
The new generation of Mondeo is officially launched Compared with the previous generation of models, it has been greatly improved

author:Automotive Intelligence Unit


The new generation of Mondeo is officially launched Compared with the previous generation of models, it has been greatly improved


The new generation of Mondeo is officially launched Compared with the previous generation of models, it has been greatly improved


The new generation of Mondeo is officially launched Compared with the previous generation of models, it has been greatly improved


The new generation of Mondeo is officially launched Compared with the previous generation of models, it has been greatly improved
The new generation of Mondeo is officially launched Compared with the previous generation of models, it has been greatly improved
The new generation of Mondeo is officially launched Compared with the previous generation of models, it has been greatly improved


The new generation of Mondeo is officially launched Compared with the previous generation of models, it has been greatly improved

动力方面,全新一代蒙迪欧搭载由长安福特提供的CAF488WQC型号的EcoBoost 245 2.0T四缸涡轮增压发动机,最大功率238马力(175千瓦),峰值扭矩376牛·米,传动匹配8速手自一体变速箱。