
The "two dogs" in my village are the smartest, with pictures of beautiful women

author:Beiming Xiao Nguyen Street shoot

This story is to tell my childhood story, the story to start from 25 years ago childhood, that era of play are with the village classmates, small couples to play hide-and-seek or play mud, unlike now there are mobile phone games brush vibrato or playground play, that era my village small shops are few, buy snacks to go a long way, not to mention the playground to play, rural-born children come home from school to help the family cook, after dinner is generally early to go to bed.

The "two dogs" in my village are the smartest, with pictures of beautiful women

When school was out on a certain day in a certain month of that year, the school principal informed the town square to play a movie tonight, "Huo Yuanjia" students who want to go to the movie should pay attention to safety, they should go with several people, they can't go alone, because my village was very backward at that time, it belonged to a very poor village, it was all muddy roads, the road was not easy to walk, there were graves everywhere where no one lived, the school considered safety issues, students must go together, at least five people to go together, I heard that there were movies to watch and dance happily, and when I came home from school, I washed rice and cooked rice immediately. After eating, I went to find Fa Xiao and went to see a movie with the members of the organization, and our team was just five people, three men and two women. 给大家介绍下我们队伍的成员名字,本人叫“三‬娃‬”,读书时同学给取的,叫来叫去慢慢的村里人也都叫我“三‬娃‬”了,我发小叫“胖子”,刚出生就20多斤,他老爸也没啥文化想了老半天,也想不出啥好名,出生就20多斤就取名叫“胖子”,有个同学叫二‬狗‬,他人有点傻乎乎的那种,他老爸说取名“二‬狗‬”好养活,有个姐姐叫“春尼”,有个小妹叫“ Little Flowers". Our party left for town at 7 p.m., and the movie started at 8 p.m. and ended at 10 p.m.

The "two dogs" in my village are the smartest, with pictures of beautiful women
The "two dogs" in my village are the smartest, with pictures of beautiful women
The "two dogs" in my village are the smartest, with pictures of beautiful women


The "two dogs" in my village are the smartest, with pictures of beautiful women
The "two dogs" in my village are the smartest, with pictures of beautiful women
The "two dogs" in my village are the smartest, with pictures of beautiful women

我们队伍走到半路的时候我走在前面看到几处地方有黑呼呼影子,我就停下来告诉大家慢点走要注意前面黑呼呼的地方不要踩上去,两个女生就问我们那黑呼呼的是什么,我也不确定是什么东西,反正注意点不踩上去就可以了,胖子说应该是泥巴,“二‬狗‬”在后面大声说我知道是什么东西,我们还有点惊讶,你在后面看都没看到就知道是什么东西,然后“二‬狗‬” 就走到前面黑呼呼的地方用手摸了下,说是牛屎,我们有点不相信,说是不是你看错啊,牛屎怎么那么大啊,然后“二‬狗‬”又用手指搓了几下黑呼呼的东西,放到嘴里尝了一口,大声的说百分百是牛屎,然后说我是不是最聪明的,没有我在你们会知道是什么东西嘛? 我们四人只是笑了笑同时说“二‬狗‬”是我们村最聪明的,以后谁敢再说咱“二‬狗‬”傻我们揍扁他。

The "two dogs" in my village are the smartest, with pictures of beautiful women
The "two dogs" in my village are the smartest, with pictures of beautiful women
The "two dogs" in my village are the smartest, with pictures of beautiful women
The "two dogs" in my village are the smartest, with pictures of beautiful women

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