
Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

author:Salt Mountain Express
Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

Does the overall national security concept sound lofty? But what does it mean? When it comes to national security work, in the past people thought that it was to catch spies, catch spies, and catch spies!

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

Whether it is underground work in the revolutionary years, or the struggle against Taiwan after the founding of the People's Republic of China, or the secret war of major powers, the traditional field of national security work is relatively narrow, mainly anti-interpersonal and intelligence work with the maintenance of political and political security as the core. At that time, the question of who was our enemy and who was our friend was also relatively clear, focusing on the nature of struggle.

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

However, with the development of the times, if your understanding of national security work is still only in the impression of "counter-espionage", it is too much out!

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

Today, national security refers to a state in which a country's regime, sovereign unity and territorial integrity, people's well-being, sustainable economic and social development, and other major interests of the country are relatively free of danger and from internal and external threats, and have the ability to remain in this state of security.

Doesn't it feel like this definition is brain-burning? In layman's terms: all factors that may endanger the political and social stability and orderly development of a country will be included in the category of national security.

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

For example, in addition to military prevention of foreign invasion, political prevention of infiltration, and subversion of these traditional areas, there are a total of sixteen fields, such as whether the ecology and environment have been damaged, whether energy and resources can be continuously supplied, whether social security is guaranteed, whether nuclear facilities and nuclear technology can be effectively protected, so that whether food is enough to eat, whether prices are stable, and whether the network can cope with hacker attacks.

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

In this way, it seems that there is nothing that is not related to national security?

yes! Such a comprehensive new type of security concept is the overall national security concept. On April 15, 2014, it was proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping. At the critical stage of the great rejuvenation of the nation, the overall concept of national security is our general program and action guide for coping with various risks and challenges.

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

Today, the temporal and spatial scope of national security is very broad, and the factors involved are more complex than at any time in history. What endangers national security may be the destruction of the enemy, or it may be our own negligence, a natural disaster, or a man-made disaster.

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

The overall national security concept first means that all areas of governance should be unified into national security and the overall governance level of national security should be promoted. To this end, the Central Committee has established a National Security Commission, with General Secretary Xi Jinping as the chairman, and functional institutions have been set up at all levels and in various localities.

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

The overall national security concept also means that safeguarding national security will not only be the work of the national security departments, but also the common responsibility of government departments, people's organizations, financial institutions, enterprises and institutions, and the military at all levels and localities, and it is also the obligation of every citizen.

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

It is said that the rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of the puppeteer, and national security is ultimately for the security of the people and the interests of the people. Therefore, it is necessary for national security work to adhere to the mass line!

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

In order to enhance the national security awareness of the whole people, April 15 every year has become the mainland's statutory national security education day, and national security education has been incorporated into the mainland's national education system.

As a country ruled by law, the mainland has also formed a systematic and effective national security legal system based on and based on the National Security Law.

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

In addition, there is one more important one! To maintain national security, we need to actively shape the external environment and build common security while attaching importance to our own security.

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

In short, to implement the overall national security concept, we must be based on the major international changes, economic and peripheral, global planning, adhere to the bottom line thinking and risk prevention, pay attention to the combination of principles and strategies. It is necessary to strengthen national security capacity building in specific aspects such as materials, technology, equipment, personnel, laws, and mechanisms. Of course, we must also pay special attention to and cherish the contingent of cadres in national security work.

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

Having said all this, are you ready to safeguard national security when you are worried about the country and the people?

Rambling on the "Overall National Security View"

The content of this article comes from the network information collation.

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