
5 home-cooked stir-fry dishes, simple and fast hands are highly nutritious, with rice and steamed buns are delicious, better than takeaway

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: 5 home-cooked stir-fry dishes, simple and fast hands are highly nutritious, with rice and steamed buns are delicious, better than takeaway

Since the takeaway service, many people have begun to be lazy, do not want to cook when the door is too lazy, casually order a takeaway to solve a meal, although this is very convenient and convenient, but long-term eating is not good for the body. For the sake of good health, it is most suitable to cook by hand, not only the food is hygienic, nutritious, but also costs less money. Below I share with you 5 home-cooked stir-fry dishes, simple and fast hands are highly nutritious, with rice and steamed buns are delicious, stronger than takeaway! Under the wine and dinner are good, learned not to order takeaway, come and see.

5 home-cooked stir-fry dishes, simple and fast hands are highly nutritious, with rice and steamed buns are delicious, better than takeaway

1. Miyoho shrimp

This dish is more delicious than Kung Pao chicken cubes, you can try it before you have eaten it, adding the fresh flavor of shrimp, too special, very under the rice dish.

Peel the prawns into shrimp kernels, remove the shrimp line, rinse and control the moisture. Then add a little cooking wine, salt and starch to mix well and marinate for 10 minutes.

Pour a little peanut rice into the pot, add a little oil and stir-fry over low heat, stir-fry until the color is slightly yellow, and it will be crispy after a while.

Cut some green onion, ginger, garlic and chili peppers, mix a bowl of sauce, add cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, tomato sauce and bean paste in the bowl, stir well and set aside.

Heat the pot and add oil, pour in the shrimp when it reaches 50% heat, fry and change color. Add the oil to the shallots, ginger, garlic and chili peppers, sauté until fragrant, and pour in the sauce.

After boiling, pour in the shrimp and stir-fry, stir-fry evenly, pour a little starch water to hook the mustard, and finally pour in the peanuts and rice and stir-fry quickly to get out of the pot.

5 home-cooked stir-fry dishes, simple and fast hands are highly nutritious, with rice and steamed buns are delicious, better than takeaway

Second, yam fungus fried chicken slices

The ingredients of this dish are nutritious and rich, and they are low-fat dishes, and they are not afraid of being fat when eaten, and they are delicious and not greasy.

Soak the black fungus in warm water, soak it in soft bubbles, remove the roots, and then wash them. The chicken breast is rinsed and thinly sliced.

Put a little salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper and sugar in the chicken slices and mix well, add a little starch and mix for 10 minutes. Peel and wash the yam, cut into thin slices, rinse off the mucus and set aside.

Heat the pan with cold oil and stir-fry the chicken slices, stir-fry and change color, then put it out, leave the oil in the fried pan of green onions, pour in the yam, black fungus and stir-fry.

After frying, pour in the chicken slices and stir-fry evenly, and finally add a little salt and chicken essence, and fry evenly to get out of the pan.

5 home-cooked stir-fry dishes, simple and fast hands are highly nutritious, with rice and steamed buns are delicious, better than takeaway

3. Tofu with eggplant sauce

Tofu is cheap and nutritious, it is a low-fat, high-protein and high-calcium ingredient, it is recommended to eat more. There are many ways to make tofu, this eggplant sauce tofu has a special taste, with rice and steamed buns are delicious, try it.

A piece of old tofu, rinse and cut into small pieces, cubes or rectangles. Mix a bowl of sauce, add two spoonfuls of tomato sauce, one spoonful of soy sauce, one spoonful of oyster sauce, half a spoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt, stir well and add water to set aside.

Add more oil to the pan, heat it up, add the tofu cubes, fry or fry them until golden brown.

Leave the bottom oil pour into the sauce, boil the heat and pour in the tofu pieces, cover the lid and simmer for a few minutes, when the soup becomes less, pour in a little starch water to hook the sauce, stir-fry a few times, the tomato juice tofu is ready.

5 home-cooked stir-fry dishes, simple and fast hands are highly nutritious, with rice and steamed buns are delicious, better than takeaway

4. Minced meat and potato pieces

To say the next meal, minced meat made of dishes are all under the rice, like capers fried minced meat, minced eggplant are good dishes, but I prefer to eat this minced meat potato pieces, you can also try, there is this dish can eat two bowls of rice in a row.

A piece of pork is chopped into minced meat, add cooking wine, soy sauce, salt and pepper, stir well and marinate for 10 minutes. Potatoes are cut into small pieces, and if you want to cook quickly, you can cut them into small cubes and handle them according to your preferences.

The potato cubes are rinsed and placed in a frying pan and fried until they are slightly yellow. Heat the oil in a wok, add minced meat and stir-fry when it is 50% hot, stir-fry after changing color, add ginger, minced garlic and green onion and stir-fry to create a fragrant flavor.

Then pour in the potato cubes and stir-fry a few times, add soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, oyster sauce, allspice powder, stir-fry evenly, add water and simmer for a while.

After the potatoes are cooked thoroughly, the juice is collected, and finally the starch water is poured in, and the minced potato pieces are ready.

5 home-cooked stir-fry dishes, simple and fast hands are highly nutritious, with rice and steamed buns are delicious, better than takeaway

5. Stir-fried beef with celery

This dish is not only delicious, but also highly nutritious, it is recommended to eat more often. The preparation process is very simple, it is a simple and fast dish, from cutting vegetables to stir-frying, it takes up to 20 minutes to complete.

Cut the beef into strips, add water to scratch, remove the blood water, squeeze out the water and add cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, starch, grasp and mix well, pour a little cooking oil and mix, marinate for fifteen minutes.

Wash the celery and cut into small pieces or dice, cut into a few slices of ginger. Stir-fry the beef in a hot pan with cold oil, stir-fry the color and add ginger slices and celery and stir-fry.

Stir-fry until the celery is broken, add a little salt to adjust the taste, and the celery stir-fried beef is ready.

5 home-cooked stir-fry dishes, simple and fast hands are highly nutritious, with rice and steamed buns are delicious, better than takeaway

The above five home-cooked stir-fry dishes are very simple to make, have you learned? Let's make it, it's much better than takeaway. My sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.