
Dismantling and replenishment


How long will this wave of COVID-19 continue?

Presumably, this is a question in the minds of many people.

Since the beginning of spring this year, the epidemic has been repeated.

Especially in the recent Shanghai, as of April 11, the cumulative number of newly infected people has exceeded 200,000.

Dismantling and replenishment

The pandemic has changed the way we live and disrupted our plans.

It has also become a test that everyone must face.

Nucleic acid testing, home isolation, online office, live classes...

Some people quickly adjust their state and move on; some people are confused about the moment, some are flustered.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

After experiencing this wave of the epidemic, these 6 kinds of people will be eliminated in the future social development.


People who are psychologically extremely vulnerable

A few days ago, when the epidemic situation in Shanghai rose on a large scale, local residents had anxiety about rushing to buy vegetables.

At the thought of home isolation, there was not much food left in the house, and the whole person panicked.

They have entered the state of grabbing vegetables and hoarding goods.

Some netizens said on social media:

At 6 o'clock, I got up to grab the vegetables, the left one software, the right one software, stunned that a chicken feather dish was not grabbed, and I was repeatedly tortured by the anxiety of grabbing the vegetables.

Dismantling and replenishment

In addition, you must often brush up on the mobile phone news and watch the latest developments.

Every day I worry about whether I will be the next infected person.

They also have to ask everywhere whether there will be sequelae after the cure.

People who do not have the ability to be vulnerable are in a state of extreme anxiety, like a frightened bird, unable to withstand a little noise.

Before the virus invaded, I was already scared.

Wrapped up in life, even a straw can crush them at this moment.

You know, life has always been muddy, and in it, you have to have the ability to be vulnerable.

At a low point, no anxiety; no panic in the face of tribulations.

I like a quote:

"The wind will blow out the candles, but it will make the fire burn more and more vigorously."

Life is always impermanent, and we can only strengthen our hearts in an uncertain life.

When things happen, you can carry things, and you have nothing to fear in the face of danger.

In the face of unexpected situations, may you stabilize your mentality and calmly deal with the current predicament.

Get through this difficult time and everything will be fine.


People who can't think independently

Under the surging epidemic, all kinds of rumors have emerged in an endless stream and confused the public.

Two days ago, the Shanghai police sent a number of rumor-busting messages in a row.

Online rumors spread that in the sealed street of Yangpu District, Shanghai, there was a blind old man who had not eaten for two days and had no one to take care of him, which was very miserable.

Some netizens who saw this news and did not hesitate to seek verification were indignant for a while and complained about the elderly.

Later, it was confirmed that although the old man had a visual disability, he had the ability to go downstairs alone.

And the local staff has to send love vegetable bags and other food to take care of the elderly.

Dismantling and replenishment

There are many more similar rumors, really a rumor with a mouth, to refute the rumor and run a broken leg.

Why are rumors widely circulating?

In addition to the rumor-mongers, there are also those who blindly follow the crowd to help.

In life, there are always some people who can't distinguish between right and wrong, like to go with the flow, and people follow the clouds.

Everything follows the feeling, and it is easy to be deceived by others by being consistent with others.

A person who thinks independently may not be the best one.

But it must be the most attractive one.

People are often successful in independent thinking and lose in credulity and blind obedience.

If you want to go further, in addition to your own ability, you must rely on your own life wisdom and experience.

So-called: the wise enter the game, the fool out.

People with independent thinking ability can control their own lives and live soberly and less confused.


People who do not have a sense of crisis

Life needs backups, and people who have experienced the epidemic feel this more deeply.

In the three years since the epidemic, many people have suffered a heavy blow from their lives.

Some people were forced to lay off employees and lost their jobs at home; some people were depressed in the industry and gave themselves long holidays.

The income is unstable, but the monthly expenditure is very stable, and even unabated.

Mortgages, car loans, and living expenses are also many.

And those "moonlight clans" who usually spend money without calculation are even more precarious.

People without crisis awareness have a really weak ability to resist risks.

Once life encounters force majeure factors, the original way of survival is blocked, there is a worry of survival.

As the saying goes: "Keep an umbrella on a sunny day, and worry about it on a rainy day." ”

After suffering from life, we must have long-term plans.

People who do not know how to think of danger in times of peace have always lived on the brink of danger.

Some netizens shared their experiences and said:

Since the 2020 pandemic, I have found that my family can't survive even a month without savings.

Now that we have savings, we no longer spend as much as we used to, and we have learned to live our lives.

Dismantling and replenishment

You never know which tomorrow or the unexpected will come first, and all we can do is do the best we can today.

A person without a sense of crisis, like a frog in warm water, is comfortable at the beginning and ends badly.

Only those who know how to repair roofs on sunny days will have a place to hide when the wind and rain come.

