
Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

author:Khan Qing Shiwen

"The Shawshank Redemption" has been a movie since it was released in 1994. Some people say that it is a haven encountered in the dark life, and some people comment that it is a classic that never falls in the healing movie. Its existence has influenced a generation, and its spirit has redeemed a generation.

If you re-read this classic, you will find that the great wisdom of life lies in endless learning and reading, because the comfort of the soul is the only salvation for living in suffering.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

Accept the arrangement of fate

Before the protagonist Andy's fate changed, he was a vice president of the Polant Bank, with a decent job, a happy family, and a successful person in the eyes of others.

However, the sudden misfortune breaks everything, and Andy turns into a heinous wife killer and is imprisoned in Shawshank Prison.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

The original radiant life became an abyss because of this frame-up, and Andy was forced to live in a violent, chaotic, and dark prison.

A person's life suddenly falls into a desperate situation, and there will definitely be fear and panic in the heart.

On the first night of Andy's stay in prison, he witnessed a new person being beaten to death with a baton by the prison guards for shouting in panic.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

At this point, Andy understands that he can only remain silent to avoid the ruthless stick. He began to accept the arrangement of fate and recognize reality.

In the face of the insults and humiliation of the prison guards, the daily difficult meals, and the frequent provocative inmates, Andy can accept it without a word and calmly and silently.

Andy lives like an outlier in Shawshenkri, and everyone thinks he's just a cool rookie, but no one understands that Andy's heart has never given up hope for a new life.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

As the book says,

Spiritual sustenance can be hobbies, and the only thing that makes Andy feel interesting in a humble prison is a pickaxe that Red gives him, which he uses to carve on the wall and pass the time.

But what Andy did not expect was that this pickaxe was the key to his future free life.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

One day, Andy was bored carving words on the wall, and the accidental drop of the wall fragments made him realize that he might have escaped.

Shawshank Prison was built in the 1930s, and decades of wind and rain have already eroded the concrete on the wall, and a small piece can fall with a single buckle.

Andy, a poet and scholar, not only has professional financial knowledge, but also is a lover of architecture and geology, and he has decided to dig a tunnel through the outside world in prison with his knowledge reserve.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

Whenever it was late at night, Andy relied on a pickaxe to dig tunnels, and he used his trouser legs to transport dirt to the playground during the day, all unconsciously.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

A person's performance in a desperate situation is often the embodiment of his cultivation quality, but the cultivation quality of people comes from the level of being taught.

Andy lives in prison day after day, and the prison in the eyes of others is an unbreakable cage, and for him it is a self-redemption work.

He used his time working on the playground every day to observe the prison surroundings.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

Use knowledge to earn respect

The book mentions two times that Andy used what he had learned to earn respect in prison.

The first time, it was Andy who heard hadhed the prison guard Hadley say that he had received a large inheritance from his brother, but had to pay a small amount of tax, and Hadley was extremely distressed and complained.

Andy thinks about it and decides to risk his life to tell Hadley that he can use gift-giving methods to avoid taxes. Because the law stipulates that everyone can give their spouse a gift once in their lifetime, up to 60,000 yuan, and do not have to pay a single tax.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

Hadley was pleasantly surprised to hear this, and when he learned the identity of the president of Andy Bank, he let down his guard against him.

It was the first time Andy had used his expertise to earn himself respect and three bottles of beer for his fellow inmates. When they sit on the roof soaking up the sun and drinking beer, they can briefly experience the joy of life.

At this time, Andy was happy and happy in prison for the first time, but he did not satisfy this small achievement, because he knew that it was still far from the ultimate goal.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

The second time Andy used his knowledge was when norton, the warden, made a surprise round.

The passage and passage that Andy dug was hidden behind a poster, and when the warden walked to his cell, he immediately picked up the Bible and pretended to read it, and it also hid the pickaxe used to dig the passage.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

Norton took the Bible and asked him, "What is your favorite sentence in the book?" ”

Andy thought about it and said

Unsurprisingly, Norton was so flattered by Andy's words that he didn't expect the young man in front of him to really read the Bible, and while Norton showed appreciation, he said to Andy, "I prefer this sentence to that sentence."

Andy understood, "This is Joseph 8:12."

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

Norton nodded satisfactorily and returned the Bible in his hand to Andy.

Andy did not expect that the well-read Bible actually helped him to turn the danger into a disaster, if he was a big-character man, he might not be able to survive this disaster smoothly, Andy was very grateful that he had a good habit of loving reading.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

Escape day

Andy uses his knowledge to make himself convenient and respectful in prison.

The guards, knowing Andy's talents, ask him to go to the library to help with financial and tax avoidance, and Andy uses the opportunity to wander through the ocean of books.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

In order to let Andy launder black money, the warden specially transferred him from the laundry room to the library, and Andy no longer had to do dirty and tired physical work like a coolie all day.

He already had an indispensable place in prison, able to live in prison like a decent man.

Andy, who works in the library, insisted on writing weekly letters to the state government, hoping that the government would allocate funds to buy new books for Shawshank Prison. The habit persisted for six years, and the state government, impressed by Andy's perseverance, decided to allocate $800 a year to add books to Shawshank Prison.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

Because of Andy's actions, the Shawshank Prison Library became the largest library in the state, involving suitable books, all of which Andy managed to buy.

Andy relies on these books to reconnect with the outside world, and he tirelessly reads and studies every day in order not to derail with society after going out.

Andy, who had been in prison for 19 years, finally dug the tunnel.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

On a deadly night, Andy crawls out of the prison through a tunnel he has dug. The moment he emerged from the tunnel, the wind and rain in the night sky just washed away the mud on his body, symbolizing his new life and freedom.

Andy, who escaped from the day, uses his new identity created to launder money for Norton, leaves the United States and starts a new life in a place that no one knows.

He also transferred Norton's $370,000 for future living expenses.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives

During his 19 years in prison, Andy had already planned his future, and if he didn't have professional knowledge and excellent vision, it would have been impossible to make it all seamless and flawless.


There is a saying that goes, "A good life benefits from the truth in the book."

Therefore, no one's book will be read in vain, it will always support you in your difficult times, and become your invincible force.

Reading "The Shawshank Redemption" again, I understand why people read so many books in their lives