
Friday (4.15) Stock Market Live Highlights Review (Morning Edition)

author:Naughty Heavenly Dignity
Friday (4.15) Stock Market Live Highlights Review (Morning Edition)

11:30:[Afternoon Roundup]: Friday morning the market showed a pattern of low opening and low walking, investors can see that the shanghai index opened 14 points low at 3210 points in the morning, the ChiNext board opened 22 points low at 2443 points, the morning market opened low after the low, the intraday test near 3200 points near the support stabilized, but finally the major indexes closed in the morning relatively low area! Looking at the current market, the market belongs to the swing rising rhythm, the market at the beginning of the week near 3140 points near the time line resonance confirmation rebounded, encountered resistance 3225 points after the time line high point fell back, and then the retracement did not fall below 3180 points, after a short digestion again rose to break through, yesterday encountered resistance 3240 points encountered resistance to fall back, today's retracement temporarily did not fall below 3200 points, therefore, in the afternoon investors a red heart two hands ready, according to the situation of the individual stocks in their hands flexible choice! More, afternoon commentary detailed! Thank you all for your attention and like or appreciate your support!

11:23: The disk surface 3200 points temporarily stabilized, but the rebound is not strong, continue to pay attention to the support near the 3200 points in the afternoon, if it is effectively broken, pay attention to the 3240 points after the time line high encounters resistance, there is no alignment of the time line lows, therefore, the current disk, either near 3200 points to stabilize the rebound, or fall below the time line low or low resonance and then rebound! Investors in the hands of individual stocks, the swing space is good, low in batches to grasp, otherwise be patient!

11:10: The disk is close to near 3200 points, if investors had a high sell yesterday, the current retracement space is good, then pay attention to the match opportunity near 3200 points, and keep an eye on yourself! Here are the better counter-opportunity points for active individual stocks in addition to the possible tick line lows! ok? Got it?

11:03: Guolian Securities fell to a stop, Caida Securities also suddenly dived straight to the stop, the disk encountered resistance fell back, see if the support near the 3200 point of the second test can be stable!

10:54: The disk is still relatively reasonable, relatively strong digestion pattern, 3200 points of steady holding, is almost a breath of red, the current market has no stage risk, the daily level of reasonable digestion will rise after the rise, as long as the market does not appear too strong in the Yang market, short-term market risk is not large, belongs to the band rising market! Understandable thumbs up!

10:51: The plate turns red and the tone is bad, so be patient! Just saw a person still praising Zhuge Liang, a little unaccustomed! It is estimated that the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has been seen a lot, right? Luo Guanzhong used his own thoughts to write his own mythical Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei, in a mischievous view, Liu Bei is a complete hypocrite, Zhuge Liang is a real villain, Zhuge Liang can obviously take on big responsibilities around people who do not need to use or use too much, the qualifications of the unremarkable pro-trust people nepotism, and finally failed, if it were not for Luo Guanzhong to write the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", I am afraid that Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei would be scolded to death! Of course, fans of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" will definitely come to scold naughtiness, saying that naughty does not understand anything! Well, you know best!

10:33: The disk power plate rose sharply, the Mindong power rose and led the rise, but the disk surface encountered resistance and fell back, a little speechless ah ~! I really want to take a battery baton electric A-share market and let it wake up!

10:28: Nanjing Securities is rising rapidly, see if the securities sector can change a few leading companies to lead the rise, leading the securities companies and the disk to rise together!

10:23: The disk is slowly climbing, and the CHINext is also up, which is a good thing! Nearly 1100 shares in the two cities have risen, and the following is to see if the index can turn red and lead the market stocks to take full advantage! Investors look at the backgammon, once the low starts, it doubles and recovers the lost ground of the past 1 and a half years! Therefore, low-level stocks still need patience! Isn't it?

10:08: The disk surface turned red a breath, good things and more grinding, the following continue to pay attention to the 3200 points near and above the area of the green disk weak shock preparation pattern how, more patience, not impatient, market opportunities left to prepared, patient investors, of course, investors do not have a hot head, the first few days of the big rise to chase similar to Yiling Pharmaceutical stocks, today was a pot end, is not it? Horror, right?

9:58: The lowest disk surface of 3202 points, retracement to stabilize 3200 points after the upward, continue to pay attention to the 3240 points near yesterday's tick line high counter-pressure, investors keep an eye on the hands of individual stocks do not relax, the current two cities less than 1000 shares rose, the market to turn red, in order to slowly stimulate the enthusiasm to do more! ok? Keep an eye on it!

9:50: Ningde era fell 5%, leading the ChiNext board to fall 2%, now Ning Wang stabilized, see if you can lead the ChiNext and index and individual stocks to rebound in an all-round way, after all, the support near 3200 points is temporarily effective support! Confident likes and sends "777"!

9:45: Yesterday Wang Sicong angry Yiling Pharmaceutical, today's low open low go big fall, to tell the truth, yesterday rose to park a lot of money, originally was the shipping form, today is good, Yiling Pharmaceutical legal affairs is estimated to be a little busy, you can catch Wang Sicong's small braids! See if the backstage of Yiling Pharmaceutical will give Wang Sicong a good look! What do you think?

9:42: The current disk minimum 3202 points, did not fall below 3200 points, technically the same as the digestion of the previous day, in the face of resistance to step back without falling below the support, the market will soon support the rebound, but at present also need to pay attention to the support near 3200 points, more patience, not impatient! Individual stock old rules, keep an eye on yourself!

9:34: After the opening, the market minimum temporary 3206 points, the current start of the rebound, technically not effective fall below 3200 points, are relatively strong digestion and transition, investors keep an eye on the low stocks in their hands, see if they can make up for the next wave of market changes or even lead the rise! At present, the coal plate on the disk leads the rise, followed by real estate, oil and other plates, and the disk is weak!

9:27: A new day begins, investors can see that the early Shanghai index opened 14 points low at 3210 points, the ChiNext low opened 22 points at 2443 points, technically yesterday the market appeared 3240 points of the time line high, naughty clear short-term risk, it is recommended that investors pay attention to swing operations and position control, because the early week of the time line low of 3140 points support after the rebound, the market rebounded 100 points, so today pay attention to the digestion of the market, Pay attention to whether the market can be stable in the 3180-3200 range! Individual stock old rules, keep an eye on yourself! Understandable thumbs up!

In addition, a friendly reminder: Hong Kong stocks are closed today and next Monday (April 18)!