
He was ruthlessly rejected by SM Company, and his debut was in the big trend of the heavenly group, and it was a rare climb to the top of Aidou

author:Joke entertainment storm

EXO's Kim Jong-jin wanted to debut in elementary school, but was ruthlessly rejected by SM Company due to his young age, and became a sm company trainee as a champion a few years later, debuted in EXO after five years of hard practice, and with the trend of EXO to the top, Kim Jong-jin is also known as one of the few top love beans in Korean entertainment.

He was ruthlessly rejected by SM Company, and his debut was in the big trend of the heavenly group, and it was a rare climb to the top of Aidou

Kim Jong-in is the only one who can still be fancy without looking at the camera, and his enthusiasm and familiarity with the stage can really be a mattress to sleep at home. Children with strong dance appeal are generally emotionally rich, and Kai himself is not very fond of others saying that he is black. As a black bean famous for the love bean circle, the facial features are actually very manly, not the kind of rough muscles and rugged manly taste, but a wild masculine charm, hormones kill invisible, whether static or dynamic, Kim Jong-in was born for the camera.

He was ruthlessly rejected by SM Company, and his debut was in the big trend of the heavenly group, and it was a rare climb to the top of Aidou

Jin Zhongren always gives people a kind of fan contrast cute, on the stage cool crazy bullying face I am your uncle, when participating in the show, the doll that was originally in the hands of Kim Jong-jin was fine, when he left, the doll headphones hair fell off, the dance skills of God appreciating the meal were still so hard, love beans work hard, but it is not difficult to sell miserable, not to scream tired, it is difficult to imagine a face with such an invasive face, milk throat and you are very sincere to say thank you, it is such a contrast, it seems to be able to see a comprehensive three-dimensional fresh Kim Jong-jin However, this may be just a corner of the iceberg.

He was ruthlessly rejected by SM Company, and his debut was in the big trend of the heavenly group, and it was a rare climb to the top of Aidou

Compared with the circle of friends of EXO Kim Joon-min, Park Chan-yeol and other members, Kim Jong-in's circle of friends is almost transparent and open, and SHINee Lee Tae-min and HOTSHOT Kim Moon-kyu three-person small group bamboo horse bamboo horse bamboo horse feelings are not too good, more than ten years of feelings are almost Kim Jong-jin in addition to Wu Se-hoon, Kim Jong-dae and other EXO members of the most close relationship, long-term concise living environment led to Zhong Ren from the psychological almost not very mature, after all, even Wu Shixun has a bit of a man's taste, But he was not in the mood to make friends, and he did not hide his ambitions in dance.

He was ruthlessly rejected by SM Company, and his debut was in the big trend of the heavenly group, and it was a rare climb to the top of Aidou

Kim Jong-in is a person who you never know how much effort and sweat he has put in, learning ballet since childhood, absolute dancer artist, the charm on the stage ace, dancing has its own style, is a natural dancer, he is a special presence in Korean entertainment love beans, leg injuries can not participate in any activities, EXO concert side Bo Hyun, Kim Min-seok and so on on to play KAI sitting below, Kim Jong-jin's face is not the kind that everyone can appreciate, but the charm emitted when dancing is recognized by everyone.

He was ruthlessly rejected by SM Company, and his debut was in the big trend of the heavenly group, and it was a rare climb to the top of Aidou

Kim Jong-in is obviously the second busy outside of EXO Wu Shixun, but has a more mature appearance than other brothers, giving people a feeling of being very cold and wild, in fact, in private is a dozing, some introverted personality is a little afraid of life, not good at words but the heart is very warm and kind and gentle little brown bear, EXO in the famous figure and sexy responsibility is a well-deserved dance responsibility, Kim Jong-jin may be the most in-depth and most heartfelt one of exo interviews, really very connotative.

He was ruthlessly rejected by SM Company, and his debut was in the big trend of the heavenly group, and it was a rare climb to the top of Aidou

Kim Jong-jin belongs to the temperament is greater than the appearance of people, and will not make people feel very handsome at first glance, not walking on the road will look at the stunning handsome guy, but SM company and himself are very clear about what style he is suitable for, as well as just right to pick up others, dirty braids reggae head and a series of very versatile hairstyles can be well performed, it is no exaggeration to say that the general Korean entertainment love beans of the fine skin tender flesh white beauty is unable to control these pompous shapes, it is difficult to play The stupid playboy in the boy is associated with the exo busyness of avoiding girls and ghosts.

He was ruthlessly rejected by SM Company, and his debut was in the big trend of the heavenly group, and it was a rare climb to the top of Aidou

Kim Jong-jin may not be the target of the current main star-chasing group, but he is like a standard product produced by an assembly line that suddenly appears to condense the craftsman's mind, with a primitive atmosphere full of temperature and tension, which shows why EXO can quickly reach the top of Korean Entertainment, so many people with interesting souls and strong strength gathered together, it is not too difficult to reach the top.