
Japanese netizens selected 5 female voice actors who are better looking than idols


Over the years, voice actor idolization feels more and more common, a lot of voice actor sisters not only sound that good ah, people look super cute, and even some people have appeared in the photo album category, recently some Japanese netizens selected 5 female voice actors who are more cute than idols, Ogura Yuki, Mizuse Kei, Sakura Ayane, Kamisaka Violet, Takeda Cainai are on the list, and caused a certain heated discussion on the Internet, do you think these 5 girls are in line with what you think? Today, let's talk with you briefly about these 5 girls.

The first is Ogura's sister. The first time I heard her voice was actually not her main work, but "My Sister Is So Cute." In this anime, she voices GogenZuhi, the sister of the black cat. Although it looks like a hairstyle similar to a toilet lid, but it is well-behaved and obedient, the most respected is the sister, the sister shouted really good. I myself prefer children, for bear children I am very annoying, this kind of good baby I like can't do, at that time I paid a little attention to the original is The voice of Kokura.

Japanese netizens selected 5 female voice actors who are better looking than idols

Kokura wei before debuting as a voice actor actually did choreography or something, and often participates in related activities, looks really pretty, but the deepest personal impression, or once sent by netizens, she and people at the meeting site and people broke the wrist of the picture ... ...

Japanese netizens selected 5 female voice actors who are better looking than idols

Mizuse is actually my personal favorite among the 5 voice actress girls mentioned, and I have seen real people before, which is really cute! Was that 2018 – or 2017? I don't remember it clearly, she was invited to a concert in Guangzhou, really fried chicken cute a girl.

Japanese netizens selected 5 female voice actors who are better looking than idols

She also has a lot of dubbed roles, and I feel that most of them are soft and cute kind of girls, like Xiangfeng Tomoa in "Point Rabbit", Rem in "Life in Another World from Scratch", And May in "Five Equal Flowers", and so on, and their singing is also very good.

Sakura Ayane herself is out of the photo album, looks very pretty, but I don't know why, when I see her, I always think of the phrase "please stop your Sakura behavior", she has voiced the characters of Natsumi in "Yo-Yo Everyday King", BaoDen's beloved in "Dot Rabbit", and Four Leaves in "Five-Equal Flower Marriage".

Japanese netizens selected 5 female voice actors who are better looking than idols

Kamisaka girls usually like to post selfies on the Internet, all kinds of dresses, it is said that their family is a big family, the family is also very rich. She had also been invited to China before, and she was holding a concert in Shanghai, but at that time, I was not in Shanghai, which was a pity.

Japanese netizens selected 5 female voice actors who are better looking than idols

She has also voiced many roles, such as Sanae Ofe in "Zhong'er Disease Also Wants to Fall in Love", Kawajin Mai in "The Strange Spirit World Without Color Limit", and The Bird Yukō in "To Listen to Daddy's Words".

As for Takeda Kana, the first time I saw her dubbed the animation should be "Light Tone", she voiced Azusa Nakano in it, and the characters such as Kirito Takasaka in "Sister" and Ninno in "The Marriage of the Fifth Grade" are her representatives, it seems that she has also launched a photo album?

Japanese netizens selected 5 female voice actors who are better looking than idols

I don't know how you feel about these 5 voice actor girls? Is it really as Japanese netizens feel, more amazing than idols?