
What are the common disinfection methods in the home?

What are the common disinfection methods in the home?

First, air disinfection

◆ Open the doors and windows for ventilation 2 to 3 times a day, each time not less than 30 minutes, which is the best way. Families with conditions can use the circulating air disinfection machine, but they need to pay attention to strictly following the instructions.

What are the common disinfection methods in the home?

Second, toilet disinfection

◆ When flushing the toilet, cover the toilet lid, wipe the toilet with 84 disinfectant containing 250 to 500 mg/l of effective chlorine, and rinse with water.

What are the common disinfection methods in the home?

Third, the disinfection of goods

◆ Water cups, tableware, toys, etc. can be soaked in bleach powder, potassium permanganate solution for 15 to 30 minutes, or boiled with water for 15 minutes, and then rinsed with running water;

◆ Floor, tabletop, switch, door handle, hot water kettle, bedside table, etc. can be wiped with 84 disinfectant containing effective chlorine 250 ~ 500 mg / liter, and do a good job of ventilation;

◆ If towels, clothing, quilt covers and other fabrics need to be disinfected, they can be soaked with disinfectant containing effective chlorine 250 to 500 mg/l;

◆ Families with children should pay special attention to the disinfection of the floor and furniture, so as to avoid children from being infected with germs after touching dirty things; disinfectants should be placed in places that children cannot reach;

◆ For express delivery and frozen fresh products bought from supermarkets, the outer packaging should be disinfected and can be wiped with 75% alcohol.

What are the common disinfection methods in the home?

Fourth, food disinfection

◆ When cleaning and processing, it is necessary to keep the kitchen and utensils hygienic and clean, to prepare containers for cleaning raw food, and to prevent splashing when cleaning with flowing water;

◆ When eating fruits without skin such as cherries, they should be soaked for more than 10 to 20 minutes, and some fruit cleaners can also be used for cleaning;

◆ Separate raw and cooked, containers, knives and plates used to process frozen fresh should be placed separately, and avoid mixing with utensils for handling food for direct import;

◆ Kitchen utensils should be cleaned and dried in time after use, and can also be wiped and disinfected with 75% alcohol. Finally, the surrounding environmental surface is cleaned, and the 84 disinfectant solution can also be diluted in a ratio of 1:100 and then wiped and disinfected.

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