
"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

author:Star LLP

Collect the works of famous artists and explore their skills in order to better learn from each other's strengths.

Asked Yu Heyi to inhabit Bishan Mountain, laughing but not answering.

The peach blossoms flowed away, and there was no heaven and earth. ‬

The fisherman by the altar of the apricot tree, the family in the peach blossom garden

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Zhao Zhiqian's younger brother Zhao Shihongtao

What these people paint like, it is really a puzzle.

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Qi Baishi peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Lou Shi Bai longevity

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Lu HuiYaochi fruit ripe

This stone and this water also learned it by the way.

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Chen Ban Ding Peach

Master Chen Banding's sketches are so beautiful that they are beautiful!

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Huang Junbi Peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Huangshan Shou Peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Tian Shiguang Peach

In the 1930s and 1940s, Tian Shiguang's brush flowers and birds already had a reputation in the Beiping painting circle, because he had been living in the countryside for many years, indifferent to fame and fortune, considering himself a "Liulangzhuang person", and pursuing the innocence of art with a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, which formed a unique style of his art.

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Chen Dayu Dafu Shou

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Huang Yongyu picks peaches

Huang Yongyu's paintings have always been full of fun, and he can extract the most witty aesthetic tastes from the crowd of people who live.

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Cixi Peach

It seems that Cixi not only loves power and art, but also loves painting, and her works are very attractive!

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Shilu Peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Bada Shanren Peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Wu Changshuo Peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Wu Changshuo peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Wu Changshuo peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Tang Yun Peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Wang Xuetao Peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Kong Xiaoyu Peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Wu Yue stone peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Zhang Dazhuang peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Virtual valley peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Zhang Daqian Peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Yu Non-Min Peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Qing Zhao Zhiqian Peach

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Qing Zhao Zhiqian One of the four fruits of the four hours, osaka municipal museum of art collection

The flowers and fruits and trees painted are thick and simple, and the colors are rich

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Ren Bonian (Ren Yi)

"Famous Artist Painting Shou Peach"

Qing Zou Yigui Shouzi landscape

Zou Yigui can be good at poetry and painting, especially good at flowers, and intercropping landscapes. 曾精心绘制百种花卉,每花题一诗,集成《百花卷》进呈乾隆帝,深受赞赏‬。 ‬