
Xie Chengze: The energy of the role makes me "rich" | new forces of actors

author:Beijing News

Before the release of the movie, Xie Chengze once wore a crab hood and held up a sign to recommend movies to people on the street, and the entry "male No. 1 roadside promotion movie" was also on the hot search. After the release of the movie, the audience who watched xie Chengze affirmed Xie Chengze's performance, and he also experienced an experience in this role that he had not experienced when he first studied abroad, "This is the first time I don't need to care where the camera is, and perform according to my current emotions." ”

Xie Chengze: The energy of the role makes me "rich" | new forces of actors

Xie Chengze

Date of birth: June 10, 1995

Masterpieces: "If One Day I Will Leave You", "Meet Happiness"

When filming "Li Xiaoli", it was like life

Xie Chengze plays the introverted Li Xiaoli in the movie, who during his studies in Japan, wanted to support himself through part-time work, but repeatedly ran into a wall. In the end, with the help of his friends, he interviewed into a Chinese restaurant, Guan Wei, the acting store manager played by Qi Xi, gave him the opportunity to work, and Li Xiaoli also saw the stories of different people through his work, felt the kindness around him, and slowly changed and grew.

Like Li Xiaoli in the movie, Xie Chengze studied in Japan in the three years from the second year of high school to the first year of college, so Li Xiaoli's story made Xie Chengze feel familiar, "Li Xiaoli's personality is very similar to me, except that I did not work when I was in school in Japan, every day was school and home, two points and one line, there was no outdoor activity." Li Xiaoli has one more place to work, which is three points and one line. Xie Chengze said. The tone of the whole film is very literary, Xie Chengze feels that such an atmosphere is not suitable for designing too many things for the characters, and the director has always emphasized the need for nature, "The director taught me a way, that is, to try to put myself in a state of being alone." Because Li Xiaoli's personality in the film is relatively withdrawn, very slow and hot and a little wooden, so throughout the filming process, Xie Chengze has always allowed himself to keep himself in such an aura." Li Xiaoli is the kind of character who suppresses his emotions, and during the filming period, my emotions were still quite depressed. Xie Chengze said.

Xie Chengze: The energy of the role makes me "rich" | new forces of actors

In "If One Day I Will Leave You", Li Xiaoli, played by Xie Chengze, has a more withdrawn personality. Courtesy of respondents

In the process of shooting this film, Xie Chengze also met some seniors in the industry. What impressed him the most was the cooperation with Zhang Aijia, "Zhang Aijia is a very good teacher, he will take the initiative to chat with you before the start of filming, let people relax, and also be able to drive me when filming." "In Xie Chengze's view, the filming of the movie 'If One Day I Will Leave You' is different from the previous scenes." You don't need to pay special attention to the camera, just interpret it according to the emotions of the moment, not like filming, more like an immersive life. ”

After starting filming, I know more about reading scripts

Xie Chengze went to Japan to study in his second year of high school, and his family wanted him to study medicine, but after one year of freshman year, he did not want to continue. "I decided to go back to China because I studied for a while and found that it wasn't something I liked or a career I always wanted to pursue." After returning to China, because Xie Chengze is relatively tall, so everyone suggested that he can try the modeling profession, when he was studying, he would often be exposed to shooting, sometimes it was advertising, sometimes it was filming, but it was some very small roles, but gradually Xie Chengze felt that "performance" was quite interesting. So in his sophomore year, Xie Chengze transferred to a department and began to study acting.

Xie Chengze: The energy of the role makes me "rich" | new forces of actors

After Xie Chengze returned from studying abroad, he decided to study acting. Courtesy of respondents

When he first entered the acting department, Xie Chengze has always been in a state of nervousness, "Many students have been exposed to acting before going to college, but I am relatively unfamiliar with acting." The daily learning content in the school is mainly stage performances, during which Xie Chengze also occasionally shoots dramas. When he first started filming, Xie Chengze felt that the most difficult thing was not to mobilize emotions, and did not know how to prepare, "When I first started filming, I read the script, knew what kind of person the character was, and then went straight up to say the lines." Later, through continuous practice, Xie Chengze learned that playing a role well is not as simple as just reading lines. "Now that I read the script, I have to see not only myself, but also all the actors who play against me, to figure out the relationship between the characters, and to understand why I said this, he said the next sentence." 」

After making a work, it will mature a little

Xie Chengze used to do some desk work after getting the script, "Why is this character such a character?" Why do you do this in this way? How will his environment of growth differ from his attitude towards everyone? Will think of something more detailed. Xie Chengze said. Most of the time, the character's story and experience are not experienced by Xie Chengze, and he will choose excellent film and television works of the same type to observe, learn and analyze. "It's not about imitating, but it's going to borrow from other people's ways of dealing with it, which helps to open up my creative ideas."

When asked why he likes to act, Xie Chengze thought about it and said: "It sounds like this answer is a bit cheesy, but I do think that acting can experience different lives, which is a very interesting thing." Experiencing things that may not be experienced in this life, experiencing and understanding their hearts in the performance, knowing how they think, makes Xie Chengze feel that this is a way to make himself "rich". "You feel mature on your inside, or you absorb energy." For example, after filming "If One Day I Will Leave You", Xie Chengze gained a lot, and he felt from Li Xiaoli's life: "Some things are useless to escape, it is better to face them bravely." And 'parting' is not necessarily a sad word, it may be for a better encounter later, and parting is not a good choice."

From the official filming to the present, Xie Chengze has participated in the majority of the works in which the film accounts for the majority, and Xie Chengze enjoys the rhythm of the film, because the film can have enough creative time to let him think about how to interpret the role. Of course, Xie Chengze also hopes to have more choices in the future, try different creative methods and angles, and interpret different roles.

Beijing News reporter Zhang Kunyu

Edited by Tian Kaini Proofreader Zhai Yongjun