
How did Han Geng fool himself?

author:Jiang Ge copywriting

As we all know, the end of love beans is the actor, and the end of the actor is the boss.

Can change from singing and dancing on stage to crying and laughing in front of the screen to calling behind the scenes, fans can be tough enough to make a few more pennants for themselves when making performance sheets.

But this sentence is the same as the Sunflower Treasure Book, everyone knows what to do, but not everyone can do it.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

As we grow older, unless we have the art of staying in the face and always keeping it fresh, even if we are unwilling to do so, we can only transform our scalps.

But the so-called twisted melon is not sweet, and most of the idols who want to transform have finally turned into NBCS, or glamorous rays.

It is more difficult to think of it than ever, but there is an artist who has done it all in ten years.

Who is he?

The first generation of top stream Han Geng is also.

How did Han Geng fool himself?
How did Han Geng fool himself?

Han? Top stream?

Looking at Yu Songyang, who has a fleshy face and an oily face in "North and South", it is really difficult for young audiences to associate him with the radiant love beans on the stage.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

But Dan Fan experienced the baptism of the Korean Wave more than ten years ago, and mentioned that Han Geng was distilled water at 105 ° C in youth, pure love and rare.

When the spring breeze of the Korean Wave is noisy with gongs and drums, and the red flag is blown into China, watching the handsome men and women of foreign countries singing and dancing for themselves in the form of polyploid fission is the number one star-chasing choice of most young people in their early years.

And Han Geng, as the only Chinese in this wave, is even more precious. The innate sense of national pride makes everyone unconsciously put their eyes on this young man a little more.

At that time, in the era of popular flower beauty male aesthetics, Han Geng, who had a sense of motherhood and beauty, was undoubtedly the most beautiful and eye-catching existence.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

With long blond hair and cross earrings, he could be a teenage vampire earl.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

Wrapped in a woolen scarf and slightly curly black hair, he is a pure Japanese beauty teenager.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

At this time, when fandom culture was also flourishing, the Gengche CP composed of Han Geng and the same team of Jin Xiche was ranked as one of the six evils in tianya, and their homogeneity was comparable to the existence of the love bible of the Xiaosi literature a few years later.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

After all, in the year when a hardcover romance novel could be called a luxury, you could casually buy a whole collection of people in the newsstand, and the communication channels could be described as quite wide.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

When I read those "classics" in the bed with a flashlight at night, I occasionally feel that the stories between the men are so far away and so close to me.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

At this time, Han Geng's astrological fortune can be described as a favorable time and place.

With a talented face and no bumper artists in the same period, South Korea's debut has formed a natural geographical mystery to maintain a barrier, and CP's popularity has attracted a large number of itchy creators to spontaneously promote it for him.

But at that time, what the masses who had not yet understood the truth did not know was that Han was his surname and his heart disease.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

AT that time, SM Company, one of the three major K-pop companies, after creating an idol group such as H.O.T. that was a cross-era phenomenon, was undoubtedly handy for how to create idols, so the batch star-making model began to start.

This kind of industrial line is efficient and efficient, but in this competitive environment, there will always be a good surplus of undocumented trainees.

So after the debut of the Oriental Shenqi group, Li Xiu came full of enthusiasm, gave a chance to the mood, and formed a three-month limited boy band super junior of the twelve trainees who were not selected at the same time, and also packaged and sent out.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

Han Geng came out of such a limited regiment.

Although it is a limited group with a limited lifespan, the members are not willing to stop for three months, so everyone worked crazy on the stage, and finally succeeded in making the super junior survive, and still lived beautifully, and later became the model representative of the second generation of the group.

But the glory at that time was all theirs, and had nothing to do with Han Geng.

Because he was the first Chinese artist to work in South Korea, the company had not yet figured out how to properly get Han Geng to legally appear on stage, so he simply put on a mask and pretended to exist and did not exist.

How did Han Geng fool himself?
How did Han Geng fool himself?

The company wants to expand the Big Fat Meat of the Chinese Market, so it let Han Geng, who is hot in China, participate in the program to have more than one area, but after using the value, it does not let Han Geng himself take another profit.

How did Han Geng fool himself?
How did Han Geng fool himself?

Exhausted and physically and mentally, Han Geng resolutely returned after being overwhelmed by the pressure and looking at the fertile land of the motherland.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

Different from the running of the younger generations, Han Geng's heartache of "working in Korea" is visible to the naked eye, so not only fans, teammates and fans are sure and supportive of his choice.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

For this reason, after returning to China, he not only did not lose fans, but received more love.

