselves, we can learn a lot. But in real life, we often see some people who are always alone. They have no good friends to push their hearts, nor are they afraid of the loneliness of living alone. They live in a human world, but they still live a wonderful life.

Those who don't have friends and don't want to socialize usually have these 4 mindsets (deep good article)

Everyone has their own way of life, they are not willing to take the initiative to make friends, are not keen on social networking, and live according to their own hearts, most of them are inseparable from the following four mentalities.

1, low-quality social, not as good as high-quality solitude

They are reluctant to waste their time on useless socializing. When you are at the wine table, shouting at friends, and gathering with friends, they are quiet in their own world: reading an English book, writing a paper, researching a new technology.... Maybe you think socializing can bring you pleasure, but they think it's a waste of life.

For example, the geniuses of Sherlock Holmes, Van Gogh, and Nietzsche, who disdain the socialization of the crowd, they stand at different heights. They are always immersed in their own world, constantly learning and studying new things. It is precisely because they make full use of their time alone that they can sum up so much valuable wealth of knowledge and experience.

Those who don't have friends and don't want to socialize usually have these 4 mindsets (deep good article)

2. Introverted personality, not good at socializing with people

There are people who want to communicate with others, but are always unable to fit into the social circle. When they communicate with others, they are always not good at words, and there is no following after saying two sentences. Because he is not good at expressing his own views and opinions, he often chats with others, and he enters a state of having nothing to say, and he is cold.

Xiao Liu is a very shy boy, when he first came to work, he wanted to actively express himself. When everyone was chatting together, he would come over. But he never found the opportunity to speak, and over time he rarely participated in group activities. Everyone slowly forgot about him. Later, he was always alone

Those who don't have friends and don't want to socialize usually have these 4 mindsets (deep good article)

3. Have been hurt by friends and refuse to socialize

There are also some people who used to be very keen to go with their friends, but then they were betrayed and hurt by their friends, and their hearts were traumatized, and they put up armor to protect themselves. He no longer believed in friendships between friends and didn't want to have any intersection with others.

Maybe they did this, a little bit of a wind and crane, and the grass and trees were all soldiers. But you can't experience this pain without experiencing what others have experienced. Being betrayed and hurt by the person you trust the most, this experience is difficult to let go. They don't want to waste any more time socializing because they feel that this way of life is also suitable for them. It's also good to live in a world of your own.

Those who don't have friends and don't want to socialize usually have these 4 mindsets (deep good article)

4. Enjoy the maverick personal life state

There is a kind of person who is strong in heart and has an opinion, who lives silently in their own world, does not care about the eyes of others, and lives their own lives with peace of mind. They devote most of their time and energy to their own research work. They are usually a leader in their industry and can make a great result.

Although they don't have any friends, their happiness index is very high. Their pursuit of material life is not high, but their spiritual world is rich. They use their limited time into their own personal learning and growth. They have less of the troubles caused by interpersonal interactions, but it is easier to find their own direction in life.

Those who don't have friends and don't want to socialize usually have these 4 mindsets (deep good article)

Do yourself well, don't care about other people's eyes, your own life, make your own decisions, and live your own wonderful! Everyone's life is a person walking alone, and everyone else is just a passer-by in your life after all. If it is not, it will come, and if it is not, it will be scattered.

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