
The German president's visit to Kiev was denied, for the simple reasons

author:Germany said
The German president's visit to Kiev was denied, for the simple reasons

Late Tuesday afternoon, after German President Steinmeier's visit to Poland that day, he had planned to visit Kiev with government representatives from other countries to show solidarity. However, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy refused to receive him. Kiev made it clear to the German Federal Presidential Office that it was not ready to arrange relevant meetings at present, but did not rule out the possibility of holding future meetings. Ukrainian diplomats explained: "We all know Steinmeier's close relationship with Russia. He is 'unpopular' in Kiev at the moment. We will make changes as appropriate. ”

The Ukrainian president did not welcome German President Steinmeier to Kiev and arguably found the best time to signal to the German government.

Ukraine's ambassador to Germany, Melnik, has been a harsh critic of the federal government and the federal president. Ukrainian President Zelenskiy had some reservations. In an interview with Le Monde, he said he could understand Prime Minister Scholz. "It wasn't easy for Germany, and it wasn't easy for Scholz himself. Germany has important economic interests in Russia. Mr. Scholz has not been in power for a long time, and it will not be so easy to end economic cooperation with Russia. However, the fact that he now refuses to allow German President Steinmeier to visit Kiev has shocked the whole of Germany.

If you think about it, Ukraine's unfriendly attitude towards Steinmeier is understandable. Like former Chancellor Ammerkel, Steinmeier has been one of the central figures in Germany's policy toward Russia for many years. Their policy toward Russia has not been marked by opposition from Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. This policy has made Germany so dependent on Russia that today it is confined to isolated and stressed situations in the face of a European energy embargo imposed on Russia. As recently as February 2021, Steinmeier, as federal president, described the "energy relationship" with Russia as "the last bridge between Russia and Europe."

The German president's visit to Kiev was denied, for the simple reasons

After the russo-Ukrainian war broke out, German interests were seriously dragged down. To call for an armistice, Steinmeier organized a peace concert in Berlin for Russian and Ukrainian musicians, which Ukrainian Ambassador Melnik adamantly boycotted. He tweeted, "My dear God, why is it that the President of the Federation is not aware that as long as Russian bombs are still hitting Ukrainian cities and thousands of civilians are facing killing, we Ukrainians are not in the mood to talk about 'great Russian culture'."

Not long ago, Steinmeier called Germany's policy toward Russia over the past few years and even decades a mistake, saying that he was personally responsible for it. Even though the German president bowed his head and confessed his mistake, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy clearly did not need any warm words, they wanted real aid - weapons assistance.

The German president's visit to Kiev was denied, for the simple reasons

Whether Germany accepts it or not, Steinmeier's overall posture, in the eyes of ukrainians, is to fight for peace at all costs, even at the cost of Ukraine. While Ukrainians are struggling to survive, their right to exist is being challenged by imperial aggression, and they do not hesitate to show friendliness in diplomatic etiquette.

After denying a visit to German President Steinmeier, Ukraine has invited German Chancellor Schoelz to visit Kiev. Andriy Melnyk, Ambassador of Ukraine to Berlin, said at ProSieben: "We would also like to convey that if Prime Minister Scholz visits Kiev, my President and government will be very happy." "This visit should be about how Germany can help Ukraine against Russia with heavy weapons." My president is looking forward to that. ”

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