
The epidemic prison can't meet, what to do?

author:Letter Assistant

When the epidemic struck in 2020, I thought it was a while, but I didn't expect that two years later, the epidemic became a part of life. Because of the epidemic, the prison meeting was cut off and stopped several times, and many prisons announced that they had suspended the meeting, and the family members were both helpless and anxious, and they all had a question in their hearts - "When will the prison resume meetings?" ”

The epidemic prison can't meet, what to do?

The cessation of meetings is the protection of prisoners

I don't know if anyone has really been caught up in the whirlpool of infections around them. I had it, and it was while serving my sentence. At that time, the labor was in full swing, and the well-connected clerk ran to the front and whispered, "I heard that the police in the X prison area were infected, and it was infected in the prison." "I was blindfolded, and with that came fear. If someone in the prison is really infected, there is no place for other inmates to run!

Sure enough, in the afternoon, the suspension of work was announced, I went to ask the police who had a good relationship, whether someone was infected with the new crown, the police said with a serious face, less inquiry, to the report prevails. The other policemen were also silent, but the unusual atmosphere was spreading, the prison canceled work, everyone was hiding in the cell, the door was not allowed, and the news was not shown. A few days later, the police announced that everyone had moved to the factory area to make a floor, vacate the cell, and create a single-room treatment environment for the infected inmates. At this time, everyone was very afraid in their hearts, afraid that the next person to be isolated was themselves.

Later, the whole country knew, the prison was not hidden, when we watched TV, for the first time we learned the fact that a police officer in the next cell did not report because he went to Wuhan without permission, and as a result, the prisoners in the prison area were also infected. Looking at how many new medical records are added across the country every day, hanging behind a string of XX prisons diagnosed, how many serious cases, always feel so surreal. Doesn't it say that prisons are the safest places to be? How to say that the loss is the loss of the lost.

I knew that in addition to me, I was also a relative at home who was confused and uneasy at that moment, and they must have been anxious to see someone infected in the prison on TV. Fortunately, the police arranged a family phone call at the first time to report safety to the family. That month, I slept on the floor of the restaurant, covered with oil stains, washed and dried, tied to the iron shelves of the factory windows, and wondered if the situation would worsen.

Fortunately, dozens of infected people have been cured and none have died. In the face of stopping the meeting, do not complain, that is the prison's well-intentioned protection of the inmates, and no one can guarantee that no one in the meeting room will be asymptomatic infected. Keeping prisoners healthy is a common expectation of families and prisons.

The epidemic prison can't meet, what to do?

The prison has video meetings and affectionate phone calls

When you can't meet, try other ways, such as video meetings and affectionate phone calls. Now many prisons have their own APP, you can book a video meeting, you only need to open the video at the specified time to see your relatives thousands of miles away. If the prison does not have such a system, it can only passively wait for the family phone call, generally speaking, the prison will organize at least once a month, sometimes twice. This time is not fixed, generally concentrated on the weekend, because the number of callers is large, to queue up one by one, only on weekends without work to have a lot of time.

Usually at night, if there is an emergency, you can also apply to the police, as long as you are not busy, the police will help. Therefore, family members should always keep their mobile phones open, and if they miss it, they may have to wait for a week or even a month.

The epidemic prison can't meet, what to do?

Letters are sometimes more evocative

In fact, I personally prefer to write letters. Sometimes the text can more appropriately express their true thoughts, when meeting, hindered by the supervision of the police, and even the surrounding accomplices, many words are actually unable to speak or words are not up to the mark. Only when writing a letter, will you deliberate on the words and sentences, calm down and summarize what you want to express. Even when I am in a daze between labor, I will think about going back to write a letter at night to write something.

Letters mailed by family members are sometimes difficult to preserve, because it is stationery and relatively soft, so parents often use a postcard method, the front is a photo, and the back is text. I pressed them under the futon like cards, and sometimes I couldn't help but pull them out and glance at them before going to bed at night. Perhaps, you can really try, the form of text and pictures will make the inmates excited for a week after receiving the letter.

Jing: Chang suo prison words, authorized reprint.

[Public number: letter assistant, online letter to the detention center prison prison, give them warmth and hope]