
Vanessa spends a lot of money to repair the luxury car to show loyalty! Single for 2 years and didn't want anything to change

author:Mr. Honeypot

Recently, the media has paid attention to Vanessa's latest developments. As a prominent American celebrity, Vanessa recently took her children on vacation to Mexico, avoiding worldly strife and the admiration of some suitors. Although Vanessa's figure has been blessed, she can still be pursued by many single men.

Vanessa spends a lot of money to repair the luxury car to show loyalty! Single for 2 years and didn't want anything to change

From the photos, it's an old car, some years old. According to US media reports, this is Kobe's Christmas gift to Vanessa. This is a 1947 version of the Plymouth sedan. This car can't get on the road, it's a collectible. The car was already dilapidated, and now Vanessa had hired a team of professionals to help her repair the old car. The white and pink flame patterns of this classic car are very dazzling. The license plate number is "Queen Mamba". Queen is queen, representing Vanessa, and Mamba represents Kobe.

Vanessa spends a lot of money to repair the luxury car to show loyalty! Single for 2 years and didn't want anything to change

Behind this move, in fact, Vanessa's infinite thoughts about Kobe. It's been more than two years since the "boss" died. Vanessa has been living alone these days and has no intention of finding a stepfather for her daughter. Vanessa has adapted to her new life with three daughters. Now she's been single for a long time and doesn't seem to want to change.

Vanessa spends a lot of money to repair the luxury car to show loyalty! Single for 2 years and didn't want anything to change

Now Plymouth cars are officially on the road. The exterior and interior of the body have been greatly improved, and the car's engine and some infrastructure have been restored. Vanessa responds this way to a lot of single men who pursue her. She can't forget Kobe, so she doesn't need their pursuit and love. I hope vanessa will continue to live happily in the next time, and I hope that she and her daughters can have a happier life.