
How do you keep your child away from toxic cartoons?

author:Land war overlord

As a 4-year-old child's mother, recently there is a very headache, the baby always has to watch ultraman monster cartoons, before no contact, only know that many primary school children are addicted to this cartoon, but recently my family's baby is also addicted to it can not extricate themselves.

In the cartoon, Ultraman's action of fighting monsters, after being imitated by the baby, he and the baby father staged a game of mutual play on the bed at home, the two played happily, as an old mother, when I saw the baby attacking the baby with all her strength, I really felt that the content in the cartoon had too much impact on the baby.

This kind of cartoon is not only a character, but also a very unclear character, from Diga, Dana, Gaia, Rosso, Galaxy, to Victory, Xyseith, Titus, Jade, father of Otter, mother of Otter, and so on, so that all kinds of youkai, King Red, Guvila, Gomora, Lightning Killer, etc., these not only have dolls, but also cards, assembled dolls, all kinds of weapons, including the Orte Spear, the Transformation Crystal, the Otter Sword and so on. What a horror it is that a cartoon has driven so many peripheral derivatives, even extending to books, stationery, and things. Imagine that your baby has been influenced by these violent thoughts for a long time, and in the long run, it is really difficult to say whether your baby will also have this tendency. These derivatives around us are as follows:

1. Cards

How do you keep your child away from toxic cartoons?
How do you keep your child away from toxic cartoons?

2. Dolls

How do you keep your child away from toxic cartoons?
How do you keep your child away from toxic cartoons?

3. Books and movies, etc

How do you keep your child away from toxic cartoons?

4. Stationery

5. Food

6. Clothing and shoes

I believe that many parents are not unfamiliar with the above small cards, yes, its price is usually sold at 1 yuan, 2 yuan, 5 yuan. Slightly more expensive 20 yuan, 50 yuan. Are you also very frustrated why your children are always clamoring for parents to keep buying? Because the characters on the cards are different, the levels of the characters are different, and the attack ability of the monsters is different, so the children want to collect more different, high-level, and attacking cards, so they keep buying cards. Each pack of cards is basically about 10 cards, sometimes a pack can be pulled out of different Ultraman and monsters, and some are duplicate cards, which stimulates the child's impulse to buy again. Buying again and again, although the price is not high, it is also a big expense in the long run.

After the parents are not satisfied, the children will seek other ways to ------ exchange cards. Kids together, you like my one, I like your one, it's normal for us to change it. But sometimes there will be, for example, your level is not as high as mine, my monster can synthesize more powerful your no, etc., over time, the child's psychology will appear to be compared, and even unbalanced.

I would like to share with you an incident that really happened around me. My neighbor has a boy who loves to play with my baby and brings his own toys and card books with him every time he comes to the house, and I'm glad the kids have a partner to play with. Later, I observed the process of exchanging cards together and found that it was not so much an exchange as a direct exchange, not a change. Why? My baby has the habit of letting me read the content on the card, that is, to let the card book read it page by page, after the baby changes the card, I will find that the card inside appears blank, and ask the child to know that it is a card exchange game. The child does not understand what exchange is, only that friends like it. So after a few card swap games, I explained to my kids what an exchange is and why there are blanks in your card book.

Once the neighbor's child came to the house and happily said that he wanted to change the card, and said many times, my child said that I did not want to change. Later, the neighbor's child saw that he did not change the card successfully.

Most of the games played by my children and the children of the neighbors are also Ultraman monsters, or the protagonist of the family is also Ultraman, this "Ultraman" image has been so deep in the child's heart, let me, the old mother really have some doubts, why do we not have such cartoon characters in China that children remember deeply? I remember when my child watched "Huluwa", I thought it was also a cartoon about the battle between good and evil, but I only found some dolls and books about Huluwa in my life.

And what did Japan do to develop Ultraman? At the same time as the cartoon is released, all the peripheral derivatives about the cartoon characters appear on the market, dolls, stickers, books, stationery, clothes, handicrafts, etc., as long as you can think of it, it will appear, and when the child sees his favorite cartoon character when he buys, he will definitely pestering the parents to buy one, which will further consolidate the position of this character in the child's mind. Of course, we have to admit that Japan has really done a very good job in this regard, and our Chinese enterprises or animation industry workers, this should learn from experience, build on the strengths and avoid the shortcomings, otherwise, in the days to come, our children will each have a foreign IP in their mouths, and our own animation IP does not have an outlet that can be said, then this is really shameful.

Of course, a large part of this lies in how parents guide, it is impossible to kill all the negations with a stick, but as an old mother with a baby, I really hope that the state can introduce relevant policies in this regard, no longer introduce this kind of cartoon full of violence, various television and network platforms will no longer play this kind of cartoon that poisons the minds of young people, and create a healthy and civilized positive audio-visual environment for the future flowers of the motherland, so that children can stay away from cartoons that poison them.