Grain is kept in good years, and hunger is not panicked in years.

Leaving one more path for everything will give you a sense of security.


People who do not follow the rules of society

When many people are actively cooperating with epidemic prevention and overcoming difficulties together.

But some unruly people do the opposite.

A mother and daughter, who did not abide by the isolation and epidemic prevention policy, returned home from the epidemic area, not only did not report it, but also brazenly moved outside.

With his own strength, let a city in Hangzhou fall into the haze of the epidemic.

During the period of home isolation in a community in Shanghai, she not only did not cooperate with the nucleic acid test, but also spat on the staff who came to persuade her.

There is no cultivation to speak of, it is all a rogue act.

Dismantling and replenishment

In the end, these disobedient people are detained in accordance with the law and pay for their irresponsible behavior.

The state has the law of the state, the family has the family rules, and everything in the world has a law.

If you don't follow the rules, you actually lose the protection of the rules and put yourself in a dangerous situation.

Rules are indispensable principles and bottom lines in everyone's heart, and they are the yardstick of life.

If a person loses the bottom line and does something that hurts others, he will eventually harm himself.

For society, rules are the last barrier to adhere to the moral bottom line and the last line of defense to protect the safety of life.

Only when everyone is maintained together can life be in order.

"Huainanzi" has a saying:

If the moment is not correct, it must not be square; if the rule is not correct, it must not be round.

Born to be human, we must not ignore the rules.

Without rules, there is no place to stand.


People who don't add value to themselves

Isolated at home, life has a moment of respite.

Say goodbye to busy work and have time alone.

Some people are muddy, brushing TV series, playing games, anxious about life, and consuming time.

Others use this time to improve themselves, add new skills in cooking, or read books.

Dismantling and replenishment

Diligence is like a seedling in the spring, not seeing its increase, and growing day by day;

Dropping out of school is like a whetstone, not seeing its loss, losing every day.

The gap between people seems to be very large, but what opens the gap is a small accumulation.

People who know how to add value to themselves will seize all the time and opportunities to cultivate themselves.

Add chips to your life and strengthen your ability to resist risks.

People who do not know how to add value to themselves are always habitually indulging themselves and demanding themselves to low standards.

Comfort now, loss in the future.

In this world, the fairest thing is time.

No matter who it is, there are 24 hours a day.

How you live your day, what kind of life you will have.

People who don't know how to accumulate thick and thin hair will never wait for a blockbuster day.

Those who have been standing still will eventually be unable to keep up with the trend of the development of the times and will be left far behind.

Life is like a tree, and if you want to grow into a towering tree, you need to take deep root.

Learn to stretch around, only by constantly absorbing nutrients and cultivating yourself can you wait until the harvest season.


People who cannot help each other

Once on Weibo, I was shocked to see such a news.

Residents of a small district in Jinshan, Shanghai, say that the takeaway they ordered and the vegetables they bought often disappear in the centralized storage point.

When the police investigated, they found that the original lost things were all driven by a woman driving a Mercedes, Ye Moushun.

Dismantling and replenishment

During the epidemic, even if the materials are tight, you should not take other people's things and fill your own vacancies.

People who do not know how to help each other will be isolated sooner or later.

Compared with Ye Mou, the practice of a landlord in Shanghai is worth learning.

The landlord, who lined up for more than 4 hours to buy fresh vegetables and daily necessities for 3 tenants.

Dismantling and replenishment

People who know how to share mutual help will also be respected by others.

One chopstick can be broken, and ten pairs of chopsticks are constantly broken.

Sometimes, we have to admit that the power of the individual is limited.

In the face of a major disaster, it is still necessary to unite and strengthen the ability to resist risks.

And those who only think about themselves, selfish, tend to be short-sighted.

They can only see the small profits in front of them, and they have no long-term plans.

In the face of interests, unity benefits both sides, and divisions have two evils.

People who are always calculating and playing small and clever, after all, they are smart but mistaken by smart.

The selfishness of the human heart will become a stumbling block to the survival of the weak.

Only by letting go of selfishness and accumulating weakness into strength can we have more strength.

Therefore, the weak must learn to huddle together for warmth, and those who are too selfish are doomed to go far.

Freud said:

Life is like playing chess, one step is wrong, all lose, this is a sad thing; and life is not as good as playing chess, it is impossible to play another game, nor can it regret chess.

Life is only once, and life cannot be repeated.

If you want to not be eliminated, you must make yourself better and get better survival resources.

Strong heart, not defeated by setbacks;

Think of danger in times of peace and keep a clear head;

Study in your spare time, and have a backup in your life.

Establish the world with human character, speak with ability, and walk out of a way of life in a desperate situation.

With a calm heart, face the crisis of life and live a life of peace with the situation.

May you meet a better version of yourself after experiencing the baptism of wind and rain.