
What happens to the asymmetry of the baby's leg lines? One of the 6 features that accompany the appearance, it is best to go to check as early as possible

author:Mother of the Guan family

There are small month-old babies at home, and when there is a routine child care, I think all parents have paid attention to the baby's leg tattoos. The leg stripes of babies are the skin folds between the buttocks and thighs of babies when they are in prone positions. Normally, the texture on your baby's legs should be symmetrical, but there are some special cases.

When Wan's mother gave birth to her first child, she never paid attention to this problem. But after more than 3 months of giving birth to the second treasure to go to the child protection, the doctor turned the baby over, frowned and looked at it for half a day, and then wrote "asymmetrical leg patterns" on the examination manual. He also gave me a single order to do A ultrasound for my child, saying that it was to further examine the hip joint.

After going to the B ultrasound, I got the test results, showed it to the doctor, and said that there was no problem, so I was relieved to go home. The whole process I was a little confused, did not understand why the doctor had to ask us to check the hip joint, a bit of "redundant". Is it true that the asymmetry of the baby's leg lines is serious?

When I got home, I immediately rummaged through some information to understand what asymmetry in leg tattoos was. It turns out that this problem is not uncommon among infants and young children. If the baby's leg stripes are asymmetrical, it is very likely that there will be hip disease or unequal length of the lower limbs, of which hip dislocation is common.

However, the asymmetry of the leg stripes does not mean that there must be a problem with the development of the baby's lower limbs, and there is a certain probability that it is normal in this part of the baby. Therefore, it needs to be confirmed by screening in the paediatric department and necessary auxiliary tests.

★ Hip dysplasia, in addition to asymmetrical leg striations, is usually accompanied by the following features

For babies under 1 year old, whether the leg stripes are symmetrical can be used as one of the references for the normal development of the legs. When your baby learns to walk, he can be judged by his daily activities.

If the baby's leg lines are asymmetrical, coupled with the following characteristics, then there is a hip problem.

1. The baby lies on his back, bends his large and small legs by 90 degrees, and then unfolds outward at the same time, at this time, the angle of the thighs on both sides is obviously different.

2. The baby lies prone, straightens his legs, and the heels of his feet are obviously not on the same level line (long and short feet).

3. The baby is lying on his back, with his legs bent on his knees, his calves together, his heels aligned, and the height of his knees is inconsistent.

What happens to the asymmetry of the baby's leg lines? One of the 6 features that accompany the appearance, it is best to go to check as early as possible

4. When the baby is lying on the bed and moving, the movement of one side of the two feet is more flexible, and the other side is always bent and hardly moving.

5. The baby learns late, 1 and a half years old can not walk, or walk unsteadily, gait waddling, swaying, and easy to wrestle.

6. The legs do not like to move, the pedaling force is weak, and when the urine is carried out or the movement that needs to separate the legs, it shows resistance and likes to close the legs.

Are your baby's leg lines symmetrical? If it is asymmetrical, don't worry too much, some babies may be fat because of too good nutrition. However, if one or more of the above 6 features are accompanied, it is better to take your baby to check it out.

★ Factors that cause abnormal hip development in your baby

In the 1990s, the American Orthopaedic Society and the North American Pediatric Orthopedics renamed the CDH for congenital hip dysplasia to DDH. It is believed that this is not a congenital disease, but formed during the development of children's bones and joints. It can appear at birth or in weeks to months after birth and varies with development.
What happens to the asymmetry of the baby's leg lines? One of the 6 features that accompany the appearance, it is best to go to check as early as possible

For now, there is no scientific demonstration or research data to indicate the cause of the onset of DDH. But scientists have looked epidemiologically and believe there are several risk factors:

◆ Genetic factors Babies with hip abnormalities in family history have a much higher incidence rate than babies without family history.

◆ The role of hormones Usually the incidence of baby girls is higher than that of baby boys, because during pregnancy, baby girls are more sensitive to the mother's body of laxin (a hormone that relaxes the pelvic ligaments and facilitates the delivery of the fetus), which is more likely to cause hip ligament relaxation.

◆ Breech birth Because the birth position is different from that of normally born babies, such delivery methods make them more likely to cause hip dislocation or dysplasia.

◆ Lower limbs are pulled at birth For example, some babies cannot be delivered normally, and may need to be pulled out by external force, which will also lead to abnormalities in the hip joint.

◆ The baby is bound and "candle packed" The lower limbs are forcibly straightened and wrapped, which will cause the femur and acetabulum to be out of their natural position, so that the hip joint will occur abnormally. Therefore, the traditional way of swaddling the legs and leggings of newborns is wrong and even very dangerous!

What happens to the asymmetry of the baby's leg lines? One of the 6 features that accompany the appearance, it is best to go to check as early as possible

★ Prevention and care of hip dysplasia

For babies with hip dislocation or abnormal development, the sooner they are detected and treated, the better the recovery effect. Before the age of 1 year, it is usually possible to heal by means of correction, fixation and correction.

Babies aged 1-2 years, due to the long time of hip dislocation, the surrounding soft tissues have different degrees of contracture, so they need to be traction before reduction, and then fixed with a cast for several months before correction. Children over 2 years old often need surgery to correct them.

Therefore, when taking care of the baby every day, if the parents feel that the baby's legs are not quite right, it is best to take the baby to the relevant examination in time.

In order to avoid stunted hip joint at birth, the mother should pay attention from the beginning of pregnancy. Don't bend or bend over too often, and don't get overworked.

If the pregnancy test finds that the fetal position is not correct, it should cooperate with the doctor's advice and try to make corresponding adjustments before childbirth. In case of special circumstances, it is not necessary to insist on a normal birth, and it is safest to follow the advice of a doctor.

When wrapping the baby, pay attention to it, it should not be wrapped too tightly, and the baby's legs should not be forced to straighten or bind. Choose the right baby carrier and seat so that your baby's hip can stretch freely to avoid improper force leading to hip dysplasia.

What happens to the asymmetry of the baby's leg lines? One of the 6 features that accompany the appearance, it is best to go to check as early as possible

Write at the end

For babies with dysplastic hip joints, asymmetry of the leg streaks is one of the early signs. Therefore, parents must not take it lightly and arrange the inspection as soon as possible. If it is really a disease, the sooner the treatment, the better, so that the recovery is fast and good, and the baby has less pain. The older ones require surgery, which may even bring inconvenience to future movements and affect life.

Wanjia mother original. Certified health manager, family education instructor, and mother of the two treasures learned and grew up with me, mastered scientific parenting methods, and strived to become a better parent.