
Set up cards, stickers, quarantines? The industry appeal: open up the blockage point and let the truck move

author:Wook Commercial Vehicle Release Number

The spring of 2022 is not ordinary, especially since March, there have been many epidemics in many provinces and cities in China, truck drivers have been diagnosed with many cases, and individual logistics parks have been helplessly closed.

Due to the characteristics of the logistics industry with large liquidity, the difficulty of epidemic prevention and control has increased, and many provinces and cities have increased their control efforts out of the needs of the overall situation of prevention and control, and some have simply implemented "one-size-fits-all". Set up bayonets on the highway, put seals on trucks, and isolate drivers with stars on the itinerary, in short, the layers of chaos continue to increase, resulting in freight vehicles slowing down, transportation speed down, the survival status of various entities in the logistics industry is worrying, and material support is greatly affected.

Recently, the Commercial Vehicle Channel of the First Logistics Network and the Taoke Commercial Vehicle Network learned that due to the impact of epidemic control in Jilin and Shanghai provinces and cities, many regional special logistics enterprises and individual drivers frequently encounter travel difficulties. Everyone has called on relevant departments such as transportation, while combining the epidemic prevention and control situation, to give logistics people greater right of passage and let logistics move.

It is true that the network transmission has set up cards, stickers, isolation, etc

Under the joint fight against the epidemic, the necessary control and isolation measures are beneficial to the country and the people. However, logistics and distribution is an important area to ensure people's livelihood, and it should be given a special office. The reporter learned that the phenomenon of setting up cards on the Internet, attaching seals to trucks, and isolating the itinerary card with stars does exist, but drivers are very easy to encounter this situation.

As we all know, road transport, especially long-distance transport, has a large span of travel, and it is inevitable to pass through medium and high-risk areas. According to the understanding of some places, logistics drivers have walked more places, and the risk of infection is greater than that of the general population, so persuasion to return, no passage, staying in high-speed service areas, and isolation on the car have naturally become the norm in the current freight industry.

Set up cards, stickers, quarantines? The industry appeal: open up the blockage point and let the truck move

Image source: Network

The driver was very helpless about this. Liu Jianwei, general manager of Beijing Jinye Anshuntong Cargo Transport Co., Ltd., introduced, "The company's transportation route is from Beijing to Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, the park is disinfected every day, and the driver also does nucleic acid every day, but the driver is stranded and isolated as soon as he goes out, and now the driver does not dare to run the transport." ”

Zhao Chunbo, chairman of Harbin Bintuo Logistics Co., Ltd., also said, "Now we have several drivers who have been stuck on the highway for a week, and some cars to the areas where the epidemic is controlled have been blocked, and drivers are not allowed to get off, and once the itinerary code is pulled away and isolated." ”

Sticking strips on trucks and making drivers stand still, in addition to bringing inconvenience to drivers, also increases the overall operating costs of enterprises and industries, so under the premise of epidemic prevention and control, this phenomenon must be improved in time.

The survival of logistics companies is really difficult

The logistics industry is not only the car is blocked, the driver is isolated, the industrial chain is often caught in a "dead cycle" for this reason. "Sometimes when the goods are mainly delivered, the logistics enterprises are controlled by the epidemic; the logistics enterprises are unsealed, and the cargo owners are controlled; the logistics enterprises and the cargo owners are unsealed, and the logistics front-line personnel are controlled." Zhao Chunbo said.

Set up cards, stickers, quarantines? The industry appeal: open up the blockage point and let the truck move

He also said, "Our company's transportation route is Harbin to East China, South China and other regions, due to the epidemic control, like Suzhou, Hangzhou and other places to stop work and production, many cars return to the return trip without goods." ”

Liu Jianwei also has the same feeling, "Now there are more drivers diagnosed in various regions, so drivers have certain worries in their hearts, coupled with the difficulty of entering the city in Beijing, the cargo waybills signed many years ago have now been suspended, and at present, only more than 10% of the vehicles are operating outside." ”

Not only that, but these logistics companies have also faced pressure on rising oil prices recently. Speaking of this matter, Zhao Chunbo looked sad, "At present, diesel fuel is 8.34 yuan / liter, high-speed fee is about 2 yuan / kilometer, fuel consumption is calculated according to 30 liters / 100 kilometers, the minimum cost per kilometer is 4.5 yuan, which does not include labor costs, vehicle depreciation and insurance costs." Once the driver is isolated for more than half a month can not run transportation, in addition to the company to bear all the costs of the driver's quarantine period, but also according to the basic salary for the driver to protect their daily life, so since November last year, the entire company has begun to 'eat the old', in the long run, I am afraid that the company will not be able to hold on. ”

It can be seen that in the case of soaring oil prices and repeated epidemics, the already sluggish logistics market is now more difficult, and even some logistics companies have reached a critical moment of life and death.

