
What is the secret of the world famous painting "Mona Lisa"? After zooming in several times, look at what's in her eyes

author:Dreams fall into the city
What is the secret of the world famous painting "Mona Lisa"? After zooming in several times, look at what's in her eyes

When it comes to the world's famous paintings, it must be inseparable from Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa", and until now, the painting "Mona Lisa" still has a lot of popularity. People talk about the painting more about her mysterious smile, but in fact, it is not only her smile that deserves attention.

With the development of the times and the maturity of digital technology, people enlarged this painting several times for more detailed study. The results were magnified and the secret in Mona Lisa's eyes was discovered, a secret that had never been discovered before. So what's in the eye of the Mona Lisa? If you want to know, read on.

What is the secret of the world famous painting "Mona Lisa"? After zooming in several times, look at what's in her eyes

Classic Mona Lisa

Speaking of this painting, I believe that everyone will know more or less, but the understanding is not deep enough. So before we explore what's hidden in mona lisa's eyes, let's take a closer look at the mona lisa.

The author of this painting, Leonardo da Vinci, was one of the famous writers at that time, Leonardo da Vinci had a talent for painting since childhood, and he created more classic paintings than "Mona Lisa", so it is not an exaggeration to call Leonardo da Vinci a genius painter. You may find it hard to imagine how long the painting was created, but leonardo da Vinci is recorded to have spent four years to complete it. Such a long time can be imagined how much effort Leonardo da Vinci put into this painting, and every detail in it needs to be carefully sculpted. So every great work is born overnight.

What is the secret of the world famous painting "Mona Lisa"? After zooming in several times, look at what's in her eyes

The original of this painting is now collected in the Louvre in France, and most of us ordinary people have no way to go to the Louvre to see it in person, but now the rapid development of the Internet allows us to easily appreciate the classic painting without spending a lot of money. When we look at this painting, we can see that the main content of this painting is a woman, but this woman is not simple in Leonardo da Vinci's painting.

So what is unique about this woman? In the picture, we can see Mona Lisa sitting gracefully on the chair, her left arm resting on the arm of the chair at will, and her right hand is very naturally placed on the left hand, which all kinds of postures show the nobility of the woman in the picture. The woman had bright eyes, slender eyelashes, and hair that was scattered. If we look closely, we find that the Mona Lisa has no eyebrows, so why didn't Leonardo da Vinci paint her eyebrows, did he forget it or did it intentionally?

What is the secret of the world famous painting "Mona Lisa"? After zooming in several times, look at what's in her eyes

As a great painter, of course, you will not make the mistake of forgetting to draw eyebrows, in fact, this is leonardo da Vinci deliberately did not paint, he did this for a reason. In terms of the aesthetics of the time, they believed that when painting portraits, painting eyebrows was detrimental to the clarity of the eyes and did not look good, so they did not paint eyebrows on the Mona Lisa.

The woman in the painting is noble and elegant, which fascinates people for her. The woman painted by Leonardo da Vinci represents the image of a propertied class woman in the bourgeois period, and through this painting conveys a pursuit of women's aesthetics at that time.

What is the secret of the world famous painting "Mona Lisa"? After zooming in several times, look at what's in her eyes

At the same time, this painting is not only a celebration of women's beauty, it also has a deeper meaning. The painting was created during the Renaissance, when the Renaissance movement advocated the emancipation of the mind, the freedom from the shackles of religious theology, and the shift of attention from religious theology to man. Leonardo da Vinci's painting precisely reflects Leonardo da Vinci's confrontation with religious theology.

At that time, the medieval church believed that people below the abdomen would cause people to lust, so they forbade portraiture to paint people below the abdomen. Leonardo da Vinci thought such a request was ridiculous, so he deliberately painted the figure below the abdomen, which undoubtedly challenged the church.

What is the secret of the world famous painting "Mona Lisa"? After zooming in several times, look at what's in her eyes

The secret in the eyes

The smile about the Mona Lisa will be felt differently by different people, and the length of time of watching will be different. For example, some people see the Mona Lisa's smile and think it is a "feminine laugh", others say it is a "holy laugh", and even some people say that this laugh is an "evil laugh", and her laugh brings a huge sense of mystery to this painting, as if there is magic, making people fall into it deeply.

In order to carefully study famous paintings, some experts and scholars usually use modern technology to enlarge the paintings for better observation and research, so this technique is also used in the painting "Mona Lisa". Enlarging the mona Lisa painting reveals something special in mona lisa's eyes.

What is the secret of the world famous painting "Mona Lisa"? After zooming in several times, look at what's in her eyes

So what's in Mona Lisa's eyes? After several times magnification, people found that there were letters in her eyes, and the letter of LV was drawn in her right eye eyeball, which is not difficult to understand, in fact, this is the English abbreviation of its author Leonardo da Vinci himself. This is a common occurrence, and some painters usually leave their names or code names on the painting after painting to express ownership of the painting. It's just that leonardo da Vinci left a mark of his name so unique that it was so unique that it couldn't be found at all.

Her right eyeball is her English abbreviation, so what is her left eyeball? It was found that the left eyeball is also an English letter, two letters CE, but because it is too small it may also be the letter BS. But the two letters of the left eyeball no one knew what they meant, so people began to speculate. The Mona Lisa's right eyeball is the author's initials, so it is very likely that the left eyeball is also an abbreviation of a person's name.

What is the secret of the world famous painting "Mona Lisa"? After zooming in several times, look at what's in her eyes

So who would this left eyeball abbreviation be? There are many who have speculated that it was a woman, most likely his lover. Friends who have known Leonardo da Vinci know that Leonardo da Vinci never married or left any heirs in his life.

But we don't know whether this speculation is accurate, and if more research material appears in the future, perhaps we can solve this mystery. It is also normal for everyone to satisfy their curiosity by guessing before the truth is answered. The secret in Leonardo da Vinci's eyes is not too important in itself, but more important is the value of the painting itself and the love it brings to people.

What is the secret of the world famous painting "Mona Lisa"? After zooming in several times, look at what's in her eyes


Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa has always been appreciated by people and has been loved for a long time. Only classic works can stand the test of time and never go out of style. In fact, Leonardo da Vinci's famous paintings are more than this one painting, such as "The Last Supper", I believe everyone knows, the painting is also vivid and amazing. Interested friends can also learn about his painting. Art can cultivate people's sentiments, and it is also a way to understand that learning art is also a way to cultivate sentiments, see more world famous paintings, understand relevant knowledge, and harvest more knowledge.

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