
Take the case as a lesson to strengthen understanding, and use learning to promote reform and grasp improvement

author:Guizhou drug rehabilitation
Take the case as a lesson to strengthen understanding, and use learning to promote reform and grasp improvement

In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of the important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and other national leaders on the work of safe production in Guizhou, the "fifteen hard measures" proposed by Vice Premier Liu He on safe production, deeply learn the lessons of safety production accidents in various industries and fields, and further promote the development of various work on safe production, the Duyun Compulsory Isolation Drug Rehabilitation Center (hereinafter referred to as "Duyun Institute") organized a safety production warning education conference on April 15.

Take the case as a lesson to strengthen understanding, and use learning to promote reform and grasp improvement

First of all, the organization watched the warning education film "Life is heavier than Taishan - learning General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on safe production" and "Cases of safety production accidents in the system", conveyed and studied the spirit of the recent important meetings and important documents on safe production of the State Council, the provincial party committee, the state party committee and the higher-level business departments, and made arrangements for the next step of safe production work.

The meeting pointed out that the responsibility for safe production is heavier than Mount Tai, and safe production cannot be sloppy. At present, safe production work is the top priority over all work, all departments should firmly establish the concept of "two supremes", deeply study and comprehend the spirit of the recent important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on safe production work, pay close attention to the implementation of various work measures for safe production, actively create a safe and stable place environment, and greet the 20th National Congress of the Party and the 13th Provincial Party Congress with excellent results and practical actions.

Source: DuYunsuo

Author: Zeng Chi

Photography: Luo Shirong

Issue 572/2022 (Issue 6382 in total)

Take the case as a lesson to strengthen understanding, and use learning to promote reform and grasp improvement
Take the case as a lesson to strengthen understanding, and use learning to promote reform and grasp improvement