
Promote, care, help! Three major actions to help the double "No. 1 Project"

author:Ganzhou release

On April 14, the reporter learned from the relevant press conference that in order to implement the decision-making and deployment of the municipal party committee and the municipal government on the in-depth promotion of the double "No. 1 project" of development and reform, unite and mobilize the majority of employees in the city to promote the great development of the digital economy, the great improvement of the business environment, and strive to build a high-quality development demonstration zone in the old revolutionary area, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions will carry out the special action of "helping the double 'No. 1 Project' trade union in action" in the city, including three major actions: promotion action, care action, and help action.

Promote, care, help! Three major actions to help the double "No. 1 Project"

What exactly is this?

Let's find out with Xiaobian!

In terms of upgrading actions, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions will organize 20 publicity and education activities on the theme of "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty - Welcoming the Twenty Great Achievements and Building a New Era" in digital economy gathering areas and key enterprises, and select 10 most beautiful workers in the field of digital economy; select 10 digital labor models (craftsmen) in Ganzhou City to carry out famous teacher and apprentice activities and train 100 digital technology experts; build digital labor model (craftsman) innovation studios; and hold vocational skills competitions for digital economy workers around various tracks of digital economy industries. Promote the training of 1,000 employees at their posts; organize and carry out no less than 20 digital technology skills training, covering more than 2,000 employees.

In terms of care actions, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions will organize a "health caravan" into the Ganzhou Digital Economy Industrial Park and the Longnan 5G Industrial Park to carry out free health examinations for 1,000 employees of digital enterprises, and give 2,000 employees of digital enterprises who have joined the trade union organization a comprehensive guarantee and mutual assistance plan for unexpected serious illness groups; rely on the trade union's "three divisions and one room" to protect rights and hold 20 online and offline occupational health and mental health services; and give play to the role of Ganzhou City employees (labor model) recuperation base. Organize 2,000 employees (labor models) to participate in recuperation and recuperation, and give priority to front-line technicians and entrepreneurs who have won awards in labor and skill competitions in the field of double "No. 1 Project", have invention and creation patents, and have outstanding contributions. Organize and carry out 10 offline single young workers' networking activities.

In terms of support actions, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions will support the construction of 6 digital economic parks (agglomeration areas) staff activity venues, provide project subsidies, and effectively solve the problems of psychological counseling, culture and sports, and children's love trusteeship; carry out the work of "Ganzhou Love Work Loan + Digital Economy", with the trade union providing full discount interest, and actively provide guarantee-free and unsecured "Ganzhou Love Work Loan" business to digital makers or small and micro enterprises; guide and help digital economy enterprises to carry out the work of building a good association, difficult assistance and rights protection. Ensure that 100% of digital economy enterprises that meet the conditions for the establishment of the association will be established in 2022.

It is understood

At present, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions has issued an implementation plan

Demand full play

The role of trade unions as a bridge linking the masses of workers

Further strengthen the sense of service

Actively explore the establishment of employees in line with the characteristics of workers in the field of digital economy

New methods and models of trade union services

Send the care of the party and the government to the hearts of the broad masses of workers

Encourage the majority of employees in the city to be in the double "No. 1 project"

Show new style and make new contributions

Promote, care, help! Three major actions to help the double "No. 1 Project"

Source: Gannan Daily

Author: Liu Yanfeng, all-media reporter

Editor: Li Xi Intern Zhan Yue Proofreader: Lai Yongjuan

Duty Director: Ming Xinwu

Editor: Li Zhongsheng Chen Yuxin

Promote, care, help! Three major actions to help the double "No. 1 Project"