
Restore the way life looks, or sell anxiety? Discuss Dear Little Ones and don't overlook new moms

author:Bright Net
Restore the way life looks, or sell anxiety? Discuss Dear Little Ones and don't overlook new moms
Restore the way life looks, or sell anxiety? Discuss Dear Little Ones and don't overlook new moms

Recently, based on the movie "Left and Right", directed by Hu Kun, starring Qin Hao, Ren Suxi, Nie Yuan, Xie Keyin, and Huang Miyi specially starred in the family life drama "Dear Child" on CCTV Eight sets and iQiyi hits. Among them, Fang Yinuo, the "novice mother" played by Ren Suxi, because of the very realistic character role, coupled with the flexible and natural "life-style" interpretation, and the topics of women and parenting brought by the plot itself, once it was broadcast, it aroused heated discussion among the audience. The immersive plot has also raised questions about "trafficking anxiety". With the deepening of the plot, the problems in reality are also expected to be professionally interpreted and relieved. Professionals told reporters that the anxiety of women during pregnancy and childbirth also needs more attention.

Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Zhang Nan


The sense of substitution is full, showing that parenting leads to family conflicts

"Dear Child" mainly tells the story of the young couple Xiao Lu (played by Qin Hao) and Fang Yinuo (played by Ren Suxi) who have been married for many years and welcome Guizi. On the day of production, Xiao Lu was unexpectedly absent. With the birth of their children, the new parents also began to meet the challenges of identity conversion. With the intervention of both parents, a series of family conflicts have occurred frequently, resulting in the relationship between husband and wife towards an inflection point and a reef.

This is the first time that Ren Suxi has "fully interpreted" the role of mother on the small screen, comprehensively interpreting the complete process from "conception" to "nurturing" newborns. The pregnant face is covered with spots, the belly is as large as a leather ball, and the stretch marks are clearly visible, and every detail resonates. In the tidbits released earlier, Ren Suxi accurately grasped the details of the childbirth process simulated by the staff, and when performing the production scene, it was not "painful roar" but "breath-holding force", the pain in the production process, grinning teeth, sweating, completely unable to care about the image, even if she had not given birth to a child, she could feel her hardship, quite a sense of substitution.

More than this, the heroine Fang Yinuo presents the various difficulties faced by "novice mothers" one by one: physiological embarrassment after pregnancy, perfunctory calculations of the sister-in-law, intergenerational parenting conflicts, and the lack of husbands on the road of parenting with "thin mud", etc., relying on real and reliable acting skills to tell the physiological and psychological changes of women after childbirth. The life-like acting skills have gained a large number of netizens who are "as real as watching a documentary" and "very realistic, making people's scalps tingle". There are also many "mother" viewers who said that looking at Fang Yinuo, it seems to be back to the period of their first motherhood.

Talking about why he can interpret the characters so truly and completely, Ren Suxi said: "In order to better substitute for the role, I constantly learn from my friends who have become mothers around me in the early stage, and I will also learn some of the necessary skills of new mothers, such as changing diapers, sucking milk, hiccups, etc. After performing this play, it is really like raising a child. ”


Is this husband a scumbag? Qin Hao was full of desire to survive

Qin Hao plays the "unreliable father" Xiao Lu, whether he is a scumbag or not, which also triggers discussion. Some of his words and deeds are quite "black": his wife is about to give birth in the hospital, he went home to work and hand over the plan, he actually drank beer and watched the ball game, resulting in falling asleep; the wife was in pain until the next day, xiao Lu, who finally appeared in the hospital, helped her mother-in-law to supplement the placenta to her brother, and missed his wife being pushed out of the delivery room; the wife was "incontinent" afraid that her husband was "disgusted", and Xiao Lu, who said that he was okay, wandered outside the ward, washed his hands and "disliked" for half a day, worried about the smell on his body; after driving downstairs after working overtime, he heard the child's crying on the phone So he drove away, from staying in the car to not going home overnight; after drinking, he went to the wrong bed, and on the day of his daughter's full moon wine, Xiao San came to the door to make a big fuss... Xiao Lu's behavior made the female audience "intolerable", in fact, many female viewers who experienced widowed parenting expressed their deep understanding.

On the 11th, Qin Hao, an actor full of survival desire, said when sharing the tips for watching the drama on Weibo, "When chasing the drama with his partner, the male compatriots try not to answer the phone, do not discuss, do all the service work and deeply reflect on the shortcomings in life." Female compatriots please keep a happy mood, if you are angry, you can reprimand Xiao Lu in the barrage area. Finally, I hope that everyone will have a happy follow-up drama and a harmonious family during the epidemic prevention period. Another netizen said: "The front row is another hint: the role is the role, the actor is the actor!" Please go and scold Xiao Lu, don't scold Qin Hao. Qin Hao's wife, Yi Nengjing, also said, "Qin Hao, how can you treat your wife like this?"

