
Dangerous items affecting pets in the home?

author:Pet and care

On the forum, many friends who have just started pets highly recommend caged pets, believing that this is safer for pets. Keeping pets in cages is indeed the most convenient thing for pet owners, but it is a very cruel thing for cats and dogs, which is somewhat similar to keeping lawbreakers in prison to ensure the safety of society. So what if a normal person is put in jail and said it's for his safety? Of course, you may not be hit by a car inside, and you will not eat anything toxic, but I guess no one thinks this is right.

Dangerous items affecting pets in the home?

In the message, many pet owners said that this can avoid the danger of cats and dogs destroying the home and avoiding the danger of eating foreign bodies, but they ignore that this danger is brought to the pet by the pet owner's own carelessness. If you can pay attention to daily details in your daily life, pets can completely avoid these insecure factors. I have a friend who is a dog for the first time, but she is very studious and careful, although the room at home is large/there are many things, but the details of cleaning up are well organized, even if the two dogs often try to find something to eat and bite, it can still ensure health and safety.

According to the dangers encountered by some pets at home in daily treatment, I helped you summarize the "danger zone" of pet families, hoping to help pets and pet owners stay away from diseases together in the future.

Dangerous items affecting pets in the home?

The bathroom is a place where many friends are willing to close the dog, and some friends set the dog toilet in the bathroom for easy cleaning, and the most dangerous thing for the dog in the bathroom is chemical cleaning products and laundry supplies.

Chemical cleaning products, many pet owners have noticed, toilet cleaners, disinfectants and other corrosive things will be put away. However, laundry supplies are often overlooked, and washing powder, laundry detergent, and especially laundry gel beads are often placed on inconspicuous surfaces. Laundry gel beads are small and colorful, some similar to cat and dog snacks or toys, many pets will bite up and play after seeing, but the surface of the beads is very thin and easy to dissolve, pet teeth will break immediately after biting, the liquid inside will be sprayed into the pet's mouth or even be drunk. Liquid gel beads in the mouths of cats and dogs or in the esophagus will cause burns, corrosion, and some high concentrations will cover the mouth and respiratory tract, prevent oxygen exchange and even cause suffocation.

Dangerous items affecting pets in the home?

Some friends realize the danger of these supplies and put them in the cabinet, but they are placed under the pool or in the low cabinet, such storage does not mean much for dogs, they can easily open the cabinet door and explore what is interesting inside. Therefore, if you store dangerous goods, it is best to put them in high cabinets or cabinets with locks.

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The living room and bedroom are the main activity areas of the home for cats and dogs, of which the most dangerous are 3 places.

The first is a tablecloth, especially some large tables in the home are often covered with a large fabric tablecloth. Cats are often seen crawling up the curtains, doing the same thing when facing the tablecloth, while dogs often bite the tablecloth and tear and pull. Such behavior can easily lead to the entire slide of the tablecloth, along with various items on the table, especially cups, hot water, etc. fall down together, resulting in pets being smashed, punctured, burned. Therefore, it is best for pet families not to spread tablecloths on the table.

Dangerous items affecting pets in the home?

The second danger is dog toys, especially flannel toys with some padding, which often cause the pet's gastrointestinal foreign body to block. And those toys with eyes and noses may also accidentally get stuck in the pet's trachea, causing suffocation. So it is best to give dogs special toys such as hard rubber balls, dog bite ropes, rubber bones these.

The last dangerous place is the drugs on the table and in the drawers. Many friends are accustomed to putting medicine in a small drawer or on the desktop of a writing desk computer, so that they can see it every day and will not forget to take medicine. But this is also a huge threat to pets, even more harmful than chemical cleaners.

Dangerous items affecting pets in the home?

For example, the cold medicines that are most likely to be placed on the table, especially the cold medicines that have analgesic effect and anti-fever effects; the antihypertensive drugs or heart medicines for the elderly; diet pills or aspirin, etc., are very toxic to cats and dogs. Cold fever reducers ibuprofen/metamizole these, cats and dogs will experience convulsions, jaundice, shortness of breath, neurological manifestations, and even liver necrosis after overdose. Antihypertensive or heart drugs for the elderly, cats and dogs may die within a few hours after taking them by mistake. Female friends often use diet pills like high-concentration chocolate, cats and dogs after ingesting more than a certain dose, there will be hypersensitivity, rapid heartbeat, convulsive heart failure, and finally respiratory failure death.

Every pet owner wants to create a safe environment for their pets. This requires the careful habit of packing up each item. All drugs and chemicals are placed in high cabinets or locked cabinets, and do not place small, easy-to-swallow objects on the desktop and sofa, so that pets will reduce the occurrence of many accidents and enjoy more freedom and happiness.

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