
"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

author:Yu Ge said entertainment

Eason Chan's "Lone Brave" is on fire.

Love you alone in the dark alley

Love the way you don't kneel

Love you confronted despair

Won't cry

Not only dominate the major music charts on the screen, but also click on a video is also background music.

The number of plays is as high as 200 million.

When Uncle Shan first heard this song, he only felt that the melody was surging with blood and Eason Chan's top singing skills.

After countless nights of looping, Uncle Shan finally understood the lyrics.

The words strike people's hearts and tell the epitome of everyone in this era.


Even in the dark, he still struggled alone

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

Everyone knows Eason Chan, who sang "The LoneLy Warrior", but few people know the lyricist Tang Tian.

She is a lone brave, and her experience has injected soul into this song.

Ten years ago, Tang Tian sent out such a message on Weibo,

"Chinese New Year's Eve, I was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer.

I wrote a lot of wishes, the most important one: I want to live through my parents. ”

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

She underwent 2 chemotherapy treatments, 33 radiation therapy sessions, 8 targeted therapies, and lost her sense of taste and smell.

In the process of fighting cancer, she has always had a wish buried in her heart:

One day, idol Eason Chan sang a song she composed.

Her parents took her dream and stood on the stage of the "China Dream Show".

With the help of the program team, Eason Chan was successfully connected and an agreement was made.

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

During the treatment process, Tang Tian never had a decadent mood in his Weibo.

She was not overwhelmed by the weakness of the disease, on the contrary, she was trying to tame the beast of "cancer".

Fortunately, after 9 years of fighting cancer, her condition gradually stabilized.

Later, the lyrics she composed were more open-minded and loving about life.

In the theme song of "The World of Man", which countless people have heard crying, Tang Tian wrote:

"There are as many ways of living as there is bitterness;

No matter how much it changes, the sun will rise and set. ”

Not only Tang Tian, on the road of fighting cancer, there are more people who are bravely working hard alone.

Just last month, a hot search made everyone heartbroken.

Suzhman, a 28-year-old dancer, was killed by cancer.

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

In order not to worry her parents, she shaved her head behind her family's back.

In her videos, she is more enthusiastic about life and presents a positive and optimistic side.

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

Unbeknownst to her, she often has trouble sleeping all day because of pain.

She changed the signature of her self-introduction to read: A cancer-fighting girl who collapses while being strong.

What Romain Rolland said:

"There is only one kind of heroism in the world,

It is to recognize the truth of life and still love life. ”


Even in the dark, you still have the courage to move forward

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

"Lone Brave" is the heroic dream that Tang Tian wrote to himself.

It is also a celebration of countless heroes outside the spotlight.

Although some people do not stand in the light, they still carry the weight of the lights of the house.

The epidemic has been repeated, and all the medical staff who have been on the front line are all the medical staff.

Some people died of infection, some went to the front line, and some people continued to stick to their posts.

When they were tired, they slept in cardboard boxes, and even slept on the floor.

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

And the so-called angels in white are still just a group of children.

Song Yingjie, who is 28 years old and is in his youth, has continued to struggle in the anti-epidemic war for 10 days.

Due to overwork, he eventually died.

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

At the same time, for the sake of peace and tranquility of the country, there are people who carry out dangerous missions.

Traffic police Li Yong has been a police officer for 16 years, and he has always insisted on being on the front line of work, only for the safety of the masses.

During a daily inspection, in order to rescue a suspected drunk driver, he unfortunately fell off the bridge and died.

Serving the people and contributing to society is his life creed all along.

After Li Yong's sacrifice, netizens left messages under his Weibo:

"Pay tribute to the heroes on the road and protect the people until the last moment of life."

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

Today, Li Yong's daughter has also entered the police camp and stepped into her father's footsteps.

In fact, every time a policeman is sacrificed, there is one more unsung hero in the world.

In life, everyone is busy and gasping.

However, there is still such a group of people in every city,

No matter the wind or rain, the cold and heat, you can see them every morning.

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

At 3 a.m. every day, Wang Xueqin packed up and prepared to go out.

Day after day, as a sanitation worker, her hands were already wrinkled, extraordinarily red and swollen, and even began to deform.

In fact, there are no years that are quiet, but someone carries the weight for us.

Kissinger wrote in On China:

China has always been well protected by their bravest people.

There are always people who sacrifice themselves and dedicate themselves to the greatness with the ordinary.


Even if it is obscure, it is still desperate to live

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

Tang Tian said that her "Lone Brave" is written for every ordinary person who walks alone at night.

Therefore, every word is an ordinary "we" in life.

Even if it is small and ordinary, it is still struggling.

In Luzhou, Sichuan Province, a young mother put her baby down and turned herself to step onto the bridge parapet.

This scene happened to be seen by the passing takeaway brother through the rearview mirror.

He ignored the overtime deduction and immediately stopped and rushed to save people.

Successfully rescued the woman safely, and when the police arrived, they left silently.

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

Although the world is bitter, there are still people who will fight for you.

In Huai'an, a couple holding a toddler with a sudden illness stopped a taxi.

In order not to delay the rescue time, after the driver filed with the traffic police, he ran 6 red lights in a row and was sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

After arriving at the hospital, when the parents pay for the car.

The driver only said: "The money is gone, hurry up and save the child." ”

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

They are unknown, but they are also the peace heroes of this era.

Dawn, 29, lost her right leg in a car accident.

Although I have complained and had low self-esteem, I have always tried to live a strong life.

He was on crutches while moving cement on the construction site.

Despite the difficulty of walking, he persevered and never succumbed to fate.

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

Admittedly, he carried not only cement, but also the burden of life.

As Maupassant wrote in His Life:

Life can't be as good as you think, but it can't be as bad as you think.

Sometimes, we may be tired to tears because of the exhaustion of life,

But when I looked back, I found that I had gritted my teeth and walked a long way.

There are too many heroes in life, and it is not enough to say three words.

Indeed, whoever says that standing in the light is a hero.


In the present days, it takes effort just to survive.

In these tough times, all we can do is not give up.

I like a sentence written by Lu Yao:

"In fact, each of our lives is a world,

Even the most ordinary man has to fight for the world in which he lives. ”

Just like Uncle Shan two days ago, he brushed such a video on the Internet.

A group of elementary school students, watching the TV in the classroom, sang "The Lone Brave" in unison.

"Don't pretend, Eason Chan!" : Your tweets have stung 200 million people

Not only are the singers competing to cover the songs, but now the song is also popular in the campus classroom.

Admittedly, it is not a children's song, but it is popular among all ages.

In Uncle Shan's view, because as children, they really believe:

Even if you are not in the light, you can become a hero yourself.

Light up the "like", forward it together, when you understand the song, you are also a "lone brave", the hero does not necessarily stand in the light.

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