
The United States spoke out for Ou Jialin, exposing the "anti-China and chaotic Hong Kong" forces that it has long cultivated in Hong Kong's media circles

author:Zhou Bajun

Wen | Zhou Bajun Today's headlines original debut Hong Kong political and economic prism series of articles

On 11 April 2022, the National Security Department of the Hong Kong police arrested veteran media personality Au Ka Lin on suspicion of "conspiracy to publish and/or reproduce an inflammatory publication". U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price on April 12 demanded that the Hong Kong SAR government release Au and other so-called "prisoners for exercising their fundamental freedoms." The Office of the Commissioner of the Mainland Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region immediately issued a statement strongly dissatisfied with and resolutely opposing the US interference in China's internal affairs and demanding that external forces immediately stop sensationalist and unreasonable and boring political performances.

Au was a journalist and producer in the Information Department of TVB, and later on radio station Hong Kong on "Free Wind Free Phone" program. Since the 2019 anti-amendment storm turned into a black riot, Au Jialin has published a pro-riot comment in the anti-China chaos Hong Kong media "Position News". His other identity is that of a professional consultant at the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Chinese, Hong Kong.

The United States spoke out for Ou Jialin, exposing the "anti-China and chaotic Hong Kong" forces that it has long cultivated in Hong Kong's media circles

The United States has spoken out in support of Ou Jialin's violation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, under the guise of freedom of speech and the press, but in fact, it is another interpretation of "double standards". Recently, the United States and the West have sanctioned Russia, not only not allowing their countries to appear sympathetic or supportive news reports and commentaries, but even banning the performance of Russian classics such as "Swan Dance".

Of course, the United States' solidarity with Ou Jialin is not only to defend US and Western values, but more importantly, to protect the anti-China and chaotic Hong Kong forces that the United States has long cultivated in the Hong Kong media circles.

There is a "secret" circulating in the Hong Kong media circles that is not a secret - which media person is invited by the US side to visit the United States for a short-term investigation, he or she is the object of the US side's intention to attract or even cultivate.

The United States spoke out for Ou Jialin, exposing the "anti-China and chaotic Hong Kong" forces that it has long cultivated in Hong Kong's media circles

According to well-known media people in Hong Kong, Li Junya, a pakistani female journalist who once became popular on TVB, is a typical example. When Li Junya worked in the wireless news department, she was favored by the U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao and invited her to participate in the international visit program for a month in the United States. After returning to Hong Kong, Li Junya left TVB, transferred to Ming Pao, and then to Radio Television Hong Kong. Since then, at a press conference held by the Hong Kong SAR government, Li Junya has become a member of the anti-China and chaotic Hong Kong political forces.

Yang Jianxing, former chairman of the Hong Kong Journalists Association, was a former political editor of The Letter and the South China Morning Post, and his position is still neutral and right-wing. He was invited by the U.S. Information Agency to study in the United States for free for a period of time, and after returning to Hong Kong, he became the chairman of the Hong Kong Journalist Association, and his position was biased toward anti-China and chaotic Political Forces in Hong Kong.

The United States spoke out for Ou Jialin, exposing the "anti-China and chaotic Hong Kong" forces that it has long cultivated in Hong Kong's media circles

Long before Hong Kong's return to China, the INFORMATION SERVICE and the U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao meticulously sought out and created a pawn for the US side in the Hong Kong media industry. As the media boss in Hong Kong, Lai Zhiying has been strongly supported by the United States. In the Black Riots from June 2019 to June 2020, the United States and Britain commanded the riots with one hand, the Propaganda with the other, and the use of both culture and martial arts to expose their conspiracy to fight for the right to govern Hong Kong and then transform Hong Kong into an independent entity.

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