
You've been away from mom for more than 600 days,

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You've been away from mom for more than 600 days,

Mom misses you."

June 2020

Shubian martyr Xiao Siyuan died

Recently, his mother wrote a letter about her thoughts

Words poke the heart

△ Video source | Elephant News

After retrieving Xiao Siyuan's relic

Mother slept with his pillow in her arms every night

In the letter, Shaw's mother told her son

Everything was fine at home

Just never stopped missing him

After bringing back his son's relic

Xiao's mother slept every night holding Xiao Siyuan's pillow

It was like holding him as a child

"Mom can't let go."

I hope I might see you in my dreams."

You've been away from mom for more than 600 days,

Mother Shaw wrote in the letter

Grandma used to make scrambled noodles with eggs that he loved

In front of his photo, I sat down for half a day

See people in military uniforms

Grandma couldn't help but lean forward to take a look

Chanting ,"My thoughts are far away"

You've been away from mom for more than 600 days,

In the distant Karakoram Plateau

There are also people who are worried about Xiao Siyuan and his family

Xiao's mother said

Xiao Siyuan's comrades-in-arms often sent things

Or come and visit at home

"They have them to defend the country and take care of our family."

Rest assured."

You've been away from mom for more than 600 days,

"Xiao Siyuan!" "To!"

There is a Xiao Siyuan class on the Karakoram Plateau

June 2020

The foreign forces have flagrantly violated the consensus reached with our side

Blatantly crossed the line to provoke

Warrior Xiao Siyuan broke through

He returned to rescue his comrades-in-arms without hesitation

Fight until the last moment of your life

"We are the boundary stone of the motherland

Every inch of ground under your feet

It's all the territory of the motherland."

This is a sentence written by Xiao Siyuan in his battlefield diary

He gave his life to fulfill his vows

He was only 24 years old at the time of his death

You've been away from mom for more than 600 days,

"Xiao Siyuan!" "To!"

Today, Xiao Siyuan used to be in the class

Named after "Xiao Siyuan"

Since then, every "Xiao Siyuan" has echoed

You've been away from mom for more than 600 days,

This year's conscription season

Xiao Siyuan's alma mater had many more students

Embarked on the journey that Xiao Siyuan had once traveled

Xiao's mother said

Through these young figures

She seemed to see Xiao Siyuan at that time

"Mom really misses you, my thoughts are far away"

You've been away from mom for more than 600 days,

Netizen: The motherland and the people will not forget!

After reading Xiao's mother's letter, netizens burst into tears

"No matter how brave people are

It's also a baby that moms think about day and night."

"The motherland and the people will not forget the heroes!"

We're all good, just thinking of you

Hero, we will always remember you!