The well-known who fire I take with me to play the fast book, adding up to a total of seven times to invite Han Geng, the number of times comparable to Na brother-in-law Zhang Jie.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

When the other senior stars in the "Beijing Welcome You" MV have to appear in groups, Han Geng can have a multi-wheeled mirror method of a few seconds of single shots, full of rows.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

In 2010, Han Geng opened Weibo, and in the year when Weibo was still a niche platform and there was no data fraud, a simple graphic re-evaluation did not take long to exceed 10,000.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

Later, he also launched a mobile phone "Gengphone" that he personally designed for fans. Although it now seems to be a slightly packaged ordinary mobile phone, it was indeed a small luxury star around it.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

All in all, Han Geng's fire can be described as follows:

At that time, if the star chaser was Han Geng, his parents were relieved to hear it.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

Although for Han Geng, who already has such an abusive male protagonist background, fans only wish him peace and happiness after returning to China.

But Han Geng has a clear understanding of his career plan, but he can't still sing and dance on stage in his thirties, and acting is the only choice to stand firm.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

So he did not spend much time transitioning on the stage, and he participated in the movie "Dawusheng" less than a year after returning to China.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

This film directed by Gao Xiaosong, although it is rotten and rotten, there are many slots, and because the director himself cannot be promoted for drunk driving, the final box office is quite OK compared to other films in the same period, and Han Geng also won an award for this film. But this kind of film does not help much for the accumulation of his actor's reputation.

The second more well-known movie "Xia You Arbor, Yawang Heaven", but because of the yin and yang script, and a certain Fan controversy and other events are very unpleasant, and now when the audience recalls this movie, they will only remember the true color of a certain Fan, and they will not remember the existence of Han Geng.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

And then the film is either as bad as "Journey to the West 3" has made people have no temper and scolded, or like "Transformers 4" the role is weak enough to be a sentence of emphasis on participation, even if there is a "former Raiders 3" such as a film that can still see some acting skills, but because the film itself is disgusting and is tied up and hated.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

The popularity accumulated by Han Geng in the early stage was gradually exhausted in the output of excessive bad films. During this time period, the gradually maturing entertainment industry has also created more domestic love beans that are legally made in Korea, so his past with SM has become a dust that no one cares about.

In addition to the worrying quality of the business, what is increasingly exposed is his humanity that cannot withstand the test. After all, without the beautification of the sense of distance, the filter will always break, and the golden armor will always peel off.

He told the story of computer theft at the promotional scene of the movie "Everything Grows";

How did Han Geng fool himself?

In "Obeying People with Virtue", he tells the story of peeing in the water of his classmates;

How did Han Geng fool himself?

At the scene of Bao Bell's wedding, the joint groomsmen group teased Liu Yan.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

Everyone found that the boy who used to speak would tremble and his eyes were shining, full of shyness and uneasiness was gone, replaced by this arrogant, greasy, wrong and unaware Han Geng.

The contrast is too great, and the tide of depowdering is coming.

But unlike the traffic star who cried and wiped away tears and sent lawyer letters wildly, Han Geng, who "fell" from the altar, did not complain too much about himself.

He himself understands that the value of idols is nothing more than the embrace of fans, so while showing his true temperament, his drama path is also expanded and extended in this suicidal revelation.

Because there is no restriction on the identity of a flawless idol, the difference between the image of the natural character and the image of oneself no longer needs to be considered.

Therefore, he played the suspicious Chiang Kai-shek in "The Revolutionary", and also played yu Songyang, a straight man with a father flavor in "North and South".

How did Han Geng fool himself?

If we put aside the morality of all events itself, Han Geng's own transformation path can indeed be said to be textbook-level.

You know, aidou transformation actors have always had three mountains:

First, the burden of idols is too heavy to let go;

How did Han Geng fool himself?

Second, the performance concept is different and cannot be compatible;

How did Han Geng fool himself?

Third, fans accept incompetence and cannot fix fans.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

But Han Geng was able to methodically cross the three mountains, successfully transformed, and led the fan economy from a certain extent, and later became the boss and made behind-the-scenes investment.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

So, people hate him but have to affirm him.

In the end, in fact, it is difficult to accurately judge what kind of image Han Geng is now in the eyes of the audience. After all, people's feelings for him exist contradictoryly in bored resistance and emotional nostalgia.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

And what is behind an idol who looks good and flawless at the beginning, we can all see from Han Geng.

It can be said that Han Geng's experience in the past ten years has all the epitomes of internal entertainment artists from love beans to actors, from stage to front of the screen, from people to themselves.

Han Geng, who was once portrayed as a flawless idol, does not want to be a god in the eyes of fans. He just wants to fill his stomach quickly, and you think he's drinking dew and chasing his dreams.

How did Han Geng fool himself?

As a fan who always loves to create gods and gods, after witnessing the demise of the first generation of the top stream, it is time to ask yourself:

Do you believe in God, does He really exist?


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