
Form a large synergy to achieve full coverage - Jingxing County rearranges and redeploys the work of creating rule-of-law villages

author:Jingcheng County Law Popularization

Form a large synergy to achieve full coverage

Jingxing County rearranged and redeployed the work of creating rule-of-law villages

On April 13, Jingxing County organized and held the first and second batches of rule of law villages in the county to create a "review" and the third batch of rule of law villages to create a work deployment meeting. Liu Yi, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, attended and spoke at the meeting, and Zhao Hongliang, deputy county governor of the county government and director of the public security bureau, presided over the meeting.

Form a large synergy to achieve full coverage - Jingxing County rearranges and redeploys the work of creating rule-of-law villages

The meeting pointed out that As one of the two pilot counties for the construction of "rule of law villages" at the provincial level in Hebei Province, Jingxing County is not only the trust and love of the superiors for Jingxing, but also a serious political task. Since the establishment of the activities, with the joint efforts of counties, townships and villages, the county's public legal service system has been deepened, the construction of the rule of law position has been continuously improved, the awareness of the rule of law has been significantly improved, and the creation of rule of law villages has taken shape. However, there is still a certain gap between work and the expectations of the people and the comprehensive improvement of the level of rural governance, which needs to be continuously strengthened.

Form a large synergy to achieve full coverage - Jingxing County rearranges and redeploys the work of creating rule-of-law villages

The meeting stressed: First, it is necessary to unify thinking and improve the political standing. All levels and departments of the county should attach great importance to the construction of rule of law villages, grasp the rule of law villages as the basic work for comprehensively governing the county according to law and implementing the strategy of rural revitalization, fully implement the duties of the principal responsible persons of the party and government in performing the duties of the first responsible person for promoting the construction of the rule of law, adhere to the problem orientation, and thus promote the steady progress of the overall work; second, we must consolidate responsibilities and strengthen implementation. Focusing on the "one-three-eight-eight" work idea, implement the three-level joint creation of counties, townships and villages, coordinate and cooperate with each other, refine typical experiences, and form a number of highlights and brands in the construction of the rule of law. Third, it is necessary to strengthen supervision and grasp the implementation of the work. The county office of administering the county according to law will dispatch special personnel to follow up and supervise, determine the timetable, formulate a road map, and promote the implementation of the work with the joint force of coordinated operations.

The meeting demanded that all levels and departments in the county should have a stronger sense of responsibility, a more pragmatic work style, and a more efficient ability to carry out the work, change the deployment into action, change the mission into responsibility, perform their duties, and assume their own responsibilities, promote the innovative development of the construction of the rule of law villages in the county, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of "a recuperation resort, an economically strong county, and a charming jingxing".

Form a large synergy to achieve full coverage - Jingxing County rearranges and redeploys the work of creating rule-of-law villages

At the meeting, Wang Xia, secretary of the party leading group and director of the Justice Bureau, read out the "Notice on Carrying Out the "Looking Back" and the Third Batch of Creation Work of the County Party Committee on Ruling the Rule of Law in Accordance with the Law" of the County Party Committee. The deputy heads and deputies of relevant departments directly under the county government attended the meeting at the main venue, and the deputy heads of 17 townships and towns and the director of the judiciary attended the meeting at the sub-venue.


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