In addition, the collision of generational parenting also appears in the TV series, the unreliable mother-in-law and the little uncle, the mother who solves the marriage problem of the daughter, and the parenting problem is no longer a problem of two people. For example, the mother-in-law complained that the daughter-in-law wasted money, it is better to give the money to find the sister-in-law to herself, and the old man also uses a lot of local methods to take the child. Forcing the mother to drink soup to make up for it, taking care of the granddaughter when the old man smoked on the side, gave the diaper used by the son 20 years ago to the newborn granddaughter, and took the child out to watch others play mahjong, the result was ignored the stroller sliding away, and the baby fell out of the stroller. Although the mother is distressed by her daughter and thinks about her daughter everywhere, there are problems in the handling of some problems, and the contradictions are also intensified to a certain extent.


Restore the true appearance of life, or sell anxiety?

Unexpectedly, this drama also caused discomfort to Bao Ma. Some people think that Fang Yinuo's exposed anxiety is almost suffocating. "As a married and childbearing mother, I think this drama is a bit excessive. The play exaggerates the contradictions and conflicts, and uses various realistic methods to mislead the audience, so that many unmarried and childless people have a fear of entering marriage. ”

The People's Daily published an art review that said, "Although such 'mother-in-law' problems in life due to age and concepts do exist, if various extreme problems such as these are stacked and superimposed, it will not only cause the audience to resent, but also may produce a great sense of social anxiety, and even cause young people to be afraid of marriage and childbearing, and aggravate the intensification of family conflicts." ”

Hu Kun, the director and screenwriter of "Dear Child", is also the screenwriter of "The Hidden Corner". The script of "Dear Child" has been written for 8 years, this theme has been brewing for a long time, competing with every character in the play, it is difficult to imagine that male creators can observe and capture a series of problems caused by female fertility in such detail. Hu Kun said that the biggest power of the script is simplicity and truth. The actor's performance is very delicate and layered, and the emotional surge is very natural, such as the scene where two people quarrel, so that the cabinet accidentally fell down and smashed on Ren Suxi, but because the actor was immersed in emotions, he gritted his teeth and did not shout to stop.

He also responded, "I have always believed that fear comes from the unknown, such as you have to walk home for a night, do you still have fear when you walk often?" Only when you know and are clear, you will not be afraid or less afraid. In his opinion, "life has its truest appearance, and in front of my daughter, I neither want to scandalize it nor beautify it." ”

On the one hand, there is a sense of substitution by the audience, on the other hand, the discomfort brought about by the atmosphere of anxiety is created, with the deepening of the plot, the pain brought to people needs to be released and channeled, and the TV series that really triggers the topic also bears the responsibility of scientific solutions to a certain extent and relieving negative emotions. How the TV series develops in the future needs to be further observed.


Mom's mental health cannot be ignored

In fact, some of The actions of Fang Yinuo after giving birth in the play convey anxiety and are distressing. For example, if the child has jaundice and enters the hospital to take blue light, she is almost out of control because she cannot accompany the child. Taking care of children at home will be anxious and insomnia because of a small problem, unable to swallow, and fall into self-blame. Insufficient breast milk, worried about the sister-in-law to give the child milk powder, lack of corresponding communication... Professionals believe that if the family takes the corresponding scientific measures to care for the wife, perhaps the marriage will not break down.

According to statistics, 60%-80% of new women will experience a short period of emotional ups and downs after childbirth. If you can't get timely relief, it is easy to develop postpartum depression.

In the interview, Wang Haofei, director of the Department of Psychology of the Provincial People's Hospital, told reporters, "In fact, there is no postpartum depression in professional diagnosis, which is a statement of the people, not our professional statement." Its incidence is related to the change of female hormones, but from the treatment point of view, because there is a special period of breastfeeding after childbirth, the intervention of drug treatment will be smaller, and the intervention of psychotherapy may be relatively more. ”

Xu Jun, director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at BenQ Hospital, suggests that if a pregnant woman finds the following three or more symptoms that last for more than two weeks, she should be vigilant about the possibility of prenatal/postnatal depression and seek medical attention in time. 1. Everything is meaningless and has no fun; 2. Every day is depressed, sad, and empty; 3. It is difficult to concentrate; 4. Extreme irritability and irritability; 5. Sleep difficulty or excessive sleep; 6. Excessive or uninterrupted fatigue; 7. Appetite changes greatly; 8. Feelings of guilt that should not be felt.

Many pregnant women know that bad emotions during pregnancy and childbirth not only have a bad mood, but also affect the growth and development of the baby, but the october pregnancy plus postpartum recovery time is so long, how can it be guaranteed that every day is happy and does not lose temper? Director Xu Jun reminded that in addition to pregnant mothers to learn to self-regulate those bad emotions and maintain a good heart, family members should also improve their awareness of prevention and treatment, and adjust in time when they find that pregnant women are in bad mood, such as trying anxiety transfer, self-persuasion, friend interaction, emotional dissipation, mood adjustment, etc. If you still can't let go, you have to go to the doctor.

Source: Yangtze Evening News

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