Relevant departments make policy overall deployment

In order to solve the pressure and dilemma faced by logistics enterprises and truck drivers in the prevention and control of the epidemic, and to let the cars on the road run, the relevant departments have been working hard.

A few days ago, the Comprehensive Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council issued the "Emergency Notice on Coordinating the Prevention and Control of the Epidemic and the Transportation guarantee of Key Materials for Road Freight Transport", which requires that while strictly preventing the spread of the epidemic through the road transport link, we should make every effort to do a good job in the transport guarantee of various materials. Moreover, in combination with their own epidemic prevention and control needs, various localities have also successively formulated and introduced the "Pass" management system and handling procedures to ensure the normal production and living order of the masses. At the same time, on April 7, the Ministry of Transport held a meeting on the logistics support coordination work mechanism, and multiple departments made relevant arrangements for the current blockages and breakpoints in transportation and distribution, which made people in the industry see hope and called for the policy to be implemented as soon as possible.

Set up cards, stickers, quarantines? The industry appeal: open up the blockage point and let the truck move

Image source: Network

To this end, Zhao Chunbo said, "There are many relevant epidemic prevention policies in various places, but it is difficult to implement them on the front line. I suggest that the relevant departments can take the lead in organizing big data enterprises to establish a 'transport vehicle epidemic area inspection' system based on the dynamic data of trucks, so as to achieve accurate verification of truck information and quickly release vehicles that only pass through the high-speed and do not stay in the epidemic area. Secondly, the nucleic acid testing service will be moved forward, and the testing service will be provided for drivers in logistics parks and service stations to improve the efficiency of driver traffic. Finally, refine and classify and accurately implement truck traffic control measures, and cannot engage in policy layer by layer and one-size-fits-all. He believes that with the continuous improvement of national policies and the strict implementation of local cities, logistics will soon run.

A smooth three-level distribution system should be established

After the main road at the road transport level is opened, how to make regional logistics operate efficiently? Nowadays, in Shanghai, Jilin and other areas where the epidemic is more serious, how to lay out logistics more efficiently? Industry experts also give advice.

Zhao Chengfeng, president of the Zhejiang Warehousing Industry Association, proposed, "At present, the most important thing is to strengthen the overall scheduling of various localities, consolidate the responsibilities of local entities, and make special affairs to ensure the effective implementation of various measures, ensure the effective solution of problems, and effectively ensure the smooth flow of freight logistics and the safety and stability of the industrial chain supply chain." The establishment of a three-level distribution system such as a first-level transshipment center around the city, a secondary transshipment center in a logistics park, and a tertiary transfer center for urban distribution, and the integration of the entire logistics industry, is an effective way to reduce the entry of personnel and ensure the smooth flow of logistics under the current epidemic. ”

In addition to improving the logistics system, it is naturally more important to make the smooth transmission and communication of information such as drivers, logistics enterprises, and epidemic prevention and control. In this regard, the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing gives full play to the functions of the association organization, one is to reflect the demands and win policy support. The second is to assist members to ensure smooth supply. The third is to open up channels to release common information. The fourth is to pay attention to the grassroots and issue care initiatives. The fifth is to strengthen the publicity and dissemination of positive energy in the industry, and compiled the "Summary of the Latest Policies for the Prevention and Control of Truck Traffic in Various Places", which was released daily through the official website, WeChat public account, Weibo and other channels in March, so that more enterprises and individual drivers can get more substantive help.

Of course, not only the logistics industry pays attention to the solution of the "blockage" problem, but also the freight vehicle companies have joined hands with logistics companies and dealers to actively reflect the problem, find ways to solve the problem, and provide a series of support services. The logistics industry media and commercial vehicle media have also spoken out for this.

Nowadays, in the special period when the epidemic is still in a multi-faceted and wide-ranging period, the "retrograde" move of truck drivers has ensured the supply of energy materials and production and living materials. Therefore, when strictly preventing the spread of the epidemic through the road, all localities should fully take into account the difficulties of truck drivers and make the epidemic prevention measures more warm and powerful. At the same time, the relevant management departments should also continue to actively adjust policies and measures for the development of the logistics industry, so that logistics can "run" and serve the people's livelihood more efficiently.